JD Vance spoke at CPAC and articulated 5 profound truths that I've rarely, if ever, heard anyone say publically.
Welcome to Politics by Faith. Thank you for being here. I'm going to be honest. I just recorded this podcast and I'm editing it and I don't know where the music is. I don't know where the intro music is. I can't find it.
I can't find it anywhere on my computer. I've tried for 10 minutes and I'm going nuts. So we're doing no intro music on today's podcast. It's also my son's fifth birthday, so I'm done. I can't look anymore. So I'm leaving.
No intro music. Enjoy the show. No outro music either. So it's just going to end very abruptly. Apologies. I'll look forward to this weekend. I want to play this clip of JD Vance at CPAC yesterday. And I want to break down all the wonderful things. It's just two minutes, but there's a handful
of really deep and profound themes that I want to touch on. So this isn't quite the gospel message. I think I said that on the radio and I was mistaken a bit. It's not quite the gospel message. The gospel message has to include that you are a sinner who needs to be saved. All people have sinned and are separated from God and the penalty for sin is death. You need to be saved.
But good news, that's the bad news, you're a sinner. But the good news is that Jesus is the path to salvation. Believe in him, believe he's the son of God, make him Lord of your life. That's the good news. Then you get baptized. That's the gospel message.
J.D. didn't quite say that, but that's okay. I'm sure he would if he gave him the opportunity. This is the closest though I've ever heard a vice president or president ever talk. I've never heard Mike Pence talk about it. It is wonderful to have a vice president who has a Christian worldview. Now he's not gonna save us, he's not, right, JD's our Savior and the government's not going to be, it
never should be, but it still should be encouraging nonetheless. Here is what he said, I'll play the whole thing and then we'll break down the main points.
First is, I believe, like the fundamental tenet of the Christian faith, it's not just a set of good moral principles, though it is that. I think the fundamental tenet of our faith is that the Son of God became man, He died, and He raised Himself from the dead. That is the fundamental tenet of the Christian faith, and I think so much flows from that. I think one lesson that flows from that is that we shouldn't fear death.
Of course, death is a very bad thing, but there are much more terrible things than just losing one's life, and importantly, you could lose one's soul. And I think whether it's fighting for the unborn or fighting for peace and security for our citizens, I want us to be the kind of society where my kids can grow up to be virtuous young people can be good young Christians, of course, because that's what I'm Trying to raise them to be and that's what our public policy is trying to do Creating the space where moms and dads can raise their children in their faith to become good
Young people who believe the things that I do That is what I'm trying to create is the space for you Of course to raise your children as you see fit, but the space for me to raise my kids to be the kind of young people that I think they ought to be. And the other thing that I take from it, Mercedes,
is if you look at the long history of the Christian faith, we've been around for about 2,000 years now, give or take a few years, and there have been really dark times in the history of the Christian faith, there have been really good times
in the history of the Christian faith. And I just try to remind myself that we put our faith in God above. We put our faith in the grace of God and we try the best to do his will and we don't worry so much about whether we're going to have earthly rewards. We worry about whether we're doing right by God almighty
above. That's what I try to do and that's how I try to run my life in public.
So really nice, right? So let's break some of these truths down that he spoke of. First thing, the acknowledgement that Christianity is not about being nice. That's not the point. We've had this belief these last few decades of what's called moral therapeutic deism, where God is your cosmic butler and all you have to do is just be nice and a better person than that guy
over there and don't ever have any conviction about anything because then you're judging and you're not allowed to judge you can't stand for anything ever similar to the Rick Warren thing that we talked about the other day like be in the middle Jesus was in the middle he was in the cross it's in the middle so you need to be in the middle cuz you don't offend anyone ever and most Christians unfortunately fall into that category have been tricked to fall into
that category. And therefore, most people who aren't Christian have created this pseudo religion where God sort of exists and I'm going to be nice to, or nicer at least than most people, but God, yeah, whatever, he's around. I can call on him when I need something, like a butler, but as long as I'm better than that other guy, then my conscience can be clean and that's all good enough.
And JD rejects that. He's like, no, that's not what Christianity is about. And by the way, the church needs to do a better job of speaking out against that lie as well. Second thing JD said is we shouldn't fear death. That's amazing.
It's amazing to hear a vice president speak like that. Again, pastors should be speaking this stuff too. One of the greatest lessons, or most regrettable lessons I suppose, from COVID was how much people are terrified of death. You should not fear death if you're a Christian. It was so obvious that most people are not Christian.
