*You can listen to the Politics by Faith podcast anywhere, but the ad-free version with the transcript is only on MikeSlater.Locals.com*
Dennis Prager gave terrible advice about men watching pornography. We can see the effect of porn on our society with what happened at a Texas ELEMENTARY school. We need to know the difference between liberty and licentiousness. Today we'll look at Ovid and Leviticus. And please, get the truth to your kids before the world does.
Hey, welcome to Politics by Faith. I'm Mike Slater. Thanks for being here. I'm very excited about today's episode. We're going to talk about something Dennis Prager said the other day, but I want to tie it into something that happened at a Texas school. I don't know how prevalent this is in elementary school. I'm afraid it's it's quite prevalent even if this even if not to this severity the sexualization of kids at a younger and younger age is extremely prevalent and Something we've never seen before and I do not think it is talked about enough So I'm going to take this opportunity to do it and I'm grateful You are here and you care enough about this topic that no one wants to talk about but obviously it's incredibly important. Real quick I like Dennis Prager a lot. I saw a speech of his live and it was one of the greatest speeches I've ever seen. But he is not perfect and on this topic he's very, I believe, very wrong. Worth noting and I don't think this is gossipy. I think this is relevant. I would never bring this up under any other context, I don't think, but when it's under the context of he's giving marriage advice, I think it's worth noting that he's been divorced twice and is now married a third time.
So this is maybe not someone you want to be taking marriage advice from. He was on this Daily Wire show, and I've watched most of these episodes, and they're going through the book of Exodus. And it's Jordan Peterson, Dennis Prager, and then a couple other Christian scholars as well, including Oz Guinness, among others. It's a very fascinating conversations that go through the book of Exodus, pretty much word by word, definitely line by line. And this came up in conversation. I am less interested in the interior person, morally speaking, than you are, than probably any of you are.
And it's largely, I do believe, because I come from a behaviorist, law-based religion. We care how you act. That's why we don't have a claim that if you look at another woman with lust, it's as if you've committed adultery with her. I am, as I said yesterday, I thank God for America's Christians, and Maimonides said if it weren't for Christians, the world wouldn't know about the Torah. So I'm a big Christian fan, but obviously Christianity and Judaism are not identical religions and and we have no equivalent that if you look upon another woman with lust it's as if you have committed adultery with your heart. There's only one way to commit adultery in Judaism and it's with a different organ and I'm not being cute I'm being very realistic looking with lust is not a sin in Judaism. What's the stance on pornography?
So pornography, when I'm asked this question... Just to put you on the spot, by the way. You did indeed. Okay, so my answer, when it's raised on my radio show, I have a male-female hour, and I'm very open about sexual subjects. I always ask, if a wife calls me and says, my husband looks at pornography, like I found on his computer, I have one question. How is your life of intimacy with your husband? Is it good? In other words, is the pornography in lieu of you or in addition to you? And I know this is not a religious answer, and I'm not even giving a religious answer, I'm giving what I think is a moral and realistic answer. Men want variety. And if adultery is a substitute for, if pornography is a substitute for one's wife, it's awful. If it's a substitute for adultery, it's not awful. Now if I may, that is terrible advice. We could take this and talk about pornography in adults, I'd rather take it towards kids in today's episode. Kids are seeing pornography at a younger and younger age. Pornography today is not playboy. This is not your grandfather's adult entertainment. This is not what you saw when you were a kid.
Every man remembers the first pornography he saw when he was a kid sees at the age of eight is rape very different and the fact that you as a man remember the first time you saw a picture of a naked woman proves how that image had a dramatic effect on your soul you still remember it today and you were probably 14 or so. Now imagine what seeing rape and violence and visual, like not just a picture but video and audio. Imagine what that would do to the soul of not a 14 year old but a seven year old. So I beg of you parents, you have to talk about this with your kids way younger than you think you do, especially if your kids go to public school, especially if they have any access to the internet.
You have to have this talk way sooner. You think you can have it when they're 16. Or maybe you're like, no, Slater, I think I can have it when they're 13. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Way younger. And don't be awkward about it. There's nothing awkward about it. There's this weird cultural thing, I think this comes from the devil, that oh, it's the talk, the birds and the bees and the dad always comes in all sheepish and well son, I'm here to have a conversation with you.
