The left is lying to scare our veterans. Do they really think Trump is going to take healthcare away from our veterans? We can't unify on wanting to fix the VA? One symptom of TDS is a hatred of unity. We need to focus on the most important thing to unify around.
Welcome to Politics by Faith. Nice to be here. Something's, uh, my mind a little angry right now. I just saw this article in the San Diego newspaper. Its purpose is to scare veterans. The headline is, I didn't think it would be this bad.
San Diego veterans worry that VA cuts will hurt their care. And it's a whole article about the 80,000 people at the VA who Trump, the Trump administration plans to fire. Now nowhere in the article does it give proper context that if we cut 80,000 people from the VA that leaves us with 400,000 VA employees which is the same amount of employees that the VA had in 2019. So we have to go way back to 2019 to get the same number of jobs. But of course it also assumes that more people in the VA means better care. And there's nothing in this article that
talks about what those 80,000 people do at the VA. Because the point here isn't to inform or enlighten, it is to scare. And it's to scare our veterans. And I think it's shameful and it's it's sick. Let me go ahead it starts off with this guy who has a traumatic brain injury. And let me quote this guy now. The article now, Concord and other veterans in San Diego are worried about how their benefits could be impacted by the staffing scale back and how far
the cuts will go for some. The agency has already targeted specific cuts to health care. Oh, no, specific cuts to VA health care. That's terrible. Announcing last week that it will no longer provide gender-affirming care to transgender veterans. Quote, I didn't think it would be this bad. I
didn't think Trump would brutalize the government like he is. These efforts have surpassed my darkest images. What a bunch of, what just such shameful, shameful work local paper. TDS will cause people to do terrible things. Let's just look at it logically. Do you really think that Trump the populist who got 65% of the veterans vote in the last election, I'm surprised it was only 65%, 65% okay. Do you think that guy right out of the gate, Donald Trump. Do you think he's gonna go out and hurt our veterans?
It's a top priority for Trump. So you go out and take away their care, take away their benefits, take away their treatment. You think that's Donald Trump's goal? Really, lefties? Like, that's what you think?
That's the attack you're going to Donald Trump hates our veterans? We don't have time to go into it in this show, but did you see what happened this weekend at the NCAA Wrestling Championships? It was incredible. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen in my life.
We have the heavyweight battle, the Olympic champion who wrestles for Minnesota. Olympic champion, he won the gold medal. He's from Minnesota, Apple Valley, Minnesota. You don't think you can out America the Olympic champion, Olympic gold medals. But then there's this guy from Kansas, wrestles for Oklahoma State, who's a second lieutenant in the Air Force went to the Air Force Academy and is doing his fifth year at Oklahoma State?
and it was this ridiculous upset victory in the final seconds, and he gets up and he has an American flag and Salutes his commander-in-chief standing right there And then goes over and gives him a big hug and the president says I'm so proud of you What in the world is happening here the only thing it like there's somebody that's like ridiculous images from the Trump administration and just like last seven weeks like last week a pod a capsule a capsule from space with
Abandoned stranded astronauts on it landed in the Gulf of America only to be greeted by a pod of dolphins What? What's happening? What's going on? Anyway back to the back to Trump at the wrestling championships. You think that guy? You think that Donald Trump guy is going to cut care for our veterans? Really? Come on, of course not. Stop being ridiculous activists. Trump of course only wants to improve health care for our veterans. So I'm just angry at that sick attempt to make veterans scared.
There's no need for that. A real journalist would ask questions. Is it true that Donald Trump will hurt health care? They just ask a bunch of question marks in their article. They don't actually report on anything true. They don't actually report on news. They don't actually report on anything, just fear. Those 80,000 that Trump wants to cut,
who are they? What do they do? What kind of jobs? What means is the administration taking to improve health care? The money that's saved through greater VA efficiency, how will that be used to actually increase the number of benefits and the amount of benefits for our veterans. For example, DOGE told us that the VA had a $56,000 contract to water eight plants for five years. That's $1,400 a plant per year. DOGE says the contract has been canceled and DOGE will water the plants free of charge. Okay, it's $56,000 a year. Where's that money going now?
Where will it go instead? I should say. That'd be a nice article. That'd be interesting. It wouldn't be fear-mongering. So they're not interested in it.
Anyway, I just got very angry at that. I want to get to a place in our country, and I think the only way to do it is to keep winning, honestly. Make it so obvious that you just can't deny it. But I want to get to a place of unity. But we can't even have unity on taking care of our veterans.
On the fact that obviously Trump and Doug Collins, head of the VA, want to do that. No, no unity on anything. Nothing. What a shame. I want to give a shout out to my church. I've been a member of this church for about a year.
The church has been around for a long time, coming up in 100 years. 1927 is when they were founded, coming up on a 100-year anniversary. Four people got baptized this Sunday. Isn't that wonderful? Four people. Our church is a diverse church in every way that a group of people can be diverse. It has mostly been a white congregation, black preacher, but lots of different skin colors in the pews. Something I found of great value when we first visited is all the different age ranges.
I sit next to a wonderful couple. They're about to celebrate next year their 75th wedding anniversary. 75 years. They've been married for 75 years. Lots of older people, all the way down to babies. I'm holding my two-year-old during church sitting right next to the 92 year old at every age in between. Diverse with money.
Some people have a lot of it, some people don't have as much. A lot of different cars in the parking lot. So all the different metrics that you can use and look at that show diversity, we have it. None of it matters. The only thing that matters is what we're united in. Jesus is Lord. And four more people said that on Sunday. And I get teared up every time someone gets baptized. I don't get teared up, I cry. I cry every time. Teared up is like a little thing. I cry. First of all, I think
of my kids getting baptized one day because that's all that matters in life. So I have visions of that. But I think what moves me is the unity of it. I think that's, I mean there's a couple things going on surely, but I think it's like that like me and this person, maybe we have very little less in common on the surface, but we have the most important thing in common. And we're both going to heaven now. The sermon was about Ephesians 1 and this one line in Ephesians says, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Christ Jesus to himself. Adoption. You know, every Monday on my 66M show we do a gratitude Monday. People call
them what they're grateful for. It's always great. And someone called me today and said he was grateful that he was adopted. How about that? You gotta be kidding me. What are the chances? Just talked about adoption in church on Sunday, and then you call it a Monday, grateful you're adopted. He was born in Canada, but adopted here in America. If you're a Christian, you're adopted. There's no biological connection. If you're adopted to a family, you have no biological connection to them. You have no right to anything they have or own. There's no natural connection.
And same thing with God. We were enemies to Him. Colossians 1, and you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds. In Romans, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. He was our enemy. But still, we have been adopted in Jesus and now you are a child of God and everything
that means here's a commentary from from Barclay in Roman law when the adoption was complete it was complete indeed the person who had been adopted had all the rights of a legitimate son in his new family and completely lost all rights in his old family in the eyes of the law he was a new person. So new was he that even all debts and obligations connected with his previous family were abolished as if they had never existed. That's unity.
And it's a beautiful thing. Brings me to tears. A lot more unity in our country. Unity on things like, hey, let's make the VA better. Let's make the VA more efficient. Of all the things, can we make the VA more efficient? Can we all agree on this? Can we have unity on this? Can we not be ridiculous? Can
we not have these scare tactics about the VA? Can we all get on board with this? That's good unity. But my biggest prayer, the most important, is unity on what matters, the absolute most. The absolute Lord. Jesus is Lord. Mike Slater, dot, Locals, dot com. Transcript, commercial free on the website, Mike Slater, dot, Locals, dot com.