And they just fear death more than anything. They were willing to give up anything in the whole world. They were willing to give their whole life so as to not die. Paul wrote in Philippians 1 23, for to me, to live is Christ, to die is gain, but if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit for my labor. Yet what I shall choose I cannot tell.
Do I want to live or die? I don't know what's better. I'm hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. I love that. It's far better for me to go and be with Jesus. Nevertheless, to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.
And being confident of this, I know that I shall remain and continue with you for all your progress and joy of faith." He's like, okay, I'm here for now. That's great. I need to be. That's where God wants me to be. But he's like, I'd way better, I'd way rather die. Because when you die, you're with God forever.
That's the, all is well, it is well with my soul. But Lord, tis for you, for your coming we wait, the sky, not the grave is our goal. And Lord haste the day, when the faith shall be sight. I love that. Haste the day when faith shall be sight.
Hurry up. The clouds be rolled back as a scroll. The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend. A song in the night, O my soul. Charles Spurgeon said, When men fear death, it is a very weak and sickly condition. By the way, when Paul talked about his desire, he's saying, I'm hard-pressed between the
two. I have a desire to depart and be with Christ. That Greek word there has force to it. It's not like, oh, you know, I kind of, I want some ice cream. He is longing. longing, he so badly wants to be with Jesus.
And we're just the opposite in our culture today. We so badly don't ever want anything bad to happen ever in any way. So for JD Vance to talk about how we fear death too much, wonderful, he talked about the soul, are you kidding me? When I first went over to SiriusXM Patriot,
I did a lot of segments on the soul. And got a couple emails from people who were like, enough already. Mostly people would call in and say, Slater, I was really, like, I was in the enough already category,
but now I get it, now I see it. And it's like, oh, that's really encouraging, thank you. Thanks for sticking around. I don't know, maybe a lot of people turned off and never came around, I don't care. Because no one in culture ever talks about the
soul, ever, never comes up, no one ever mentions the soul, ever. To hear Vice President talk about it was great, but to have anyone talk about it in public is great. I'll never forget, I talked to one of the most famous psychologists in the whole world and I asked him a question about how something affects the soul. It was either we don't acknowledge or we don't study the soul. Psychology literally means study of the soul.
And here's one of the most famous psychologists in the world saying, Oh, no, no, that doesn't exist. Whoa. JD Vance in his Munich speech, next time I talk to him, or first time I talk to him,
next time, with J.D. and I, when we talk to him, if I ever talk to J.D., I'm gonna ask him about that line. He said, we are not cogs in an international machine, like interchangeable cogs,
and he also said, we're not educated animals. Who put that in there? But it's the same idea. We're not animals. We are people endowed by our creator with inalienable rights.
We are souls. There's a lot of people who maybe at best think that we are a body or a person who has a soul. Like maybe that's that's like something that some people will think. But we're not even that. We are a soul that has a body for now. Even that's just temporary. It's your soul that matters. And one of the effects and I would argue one of the reasons why the
left has removed the existence of the soul from all consciousness and all discussion in our culture is because it is the soul that loves. Your body doesn't love, your soul loves. It is the soul that recognizes beauty and virtue and goodness. So if the left or atheist, Satan, Marxist, whatever, I'll say Satan, wants to numb you. One great way to do that is to deaden your soul. If he wants to control you, if he can just numb your soul,
then that's the point. Like I love my wife, I don't love her foot. And it's not my foot that loves her, right, you know, it's soul, it's our souls. I love her soul. It's my soul that loves her soul.
So if they can remove this from our consciousness, you can see how easy it is to manipulate and control us in every way. If you, someone cuts off your arm, you're still a person. And if you went blind, you're still a person. It's losing your soul that matters more than anything. And this is why the Bible talks about this.
Matthew 16, 26 says, for what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? What shall a man give in return for his soul? Matthew 10, 28, do not fear those who kill the body. This verse is so good.
Do not fear those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Proverbs 4, 23 says, keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flows the springs of life. The Hebrew word there for heart also can mean soul.
It is the spring of your life. And we have so neglected it in our culture. And we see the fruit of that everywhere. Meaning we don't see any fruit, but we see the problems. We see the dead branches of depression, anxiety, you name it.
