Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Culture
Christian, Husband, Dad...Radio/TV host.
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Map of Religion on East Germany

This is the map I keep referencing.

The communists killed God in people's souls. The effects can be seen decades later in East Germany.

I always say that politics is downstream of culture. But here is an example of culture downstream of politics.

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Fox & Friends

We were on Fox & Friends talking about all of the train robberies in CA. It's so bad the train company says they may have to ride right THROUGH Los Angeles entirely and never slow down lol. What a joke this state it.


That link is a bit odd, I've attached a short video to get the gist.

In short, The rich get richer, the poor get the handouts and the middle class gets out of town.

This causes these progressive politicians to get even more entrenched.

We haven't hit rock bottom yet.

Boys to men, girls to women

How do you do it? Advice please!

Dean Abbott,
"Why contemporary relations between the sexes are so messed up. The problem starts with men because men lead, the masculine pursues and initiates, and problems always start at the level of leadership.

Most men aren't taught that a relationship with a woman means accepting responsibility. No one tells us that a woman represents not only pleasure, but obligation.
The fact that having a relationship with a woman means responsibility and obligation never enters many men's minds.

When these men enter into a relationship with a woman, they are overwhelmed by her needs, her feminine communication style, and her emotions.
Moreover, he unconsciously resents her for having needs at all since he has been conditioned to see her solely as a source of pleasure.
When her anger and disappointment over his irresponsibility gets intense enough, he splits in search of another woman.
He mistakenly believes the problem wasn't his attitude nor that it is a ...

Surly this will be kicked off twitter eventually
Morning Motivation, April 21, 2023

I found a way to easily transcribe the podcasts, so I will post them here first before they go out to iTunes and the rest.

Good morning. Welcome to The Morning Motivation, brought to you by Public Square and Patriot Gold Group. I'm grateful you're here. I was reading a sermon by the great Puritan preacher John Owen in the mid-1600s. I'm so fascinated by this time period, 1600s, early 1700s. We focus a lot on our founding fathers. I think that the Tea Party movement and just conservatism in general has focused a lot on the founding fathers, and that's amazing, but I'm very fascinated by our founding grandfathers or great-grandfathers, the people who created the culture that our founding fathers were raised in.

Isn't that a fascinating era? We got like 1776, like that's great, I love it, I want to know more, I don't know nearly enough. But what about the 1720s? What was going on there? Or the late 1600s? What was going on in America at that time? And you know, we've all heard of the Puritans, but you ...

Morning Motivation, April 21, 2023
Inflation and ANGER

I am angry and frustrated. With our Rulers. For getting us in this terrible economy. It doesn't have to be this way.

How could they never learn from past mistakes! This is ANCIENT history, stop printing money...yet, after COVID, we never printed more. Amazing.

Please leave a 5-star review on Itunes. We have a ton of momentum, this is about to break through! Thank you!

Also, I haven't done any lives anywhere becauase we're hosting a daily TV show "Road to Misterms" on thefirsttv.com, and it's taken all of my extra time. And my wife is giving birth any day now, so...it's been a lot around here. But after the midterms, time will free up.

Inflation and ANGER
Politics by Faith: Parkland and the Death Penalty

I've gone back and forth on the death penalty many times over the years. I've recently come down on the other side.

Should the Parkland murderer have gotten the death penalty or life in prison?

Please leave a review on iTunes! We need to get to 1k :-)

Btw, we're getting the momentum we need, more downloads every day, THANK YOU!

Politics by Faith: Parkland and the Death Penalty

This is spot on Mike! We have become dehumanized! You can not read a persons real needs on a screen nor text! A job or passion offers human interaction and I pray these stay at home on our tax dollars find that truth. We have lost our way… People need hugs and love and someone to listen. If we do not have that face to face interaction we will become nothing more than those who can not deal with lives issues.
Our politicians need to stop thinking about themselves and their agenda and think of the country as a whole. My suggestion today is go out and make someone’s life a little better than it is and not with money! And if it is only leave a space better than you found it -imagine if everyone left every place better than they found it. If you did one thing to make another human beings life better and told them you loved them. If we did this every day- what a great world we would have again! Time to get back to this countries MOTTO… if you do not know the counties motto it is ...

Good morning @MikeSlater and all my fellow Slater Crusaders! I've been following Mike for years and after having MANY one way conversations with the radio or podcast, have finally joined the community here on locals.com. I can't wait for the chance to share thoughts and ideas with you all. Thank you Mike for creating this place. I hope we can help inform each other about our world and support growing our relationship and faith in Jesus.

