You hear all the time, "Oh, you can't judge. Who are you to say?" What nonsense. Of course we're called to have discernment between right and wrong! Don't let people scare you into silence.
Good morning, happy Monday. Welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by Patriot Gold Group and Public Square app. This is a point I've been meaning to make for a long time and it keeps popping up and I keep forgetting, so let's just do it right here. I think one of the most insidious lies that our culture has embraced is a misreading of Matthew 7, judge not that you be not judged. You hear it all the time, if not the actual words, certainly the sentiment. You'll see an objectively wicked thing and you with moral clarity will say, hey maybe child mutilation is wrong. Whoa! Who are you to judge? Even when criminals commit crimes. Hey, hey, whoa, whoa.
Can't judge, don't judge them. It's used as a way to dismiss sin. And we can do this another day too. I'm really pushing back on this whole mental illness. Everyone, everything's a mental illness. And we just use it as a mental illness, just like wave away whatever bad thing happens. Like no, no, get away from the head. It's about the heart. It's about sin.
But today, there's no sin, you can't sin. So all bad behavior, we got to explain it somehow. All bad decisions, we got to explain it somehow. So we're just like, oh, mental illness. And you're like, well, I don't know, maybe it's like different than, oh, you can't judge. It's the same thing, you can't judge. Like, what do you mean I can't judge? This person has been making a lifetime of terrible decisions and I would like to make a statement, a fact about that, oh, can't judge.
And you can see how not judging anything as bad has quickly morphed into you must affirm everything as good. See how that works? If you are unable, and this is why the devil is so good at this, if you are unable to discriminate that that is bad, if you are not allowed to have discernment that that thing is bad, then it very quickly will morph into you must say everything is good. So you're not allowed to say that drag queens are bad. You now must love them. You must love to have your kids go to drag shows at school. You have to be totally in favor there. Like, what? What's going on here? If Jesus meant in Matthew 7, do not judge ever, which is absurd, like that's ridiculous. Now what's up with Matthew 7, 6 when he said, do not give dogs what is holy, do not throw your pearls before pigs. Well, how do I know what dogs and pigs are?
You're expected to know who the dogs and who the swine are. You're expected to know, and you're expected to have the discernment to know, that a dog, who by the way, we love dogs in America today, but back then dogs were the lowest of the low. It was 167 BC, I believe, Antiochus, who was the king of Syria at the time, he captured Jerusalem and he desecrated the temple by sacrificing a pig. He did a lot of things. He raped and pillaged, took all the women and children, burned down every nice building, took everything of value out of the temple, but then also sacrificed a pig on it, just added insult to injury. This was, let me quote you, this is from the historian Josephus, written in the year like 50 or so. He wrote, and indeed many Jews complied with the king's commands, either voluntarily or out of fear of the penalty that was denounced.
But the best men and those of the noblest souls, isn't that how you want to be known as? Don't you want to be known as one of the best men and one of a man of noble soul, did not regard him, they did not listen to the king, but did pay a greater respect to the customs of their country than concern as to the punishment which he threatened to the disobedient. On which account they every day underwent great miseries and bitter torments, for they were whipped with rods, and their bodies were torn to pieces, and they were crucified while they were still alive and breathing. They also strangled those women and their sons whom they had circumcised. Antiochus said you can't circumcise your people anymore. As the king had appointed, hanging their sons about their necks as they were upon the crosses. And if there were any sacred books of the law found, it was destroyed and those of whom they were found miserably perished also. But don't judge what Antiochus did good bad Who are you to say?
Who are you to say you can't judge? Maybe Antiochus had a bad childhood But I bet he had a bad childhood. That's it. I'm sure he had his reasons whatever they were My point is of course you were called to have discernment Don't believe the nonsense that says you're not allowed to have any discernment between right and wrong ever. What Jesus was condemning there in Matthew 7 is being a hypocrite. But as Jesus says in John 7 24, do not judge by appearances but judge with right judgment.