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What a wonderful example of how an expression that we've heard our entire lives, "Time heals all wounds" sounds right, but when you think about it, of course, it's not true. That expression comes from a Greek poet in 300 BC, it is NOT in the Bible, so what DOES heal all wounds, and what heals them not "in time" but NOW.
Good morning. Welcome to The Morning Motivation brought to you by Patriot Goal Group and Public Square app. By the way, this podcast is available without advertisements on MikeSlater.Locals.com and we put the transcript up there as well, MikeSlater.Locals.com. You can join us over there and we post it a day early as well. So this week, we're talking about contentment. It's a little bit like yesterday's, but it's a point worth repeating. If you are anxious over something and the anxiety goes away, but it goes away because the problem went away, that's not contentment.
And that's what happened to me just this week. I had anxiety about something for like a month or so and then it the problem fixed itself and now I'm content. Yay me! But that's not it. Or if you're no longer anxious because something external happened to you and made the problem go away or made your anxiety go away or just has distracted you from it. That's not contentment. Or how about this? Time heals what? What does time heal? Time heals all wounds. That's not in the Bible. Menander, who is a Greek poet around 300 BC, he said, Time is the healer of all necessary evils. That's the source of that quote. And that sounds good. Time heals all wounds. That sounds good. I don't even think it is true like the only kernel of truth is that you may not think about the bad thing that happened 30 years ago as much as you did then like you don't think about it now as much as you did then when it first happened but that doesn't mean it's healed it's not time heals all wounds so the biblical answer to this is that time doesn't heal all wounds, but that Jesus heals all wounds.
Psalm 147.3 says, He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He, not time. What a wonderful example of a worldly phrase that just sounds good or sounds slick and smooth and right even, has a kernel of truth-ish perhaps, but is not true. And if you think about it for a second, you're like, oh yeah, of course it's not true. So we can't be deceived with that pithy expression that we've heard our whole life. So if change of circumstance or external help or getting more stuff or time heals a wound, that's not the same as true biblical contentment. Because the truth is, we need to get that contentment now, not later, not in time, not when it resolves itself. The Bible calls for you to be content now. Jeremiah uses the term a carnal heart. That's what we don't want.
That's bad. The 1828 original Webster's Dictionary defines carnal as pertaining to flesh, fleshly, sensual, opposed to the spiritual, as in carnal pleasure. It's also being in the natural state, unregenerate. The carnal mind is enmity against god. Romans eight seven. That's the that's the sentence that the original dictionary gives. I love going to the original dictionary because it puts everything in biblical terms. Cuz our founders knew that everything came from the Bible. So, anyway, a carnal heart thinks, this is Jeremiah Burroughs, oh sorry, that's the Jeremiah I was referring to a second ago, not the Jeremiah of the Bible, sorry, this is a Puritan preacher that we've been talking about all week, Jeremiah, we're tight, I just call him Jeremiah, you know.
A carnal heart thinks, I must have my wants made up or else it is impossible that I should be content. But a gracious heart says, what is the duty of the circumstances God has put me in? Indeed, my circumstances have changed. I was not long since in a prosperous state, but God has changed my circumstances. Now what am I to do? What can I think now are those duties that God requires of me in the circumstance now that he has put me into? Let me exert my strength to perform the duties of my present circumstances. Let me spend my thoughts in thinking, what is my duty? Oh, says a man whose condition has changed and who has lost his wealth, had I but my wealth as I had before, oh, how would I use it to his glory?
God has made me see that I did not honor him with my possessions as I ought have done. Oh, if I had it again, I would do better than I did before. But this may be but a temptation. You should rather think, what does God require of me in the circumstances I am now brought into? You should labor to bring your heart to quiet and contentment by setting your soul to work in the duties of your present condition. At this point, he's like, oh, if only, if only I do. No. Right now.
Present condition. And the truth is I know nothing more effective for quieting a Christian soul and getting contentment than this, and that is setting your heart to work in the duties of the immediate circumstances that you are in now and taking heed of your thoughts about other conditions as a mere temptation. Don't be tempted by the what is and the what used to be and what could be. has this beautiful visual to describe the folly of thinking that contentment is if only if only I could have this then I'll be content he says it's like a child who climbs a hill and thinks they can touch the clouds but when they can't they see a hill off in the distance and they off I just run to that hill and I climb that then I'll be able to touch the clouds and then they run to that hill and they can't do that oh well there's another hill over there and I'll run to that hill and then I'll be able to touch the clouds and they go on forever and ever and of course they never can because contentment is not found over there it's found right where you are Jeremiah says so it is with many who think if I were in such circumstances then I should have contentment and perhaps they get into circumstances and they're as far from contentment as they were before but then they think that if they were in other circumstances, no, then they'd be contented.
But when they've gotten to those circumstances, they're still as far as contentment is before. No, no, let me consider what is the duty of my present circumstance and content my heart with this and say, well, though I am in a low position, yet I am serving the councils of God in those circumstances where I am. It is the counsel of God that has brought me into these circumstances that I am in my desire to serve the counsel of God in these circumstances. Right now, where I am, in this moment, you will never find contentment in time, and you will never find contentment over there. You will find contentment now, and you will find it in Jesus today.