Hi @Mike Slater! Are you coming back to locals? Haven’t seen any posts in some time.

Cracking The Code Of Life
Politics By Faith, February 18, 2025

There's an important difference here: Does Trump want to make a name for himself so he's doing good things? Or, does Trump want to do Good things which then result in making a name for himself? I believe motive matters.

Hey, welcome to Politics by Faith. Thanks for being here. I want to talk through something that happened on the radio this morning on SiriusXM Patriot. We talked to John Nolte, who's a writer at Breitbart.com, a man whose wisdom I value very much. He has great insight into political movements and how culture is shifting, and it's always very good. I enjoy talking to him a lot. And he'll just tell the truth as he sees it. He doesn't hold back ever, which is great. Obviously there's a value to that. And he said two things that I want to go deeper into here.

First thing, his brother-in-law passed away. He was in his 70s, died of stomach cancer very quickly. And he said of his brother-in-law, he was super smart and could do anything he wanted in his life. Now, I grew up in a family and in a community culture where it was all about achievement. You had to win, you had to do more,

you had to get into the best college you could, you had to get the coolest sounding job at the best firm in the biggest city. It was just achieve, achieve, achieve all the time. So when Nolte said, oh, he's super smart, he can do anything he wanted in his life,

in my mind it's like, oh, big time Wall Street investment banking guy. Or something like that, a high-powered lawyer in DC. Nolte followed that up with, he loved to go fishing and grill

and spend the day talking with his friends and family.

He cracked the code of life. Old me would have said he wasted his life, but I believe the proper analysis is he cracked the code of life. I appreciate that reorientation of cracking the code not being whatever success looks like in a worldly perspective, but with focusing on things that really matter, even if they may be deemed quiet.

1 Thessalonians 4, 11, Paul says, You yourselves have been taught by God to love one another, for that indeed is what you are doing to all the brothers throughout Macedonia. But we urge you brothers to do this more and more and to aspire to live quietly and to mind your own affairs." Then, later in our conversation, we were talking about Donald Trump and how Trump and his team

is crushing it like no one ever imagined. And I said, all right, John, now that there's been so much winning. Our eyes have been opened to things that we never thought possible before. Doors have been unlocked that we never thought could ever be open and we have possibilities in front of us that we never thought were ever happen in the world. What is something that you're now excited about that you never thought was possible? And Nolte's answer was maybe Trump gets rid of the income tax. I remember Ron Paul in one of the debates, maybe 2008,

they were asked at the debate, they're asked what you think the income tax rate should be? And he said, well, it should be whatever it was for most of American history, zero. I always love that line. So maybe Trump gets rid of it. And he said, Nolte said that Trump's ego would drive him to do this. He said this is a good thing about Trump's ego because Trump wants to be known as the

greatest president ever. And this can drive him to do incredible things like expand our nation's territory and do things that every Republican president has promised to do since Ronald Reagan. Like get rid of the Department of Education. But none of them have been able to do it. But Donald Trump finally does. And to end wars that no one thought were possible to end. And also to do things that are totally game

changing for the American people. Like get rid of the income tax. People think that Trump wants to be a dictator. No, no, no, no. But I think he does want, Well, here's the nuance, perhaps. Does he want a legacy that is good, that is therefore driving him to do good things? Or does he want to do good things that may result in a legacy? Now, we have two thoughts here from John Nolte that may seem in conflict with one another.

We have Paul praying that people live a quiet life. And then we have a president of the United States that is doing things that require some noise. I'll put it like that. So what do we do with this? Well the rest of that sentence in 1 Thessalonians 4, it's a section labeled, A Life Pleasing

to God. The rest of that sentence says, We urge you, brothers, to do more and more, and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one." Here's Paul talking about excellent work, walking properly before others in the world so that they notice in a way that they notice the way that they they

cannot notice. The Bible is full of references to working. In ancient Greece at the time, the more you worked with your hands, the less honorable you were. Manual labor was demeaning. People in the higher classes would look down on people who worked with their hands. So you had tradesmen and merchants were the lowest class of society, or just above the slaves. Contrast, Jesus, his disciples were fishermen.

Paul was a tent maker. One of the disciples was a tax collector that loathes them all. But all the rest were men who worked with their hands. Very countercultural. But this is who God is. Before the fall, Genesis 2.15 says,

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it this is pretty full Leviticus 23 says when you reap the harvest of your land do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest leave them for the poor I am the alien I am the Lord your God it doesn't say to work your whole field and then give to the poor it says leave it there and then people can come and work for it themselves. That's interesting, isn't it?

