Someone called in arguing Islam has nothing to do with the recent terrorist attack and said Allah and God are the same. They are not. One is the one true God, the other is a false god. If you don't acknowledge this, you're headed down a dangerous path.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Happy Friday. I read Matthew 10 this morning. It says, And do not fear those who kill the body, but who cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. We spent a lot of time this morning, as we always do,
honestly, on my SiriusXM show, but I spent especially a good amount of time this morning on the show about the soul. I want to always be introducing that into the conversation, every political conversation, every cultural conversation that's happening in America.
Everyone else is talking about it, they're not talking about the soul aspect of it, and I think it's the most important aspect of anything. And I said the line that we are not a body with a soul. We're a soul with a body. Most people don't even think we have a soul.
Even those who think we do have a soul, they think it's a part of our body or our body is most important and the soul is a part of it. No, no. We are a soul, everlasting, who happens to have a body at this very moment. But the body dies, the soul lives on. So important to get that right.
We have everything backwards. Everything's backwards in our country, in our culture, in our world. It's a fallen, broken world. Everything's backwards, literally backwards. That's why the motto of my show, my thesis is, perhaps the opposite is true.
It very often is. I have to say perhaps in case something's not exactly the opposite of what is true. Some things are just a little bit off. But some things are straight up opposite. And that's one of them.
People think we're a body that has a soul, but no. And we're very, we spend so much time on our body And it's gonna be healthy, of course, but we've neglected the soul And if we could only see it if we could only see the soul It would be as darkened and black as a lifetime smokers alone But it is God who can destroy both body and soul in hell so you better fear him above all else.
Charles Spurgeon said that man can only wound our inferior part, the body, but they're not able to kill the soul. But if we disobey God, the Supreme Lord of life and death has power even to destroy both parts of our being by casting them both into the death and darkness of hell. We can't worry about anything that may come to our bodies. That's all fleeting, but the souls are eternal. That's where our priority needs to be. So I want to throw that out there. Someone called into the show, this is my main
point of the day, someone called into the show the other day, a gentleman who wanted to make the point that we shouldn't necessarily blame Islam for the terrorist who killed 15 people in New Orleans. Okay, I'll hear it out. I mean an ISIS flag. But okay, ISIS, Islam, perversion of a religion, blah, blah, blah. All the excuses you've heard for 20 years about, it's not really Islam. But he made the point that God and Allah are the same.
To which I said, no, they're not. And he said, yes, they are. And I said, okay, let's just move on so you can make your bigger point. But they're not. But anyway, go ahead. And I said, I'll address it more on the podcast. So here we are. There's two different types of atheists. One says, maybe I guess atheists wouldn't be the correct term. There's two different types of non-believers.
There's the ones who say there's no God. There's no God and there are no gods. And then there's another group that says, they're all the same God. These are the coexist people. This is a coexist person. They're all the same God. Can't we all get along? But Allah and the Christian God, Yahweh, are not the same. So first just a vocabulary lesson. Allah is the Arabic word that means God. And if you are a Christian or a Jew who speaks Arabic, you will say Allah referring to the Christian God. But if you're Muslim, the word Allah is also the proper name
of God. You with me? So an Arabic speaking Christian would say Allah, but they're referring to Yahweh, the one true actual God. But they'll say Allah. But if you're a Muslim speaking Arabic, you'll say Allah and you're referring to Allah. Like Allah, a God who's very different than Yahweh, the one true God. So you say, well, Seder, what do you mean they're not the same? Well, the biggest difference between the two religions, Christianity and Islam, when it comes to God, is the Trinity. In Christianity, it's God, the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
Each person of the Trinity is fully God in every way. God's Son, Jesus, is God. And for God so loved the world, that he gave us one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
So whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. That's John 3.16. It's important to read not just on 316, but also 17 and 18. Muslims believe that Jesus is a prophet, but not the son of God.
Okay, we've got a big problem here, because Yahweh, in the Bible, says Jesus is my son with whom I'm well pleased. The Muslims worship a God that says Jesus is a prophet. Christians worship a God that says Jesus is my son and part of the Trinity. The same God can't be saying two completely different things. Now we can spend a lot of time doing a comparative
religion analysis on Christianity and Islam, and that would be a good use of time. But I just want to focus on this one aspect of this, this one specific question. Is Allah and Yahweh the same? No.
Why is it important to mark this difference. To root out cultural relativism, or in this case it would be like religious relativism, but we've lived through an era of cultural relativism and we see the fruit of that. And we've also lived through an era of religious relativism and we have to stop both of them. We see the cultural relativism everywhere. It's all multiculturalism is our strength.
Diversity is our strength. And we need more of all cultures and all cultures are wonderful except ours ours is terrible, but every other culture is great That's cultural relativism. We've had it for decades now and religious relativism same idea, right? All religions are wonderful They all teach everyone to be better people are our religion terrible in Christianity. They're hard found in our religion America That's a battle, but all the other religions are great
and If you go down this road They're all the same, there's no difference between, oh sure, we may be interpreted different ways, but there's no real distinction, and it's all good, it's all the same, whatever works for you, we all worship the same God, I don't know. One true God. Everything else is a false religion and wrong.
And if you don't believe me, well, Matthew 10, you can work it out in hell. Mike Slater, should we not be ending podcast episodes with, you can work it out in hell? I don't know, that's what it says. It says right here, just right here. Those, do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him.
If you don't, okay, work it out with him there, later. I wish you don't, though. I don't want you to figure out. I want you to be saved. Christians want everyone to be saved. 1 Timothy 2 says, this is good and pleases God our Savior,
who wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Maybe that's a nicer way to end this episode. We should end it here. Mike Slater, dot locals, dot com. Transcript and commercial free. That's what you get on the website.
Transcript, commercial free. Transcript, commercial free. Mike Slater, dot locals, dot com.