Just because you're not grumbling on the outside, doesn't mean you're content on the inside. So how do you know if you're grumbling vs the more desirable lamenting? And why does lamenting turn to contentment, but grumbling does not?
Good morning, welcome to Morning Motivation, brought to you by Public Square and Patriot Gold Group. This week's morning motivations are about anxiety and contentment. We're talking about the Puritan Jeremiah Burroughs, early 1600s Puritan preacher. He wrote a book called The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment. So what is contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit which freely submits to and delights in God's wise and fatherly disposal in every condition. Every single one of those words matters. That is the definition where every word is an entire sermon. Yesterday's point, one of them was, just because you're not complaining on the outside, that doesn't mean you have contentment. God knows your heart, but also if you're complaining on the inside, that leads to actions and often disobedience on the outside, almost always. So, I'm not complaining about things, therefore I'm content. No, no, no.
In fact, the opposite is better. Some people think that if I'm not, this makes sense, some people say that if I'm not complaining, that's good. But that often still can lead to disobedience. What's better is talking about it out loud, because that often can lead to obedience. That's what God wants. So this is what Burroughs says about murmuring. Well, Psalm 106, 25 says, "'They murmured in their tents, "'and they did not obey the voice of the Lord.'" So they did both, they complained and disobeyed.
So here's Burroughs talking about that quiet heart. He says, "'A quiet heart is not opposed "'to making in orderly manner our moan and complaint "'to God and to our friends. Though not with a tumultuous clamor and shrieking out of a confused passion, yet in a quiet, still, submissive way, he may unbosom, so disclose or pour out his heart to God. That's okay. So again, people are like, well, I haven't complained out loud, so I'm good. No, no, no. God wants you to tell you, to tell Him what's going on. He wants you to tell Him what's going on in your heart. Likewise, He may communicate His sad condition, a person with a quiet heart, can still communicate His sad condition to His Christian friends, showing them how God has dealt with Him and how heavy the affliction is upon Him, that they may speak a word in season to His weary soul.
So this is good. It can bring Christians closer together. It's okay to talk out loud about the difficult things that you're going through in your life. That's okay. So what's the difference between that, which is a more of a lament, and a murmur? Right, the Bible talks about how the Israelites were murmuring, grumbling. They talk about grumbling a lot. So what's the difference between a lament and a grumble? Okay, it's very simple. A lament, a pouring out of your soul, often ends with a question mark. God, are you not faithful? And it can sound bad, like, oh God, are you not faithful?
It's a question mark. The grumblers, the whiners, have an exclamation point. God, you are not faithful. Big difference. In the first, there is doubt. I mean, it's a question. There's confusion, anger, but still faith that God will respond somehow. In the second example, the grumbling, there is no expectation that God, well, even exists. So the lamenter addresses God with troubles the grumblers are making statements about God or his lack of love or existence to others. Does that difference make sense? So the point of this is it's okay to take your anxiety. It's okay. You must take your anxiety and bring it to God. Pour out your heart and soul because here's another big difference.
Jeremiah Burroughs, a gracious heart so esteems its union with Christ in the work that God sets it about that it will not willingly suffer anything to come in to choke it or deaden it. A Christian is desirous that the word of God should take full possession as to divide between soul and spirit, but he would not allow the fear and noise of evil tidings to take such a hold in his soul." What does that mean? A person who laments goes to God and will never allow anything, no matter how difficult the circumstance or whatever is going on, will never allow anything to make a division between him and God. The murmuring and the grumbling pushes God away.
See the difference? So let's make sure our laments, whatever anxiety you're experiencing, you're going through right now, let's make sure it's a lament and not a grumble. Let's ask questions to God. He knows everything. And let's let whatever this is you're going through bring you closer to God. So let's be honest first though, right now, whatever you're going through, have you been lamenting or grumbling? Coming up tomorrow is something super convicting. If your anxiety goes away and you're like, oh, shoo, thank you God, I'm content now. Why did your anxiety go away? Exactly. That needs to be examined. We'll do that tomorrow.