Proverbs 14.23 says, All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. There's tons of Proverbs. Proverbs 6.6 says, Go to the ant, you sluggard. Consider its ways and be wise. It is no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your

sleep a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an old man so the Bible says work don't be like the slug you don't be a sluggard be like the ant get out there and work and work well Ecclesiastes 9 10 says whatever your hand finds to do do it with all your might. How about that? All your might. No half-heartedness. These scriptures and others is where the Puritans got their strong work ethic

from. When you read about the first pilgrims on the Mayflower, over and over their writings, they talk about how difficult this journey is, how difficult the work is, and how they're so excited to do it because it glorifies God. They were working so hard in such difficult conditions that they were all dying. Half of them died, over half of them died.

And they never stopped. The pilgrims set the tone. We now call it the Protestant work ethic today. This is a major cultural force in early American history that we still have parts of in America today. Now why was hard work seen as good by the pilgrims and the Puritans? Because we're glorifying God. When you engage in good, excellent, noble

work, you glorify God. Colossians 3 23 says, whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving in all you do. So we'll bring it back to Trump. I believe Trump is, people on the left say he's like a dictator.

I think he acts like the CEO. He's acting like he's running a company and he wants the company to be the best company


He wants to grow it. He wants to make it good. He wants to make it strong and a solid, vibrant, thriving company. And he wants his employees to flourish. And that's the citizens, the people. And I believe he's working very hard to make our country thrive.

Charles Spurgeon said, the best and wisest thing in the world is to work as if it all depended upon you and Then trust in God knowing that it all depends on him Spurgeon said nobody gets on in the world who's half-hearted If a man wants money he must hunt for it morning noon and night if a man longs for knowledge He cannot take a book and ladle it into his brain with a spoon He must read and study it if he's to be a scholar if a man desires to rise in such an age as this, he cannot do it without stern labor.

Great discoverers, eminent artists, and powerful orators have all been men of hard work. He said the truest Christian is the working man who so labors for God that he does not neglect the common duties of life. It is not good to work so that you make a name for yourself. That's what the people who built the Tower of Babel wanted to do. But it is good to do great things, and to want to do big things, and to do wonderful things.

And even if you're not doing these big, grand, wonderful things that'll be written about in the history books forever, whatever it is you do, we should do it with—we're called to do it with excellence and mastery, So that it glorifies God. Because without Him, none of us are capable of doing anything. And if you do excellent work, maybe no one will notice. You probably won't go down in history.

No one's name will be known forever unless it's in the Bible. So that can't be your motivation. But our hard work glorifies God, and if nothing else, it keeps our focus away from worthless things. Psalm 119, 37 says, turn my eyes from looking at worthless things and give me life in your ways.

I love that prayer. God, give me life in your ways. Nobody gets on in the world who's half-hearted. So let us not be half-hearted in anything in our lives. If there's something in your life that's not worth doing to the max, then it's probably not worth doing at all. You just cut it out entirely.

I want to turn my eyes from worthless things, knowing that a full life can only be found in his ways. So in conclusion, I think this nuance is important here. Looking to make a name for yourself, no good. God will humble you. But if you're looking to do good, maybe you'll make a name for yourself in some

way, but more importantly, it glorifies God. And that, of course, is what matters the most. Mike Slater dot locals dot com is the website. We put this up a little bit early and there's a transcript and no commercials. and there's a transcript and no commercials. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.


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The True Conservative Movement
Politics By Faith, February 17, 2025

A complete conservative movement has to be more than just economic efficiency. We need to realign our sights on what "prosperity" really means.


Welcome to Politics by Faith. Thank you for being here. I am not going to comment on the Twitter drama over the weekend. That is Elon Musk and the woman he impregnated. Here's all I'm going to say about it. Pagans gonna peg.

Elon has like 14 kids with many different women. Not admirable at all. I don't care how many rocket ship companies you create. But here's what this whole thing tells me. The conservative movement cannot just be about government efficiency. All this Doge, Department of Government Efficiency stuff, it's amazing.

It's like all I talk about on the radio, all that. I love it. I'm hyped. But it's clearly not everything. It's not even close to everything. I see this conservative movement on an ascendancy, but it's not going to reach what it needs to unless it is done with God's Word. For a second I was trying to find more politically correct words. Don't forget, no, it has to be through God's Word.