All the social ills, which then can often lead to all these other problems, including addictions and everything else. All that comes from a deadened soul. So that, I think it's one of my jobs on the radio is to talk about the soul all the time, just to put it in the consciousness of life. And then we can start to tend to it.
And JD did the same. Fourth point of JD's, just a little two-minute snippet there, government's role in creating space where people can be free. That's not the end of my sentence though. Where people can be free to be virtuous and to be Christians. To create space where moms and dads can raise children. To be who they ought to be. This is a theme that I discovered about a year ago that freedom is not the end of the story
I always thought freedom was the point That the point of America is that you can live in freedom. That's not it Freedom is not the end of the story freedom is the beginning of the story It's freedom to live as you ought to live when we eliminate that concept then freedom just turns into Sin I have the freedom to sin or the freedom to do these things that are not good. And that's just a form of slavery.
That's not freedom at all. It's a different type of slavery. That may be government enslaving you, but if you're a slave to your sin, you're a slave, just the same or worse. So freedom is just creating space so that you can live as you ought. And our founding fathers knew this deeply.
And we've lost sight of it for a long time. And JD, here he is talking about it. Then he talked about putting God's will first. Are you kidding me? This is all in two minutes. Matthew 6, 33, But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,
and all these things will be added to you. Do God's will, and everything will be provided. Luke 12, 31, Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need. Isn't that great? Someone called in on the radio show today, Jillian in New Hampshire. She said she went last night to her kids open house in public high school.
She said there were I think 16 transgender flags, like 13 pride flags, and two American flags she saw in her visit. It's like, what is going on here? And I asked her what she was going to do about it. And I just, I said, I hope you feel encouraged that you know the truth.
And then the music was playing, I was just going to break,
and I said, I also hope you're encouraged that you know you're in the majority. And then the segment ended. And I said, oh, darn it, I shouldn't have said that rewind quick but you can't there's no rewind so we came back and I said you know what I misspoke there I should have just stopped at you should be encouraged that
you know the truth that's it it doesn't matter if you're in the majority or not I guess it's nice to be but doesn't matter we had a family meeting the other day because Grace slammed a door.
Or no, excuse me.
Excuse me.
A door slammed.
Grace said, Jack did it.
Jack said, Grace did it.
Uh oh. Someone's not telling the truth. Someone's lying here. So we had a family meeting.
Grace finally admitted to it.
Then John came in and said that Jack did it. So it's like, oh, geez. Now I don't know what happened, but it wasn't about the door. I don't even care about the door. Who's lying. Someone's lying.
And we have to be able to trust in this family. So, pulled out Proverbs 12, 22. Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are his delight. You know the truth, and if you speak the truth, it is a delight to God. Isn't that wonderful?
We were talking about different scenarios
where lying can get you in trouble and is bad. First we're just doing practical things, practical stories about where lying is bad and then we made it to the more spiritual important part, but just some practical examples. And I said, you know, Jack,
sometimes there's gonna be times when you lie and it's gonna be really unpopular, but you have to tell the truth. And he said, when? Like, when would that be? I was like, oh, that's tough.
So on the spot, the best I could come up with was, you're playing dodgeball at school and you're the last one in on your team and the other guy throws the ball at you and it just skims your leg and that guy thinks he got you,
your team says no, he didn't, but you know you did get hit, what do you do? And you tell the truth, you got hit,
your team's gonna be upset at you,
but those who deal truthfully are his delight.
Whose delight, your teammates?
No, not at that moment. But his delight, God's delight. So there's a scenario where it's very unpopular and where you're not in the majority, right? It doesn't matter. The majority part doesn't matter. Those who deal truthfully are his delight.
Now, I honestly don't know where we are in our culture at this moment. It's tough for me to gauge exactly. But I do know, I don't know if we're in the majority or minority and I think we're still very much in the minority. We just happen to be winning at the moment, whatever that looks like.
We have a lot of work to do in this country. We have a lot to rebuild, a lot to reconstruct. And I'm thrilled about it. What a delight it is to live in this moment, to raise kids, to be in your community, and to live a life every day where we can live
and promote these truths that JD Vance was just speaking of, but we can all speak it and live it as well. MikeSlater.Locals.com. Slater Radio is my Twitter and my Instagram. MikeSlater.Locals.com is the website. We put this up first on the website and we have a transcript and no commercials.
We put this up first on the website and we have a transcript and no commercials. MikeSlater.Locals.com.