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Good morning. Welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by Public Square and Patriot Gold Group. Thanks for being here. This week we've talked about contentment inspired by Jeremiah Burroughs, Puritan pastor from like the 1600s. Okay, so great. I said I get all the good points about contentment and blah, blah, blah, but how do I get it? I still want it and you haven't told me how to get it. Well, we're in luck, because Jeremiah Burroughs, in his book here, has a chapter called, By This Means He Gets Contentment.
Yes! Finally, tell me, by what means do I get contentment? A gracious heart is contented by the melting of His will and desires into God's will and desires. I don't like that answer. I don't like it. I reject it! I don't think you get it. I want my will and desires to be met. I'm anxious because my will and desires have not been met, so I'm going to be anxious until they are.
Grace's heart melts your will and desires into God's will and desires. There's a Hindu idea, which is where you eliminate all desires. That's not it. We're not looking to eliminate all desires. We're looking to melt ours into His. But God, I want a house this big, and you're not giving it to me. And I'm anxious about it because I want this house, and I need this much money, and you're not giving me this much money so I can get this big of a house, and I'm discontent.
And if only you gave me that much money, then I'd be content, God." Ugh, that's not it. I say those are not God's desires. I don't know what God's desires are, but they may not be. Those are your desires, and therefore that's the source of your anxiety. Here's what Jeremiah says, this too is a mystery to a carnal heart. It is not by having his own desires satisfied, but by melting his will and desires into God's will, so that in one sense he comes to have his desire satisfied, though he does not obtain the thing that he desired before, still he comes to be satisfied with this, because he makes his will to be at one with God's will.
A Christian makes over his will to God, and in making over his will to God, he has no other will but God's. So how do you do this? Oh, it comes back to this. I do not mean for this to be, I never have intended this, but the theme of this couple months worth of morning motivations is dying to self. And you know I'm going to do it. If you've been listening these last few weeks and months, you know I'm going to do it. This is George Mueller. He said, there was a day when I died, died to self, my opinions, preferences, tastes, will, died to the world, its approval or censure.
I'm not looking to be praised or attacked, I don't care. Died to the approval or blame even of my brethren or friends, and since then I have studied only to show myself approved unto God. That's what the entire Sermon on the Mount is about. If you can truly die to self and make your desires God's desires, Jeremiah says it is by this that a gracious heart gets contentment. He melts his will into God's. For he says, if God has glory, I have glory. God's glory is my glory. Therefore, God's will is mine.
If God has riches, then I have riches. If God is magnified, then I'm magnified. If God is satisfied, then I am satisfied." This is the art of a Christian's contentment. He melts his will into the will of God and makes over his will to God. Now listen, easier said than done. Easier said than done. But you want to know why? Because you can't do it. You can't do it. Philippians 4 says, Don't be anxious about anything. Pray, ask God, be grateful. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. It surpasses all understanding.
You can't do it. The peace we're all looking for, it's supernatural. There's no self-help book. You can't do it. It's not 10 easy steps. It's not natural. It can only come from God Himself. And remember 2 Corinthians 4, 17, for this light, momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. It is preparing us.
The affliction is light. It doesn't feel it. It's light. It's momentary. And it is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory. This is from a sermon of John Piper called, None of Your Misery is Meaningless. And in it, he makes the point that every millisecond of your misery in the path of obedience is producing a glory that you will get because of your suffering.
Do you believe that? It says so right there, and it's so hard, but no Christian suffering is meaningless. It says right there that your suffering is is doing something. Of course, you can't see what it's doing You just got to look at the promise of God that your pain is preparing you for an eternal weight of glory and yet the fine contentment in that Here's his story of John the Baptist. He's in prison You know why he's in prison because he looked the king right in the face and said you can't have her She is Phillips wife. You're an adulterer. Well, that's a very dangerous thing to say to a king who has absolute authority over anybody, do anything he wants, so he puts him in jail.
He's scared of him, so he hasn't killed him. But there he sits, and now it's Herod's birthday, and he gives a party for himself. Throws in a little bonus, a little sexual bonus for his guests, has his stepdaughter dance. Really, really pleasing dance. Turns everybody on. They're all loving it. And when she's done, he knows she's pleased the guest, so to reward her, he says, I'll give you whatever you want, up to half my kingdom. She goes to her mom, Herodias, who hates John the Baptist. He says what should I ask for? and her mom says Ask for the head of John the Baptist on a platter Okay She walks back in everybody's listening. What's she gonna ask for? I want right now the head of John the Baptist on a platter Silence in the room.
The king can't take it back. Okay. He whispers to his attendant, Get it. John's sitting there in the cell, wondering how the kingdom is going to come. And the door opens and two guys are standing there, one of them with a sword. It's a moment of silence, doesn't know what's going on. And the one with the sword says, come over here and kneel down, and if you struggle, we'll bind you.
And John says, what happened? What's going on? And the executioner says, King's daughter danced in the party and she asked for your head. And we've come to get it. We're going to take your head. That's the last thing he has to think about in the next 20 seconds. What would you think? Everything in me says, God, what can be more meaningless than a party where a girl dances, asks for the greatest man on the planet's head, and within two verses of the Bible, he's dead. Meaningless, absolutely meaningless way to die. Nothing glorious about it.
It stinks to high heaven. I'll tell you, I hope God in His mercy put into John's head in those 20 seconds, this this light momentary affliction is working for you an eternal weight of glory. So please do not lose heart. Take the truths of suffering that we've talked about here the last few weeks and know that it is light, oh it doesn't feel, but it is light, it is momentary and it is working for you an eternal weight of glory.