We have to save this country through our biblical worldview and with biblical principles. There's no other way. We can be super efficient with government but But that's not going to save America. Prosperity has very little to do with virtue, maybe nothing at all. Virtue is what matters. That's the key.

Any other political, conservative, or patriotic buzzwords are great, but not the key. Virtue is what matters. We do not have a country anymore that is informed by the Christian worldview. We used to, but we don't anymore. And that's what we have to get back to. Wonderful to be focused on government efficiency. I love all of it, but let's use that as just like a little spark to really get to what our country needs. Jesus in John 17, he's praying to God.

He says, now I am coming to you. And these things I speak in the world, that they, that's us, may have my joy fulfilled in themselves. The preacher at my church did an amazing job on this point yesterday, focusing on my joy.

Jesus says my joy, not just plain old joy, which can be defined differently by anyone. And once you do that, you can see the spiral, right? Because then joy becomes subjective, and the subjectivity of it becomes happiness. Happiness is no good. Happiness is just a fleeting emotion in the moment.

There's no wisdom with it. There's no virtue with it. And it can just lead to very bad decisions and sinful decisions and more misery. But people then get very good at putting on a face of happiness, and they may mistakenly call that joy, but it's not. Jesus prayed that everyone has my joy.

Okay, what is Jesus' joy? Jesus' joy comes from obeying the will of God. Only then will we become a truly, actually prosperous nation again. And I'm not talking about money. We've got to look past prosperity as a money issue. It doesn't necessarily just mean money.

The etymology of prosperity is flourishing or a thriving condition. Good fortune, wealth, success in anything good or desirable. Not just money. Part of it, maybe, but not all of it. Let's go to the Webster's original dictionary,

Webster's1828.com, which is where you have to look up all words. Prosperity, advance or gain in any thing that is good or desirable. Successful progress in any business or enterprise. Success.

Attainment of an object desired. So this is it. We need to re-aim. We need to re-aim our focus on what prosperity really means. It's not just GDP. It's virtue.

That is the object desired. Are we attaining that as a country? And then Webster's 1828 Dictionary, whenever possible, puts in a biblical reference. And the biblical reference that Noah Webster chose is Proverbs 132. The prosperity of fools shall destroy them. Now the Greek word in, or excuse me, the Hebrew word in Proverbs 132 has more of a connotation of laziness, like an ease or a luxury to life, not using

your time wisely or well. If you're not a virtuous person and you live in the lap of luxury, you're more inclined to engage in unwise or sinful activity. Table that thought for just one second. We'll get back around to it. But we've got to look past prosperity as just a money thing.

Prosperity is virtue. Freedom is virtue as well. Freedom is not just being able to do whatever you want. In fact, that can very easily and most always is slavery. You're free to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. Congratulations, now you're a slave to the cigarettes.

So are you free?

No, you're not.

There are so many things that we are slaves to, and we don't even realize it. Similarly, we think prosperity is money, but it's not. Prosperity is a feature of virtue. The more virtuous you are, the more in line with God's will you will be. And then, as Jesus prayed for, the more joy you will experience. That's Jesus' prayer for us. But now I am coming to you, he says to

God, and these things I speak in the world that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves. I've given them your word. Sanctify them. In the truth, your word is truth. That's John 17. Read it all. It's wonderful. Now check this part out. Jesus Jesus says, I've given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. You and I are not of the world.

I do not ask, saying to God, I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world sanctified them in the truth your word is truth as you sent me into the world so I sent them into the world and for their sake I consecrate myself that they also may be sanctified in truth sanctified means set apart for holy service to God so let's talk about the

world for a second what is the world give an example of it 2nd Samuel 11 to This goes back to the Hebrew word, which is sometimes translated as prosperity, but again, more has the connotation of luxury. Second Samuel 11, 2, one evening David got up from his place and walked around on the roof of his palace.


That's where he saw Bathsheba. Charles Spurgeon said, we are never out of the reach of temptation. Both at home and away, we are liable to meet with allurements to evil. Woe to those who go out into the world, or even dare to walk their own house unarmed! And those who think themselves secure are more exposed to danger than any others. David should have been fighting.

He should have been out in battle. Instead he rested in Jerusalem. As Spurgeon said, giving himself up to luxurious repose. Idleness and luxury are the devil's jackals, and find him abundant prey. This is Spurgeon's the best. In stagnant waters, noxious creatures swarm,

and neglected soil soon yields a dense tangle of weeds and briars. Oh, for the constraining love of Jesus to keep us active and useful. And that's what Jesus is talking about. There's a lot of movement, there's a lot of action,

commanding, calling for in John 17. Right, sanctify them in the truth. As you sent me into the world. So I sent them into the world. There's no sense of idleness here. Now remember, Jesus says we must be sanctified,

set apart for action. Spurgeon says, is it possible that the king mounted his rooftop for retirement and devotion? Right, people are like, oh, he didn't go up there looking to sin. He actually went up there for a good reason. He went up there to pray.

Spurgeon says, okay, if so, what a caution is given to us to count no place, however secret, a sanctuary from sin. While our hearts are so like a tinderbox and sparks so plentiful in the world, we need to use all diligence in all places to prevent a blaze. Gosh, that's so good. Our hearts are a tinderbox. We go into the world and sparks are flying all over the place, ready to create a fire of sin inside of us. Amazing. He said,

Beware of evening temptations. Be not secure. The sun is down, but sin is up. We need a watchman for the night as well as a guardian for the day. Oh, blessed spirit, keep us from all evil this night. My conclusion is, I know I threw a lot out there. Three points. First, pagans gonna peg. Don't be surprised when they do.

But let's use this as obvious proof that the conservative movement has to be more than just maximum economic efficiency. Second point, to get to this place of virtue, we have to be in the word. And when we align our life by the word and God's

will, then we will have Jesus's joy, the joy he experienced. And third point, let's pray and do everything we can to keep away from temptation and sin and keep us from all evil. This is how we save a country and more importantly save souls Mike Slater dot locals comms where we put this a little bit early and this episode and we have a transcript and no commercials Mike Slater dot locals comms where we put this a little bit early and this episode and we have a transcript and no commercials over there Mike Slater dot locals


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The True Conservative Movement
Politics By Faith, February 17, 2025

A complete conservative movement has to be more than just economic efficiency. We need to realign our sights on what "prosperity" really means.


Welcome to Politics by Faith. Thank you for being here. I am not going to comment on the Twitter drama over the weekend. That is Elon Musk and the woman he impregnated. Here's all I'm going to say about it. Pagans gonna peg.

Elon has like 14 kids with many different women. Not admirable at all. I don't care how many rocket ship companies you create. But here's what this whole thing tells me. The conservative movement cannot just be about government efficiency. All this Doge, Department of Government Efficiency stuff, it's amazing.

It's like all I talk about on the radio, all that. I love it. I'm hyped. But it's clearly not everything. It's not even close to everything. I see this conservative movement on an ascendancy, but it's not going to reach what it needs to unless it is done with God's Word. For a second I was trying to find more politically correct words. Don't forget, no, it has to be through God's Word.

We have to save this country through our biblical worldview and with biblical principles. There's no other way. We can be super efficient with government but But that's not going to save America. Prosperity has very little to do with virtue, maybe nothing at all. Virtue is what matters. That's the key.

Any other political, conservative, or patriotic buzzwords are great, but not the key. Virtue is what matters. We do not have a country anymore that is informed by the Christian worldview. We used to, but we don't anymore. And that's what we have to get back to. Wonderful to be focused on government efficiency. I love all of it, but let's use that as just like a little spark to really get to what our country needs. Jesus in John 17, he's praying to God.

He says, now I am coming to you. And these things I speak in the world, that they, that's us, may have my joy fulfilled in themselves. The preacher at my church did an amazing job on this point yesterday, focusing on my joy.

Jesus says my joy, not just plain old joy, which can be defined differently by anyone. And once you do that, you can see the spiral, right? Because then joy becomes subjective, and the subjectivity of it becomes happiness. Happiness is no good. Happiness is just a fleeting emotion in the moment.

There's no wisdom with it. There's no virtue with it. And it can just lead to very bad decisions and sinful decisions and more misery. But people then get very good at putting on a face of happiness, and they may mistakenly call that joy, but it's not. Jesus prayed that everyone has my joy.

Okay, what is Jesus' joy? Jesus' joy comes from obeying the will of God. Only then will we become a truly, actually prosperous nation again. And I'm not talking about money. We've got to look past prosperity as a money issue. It doesn't necessarily just mean money.

The etymology of prosperity is flourishing or a thriving condition. Good fortune, wealth, success in anything good or desirable. Not just money. Part of it, maybe, but not all of it. Let's go to the Webster's original dictionary,

Webster's1828.com, which is where you have to look up all words. Prosperity, advance or gain in any thing that is good or desirable. Successful progress in any business or enterprise. Success.

Attainment of an object desired. So this is it. We need to re-aim. We need to re-aim our focus on what prosperity really means. It's not just GDP. It's virtue.

That is the object desired. Are we attaining that as a country? And then Webster's 1828 Dictionary, whenever possible, puts in a biblical reference. And the biblical reference that Noah Webster chose is Proverbs 132. The prosperity of fools shall destroy them. Now the Greek word in, or excuse me, the Hebrew word in Proverbs 132 has more of a connotation of laziness, like an ease or a luxury to life, not using

your time wisely or well. If you're not a virtuous person and you live in the lap of luxury, you're more inclined to engage in unwise or sinful activity. Table that thought for just one second. We'll get back around to it. But we've got to look past prosperity as just a money thing.

Prosperity is virtue. Freedom is virtue as well. Freedom is not just being able to do whatever you want. In fact, that can very easily and most always is slavery. You're free to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. Congratulations, now you're a slave to the cigarettes.

So are you free?

No, you're not.

There are so many things that we are slaves to, and we don't even realize it. Similarly, we think prosperity is money, but it's not. Prosperity is a feature of virtue. The more virtuous you are, the more in line with God's will you will be. And then, as Jesus prayed for, the more joy you will experience. That's Jesus' prayer for us. But now I am coming to you, he says to

God, and these things I speak in the world that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves. I've given them your word. Sanctify them. In the truth, your word is truth. That's John 17. Read it all. It's wonderful. Now check this part out. Jesus Jesus says, I've given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. You and I are not of the world.

I do not ask, saying to God, I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world sanctified them in the truth your word is truth as you sent me into the world so I sent them into the world and for their sake I consecrate myself that they also may be sanctified in truth sanctified means set apart for holy service to God so let's talk about the

world for a second what is the world give an example of it 2nd Samuel 11 to This goes back to the Hebrew word, which is sometimes translated as prosperity, but again, more has the connotation of luxury. Second Samuel 11, 2, one evening David got up from his place and walked around on the roof of his palace.


That's where he saw Bathsheba. Charles Spurgeon said, we are never out of the reach of temptation. Both at home and away, we are liable to meet with allurements to evil. Woe to those who go out into the world, or even dare to walk their own house unarmed! And those who think themselves secure are more exposed to danger than any others. David should have been fighting.

He should have been out in battle. Instead he rested in Jerusalem. As Spurgeon said, giving himself up to luxurious repose. Idleness and luxury are the devil's jackals, and find him abundant prey. This is Spurgeon's the best. In stagnant waters, noxious creatures swarm,

and neglected soil soon yields a dense tangle of weeds and briars. Oh, for the constraining love of Jesus to keep us active and useful. And that's what Jesus is talking about. There's a lot of movement, there's a lot of action,

commanding, calling for in John 17. Right, sanctify them in the truth. As you sent me into the world. So I sent them into the world. There's no sense of idleness here. Now remember, Jesus says we must be sanctified,

set apart for action. Spurgeon says, is it possible that the king mounted his rooftop for retirement and devotion? Right, people are like, oh, he didn't go up there looking to sin. He actually went up there for a good reason. He went up there to pray.

Spurgeon says, okay, if so, what a caution is given to us to count no place, however secret, a sanctuary from sin. While our hearts are so like a tinderbox and sparks so plentiful in the world, we need to use all diligence in all places to prevent a blaze. Gosh, that's so good. Our hearts are a tinderbox. We go into the world and sparks are flying all over the place, ready to create a fire of sin inside of us. Amazing. He said,

Beware of evening temptations. Be not secure. The sun is down, but sin is up. We need a watchman for the night as well as a guardian for the day. Oh, blessed spirit, keep us from all evil this night. My conclusion is, I know I threw a lot out there. Three points. First, pagans gonna peg. Don't be surprised when they do.

But let's use this as obvious proof that the conservative movement has to be more than just maximum economic efficiency. Second point, to get to this place of virtue, we have to be in the word. And when we align our life by the word and God's

will, then we will have Jesus's joy, the joy he experienced. And third point, let's pray and do everything we can to keep away from temptation and sin and keep us from all evil. This is how we save a country and more importantly save souls Mike Slater dot locals comms where we put this a little bit early and this episode and we have a transcript and no commercials Mike Slater dot locals comms where we put this a little bit early and this episode and we have a transcript and no commercials over there Mike Slater dot locals


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