It's like this weird awkward thing. No, just be open and honest about what age appropriate of course, but open and honest and just be normal. It's a wonderful, beautiful thing that God created when done properly in the confines of marriage. So we need to make sure that our kids know what sex is and get to them before the world does, before pornography does. I got one example here of how this is trickling down to a younger and younger age in a more graphic way than ever before. And again I want to stress the point that this is just one example and if this is an extreme example then that's fine, but think of all the things slightly less worse than this that do not make the news. This is a Texas school district. A six-year-old was forced to perform a sex act, assuming oral sex, while students filmed it with the teacher in the classroom. There have been some protests at the school.
One parent says a six-year-old was exposed to things that even adults would have a hard time overcoming. This is trauma at its worst, and it's a trickle-down effect because it affects everyone around them. It's a first-grader, first-grade girl. The family says they noticed a sudden change in her behavior. She complained of a stomach ache. Eventually, it all came out that a boy repeatedly exposed himself to her and others in the school lunch line and then pulled her under a desk to perform a sex act while other kids recorded it with a district-issued iPad. And then, I don't know how to say the worst part, it's not the worst, but just to add to it, the school is all, oh, no comment, no comment, can't talk about it, oh, oh, oh, you know, we're doing an investigation, can't talk, can't talk, no comment, no comment.
Even the parents aren't getting proper answers. The school has confirmed that the iPad did have quote, inappropriate content. That's all they'll say. Other parents are coming out and now saying that there's been multiple moms who have been saying stuff all year about not just this one kid but the school in general about how sexually perverted people are and things are the kids are one mom said my daughter comes home with bruises and rashes if she doesn't participate in these little boys sick games they'll punch her give her Indian burns they'll call her names and cuss at her again I wonder how prevalent this is at public schools, maybe private schools too, schools across the country, and at a younger and younger age.
These are not 16, 17, 18-year-olds in high school. These are 6-year-olds. So what's really going on here? This is the depravity of a fallen world, and one of the most obvious forms of depravity will be sexual in nature. There's two clips I want to play here about sex that I like a lot because they're shocking in today's world and obvious when you think about it. This first one is Peter Hitchens and he's on our radio show and he's making a point about sex ed in schools, like why are we even teaching this at all? This is part of the sexualizing and even demoralizing of our children.
in places sex education with a tech which attempts to reduce the negative aspects of of sex such as unwanted pregnancies and s tds what would you have in its place no it's place i don't think it's the business schools to teach people have become bones on hockey sticks and bananas i think it's a good they'd the schools are not there for this purpose i think six education i think what george lukacs thought when he introduced it during the Hungarian Bolshevik uprising was always an attempt to debauch and demoralize Christian societies. That's what its purpose is.
But children are going to have sex, teenagers are going to have sex. Are they? Yes. Are they? Yes. Are you sure? Are they going to have sex under all circumstances? Are you proposing that 16 year olds shouldn't have sex? I'm saying that people shouldn't have sex outside marriage, that's my belief. And so how do you engender that? I don't believe there are any. By having a strong moral system which makes it plain that this is how people should behave. And you think that that will prevent teenagers from having sex with each other? To a large extent, yes it will. No human system is infallible. Humans are, as we know, or as I know, fallen creatures. So yes, there will be people who defy that morality. And I love that clip so much because it just obliterates the modern assumption, well, what would you replace it with?
He said, well, nothing. I wouldn't replace it with anything at all. I love that. And he just crushes this notion that, well, of course, all the kids will have sex. Will they? Thomas Sowell makes the point in his book, Vision of the Anointed, I think it's vision that the premise of sex ed was that teenage pregnancies and STDs were going up and they're out of control and we got to teach kids about sex, but in the reality they were going down. They were already going down and it wasn't until after sex ed became widespread that they actually did start to go up.
I think this idea that, oh, of course kids are going to have sex, so we might as well let them. I don't think that's true. Maybe some will sure but not as many as as There are now because we're just overly Sexualizing kids at a younger and younger age and even to the point you can call me prude and you think it's innocent But like even like like someone like Taylor Swift like barely wearing any clothes up there And she's like not even the worst at all compared to what kids are seeing these days just in regular pop culture forget about pornography. Why must we let our kids see all this stuff? I've made this point many times before, but your grandpa went his entire childhood, certainly, maybe even young adulthood, without ever seeing a naked woman until he got married.
And now six-year-olds are seeing horrific things, absolutely horrific. Your ten-year-old goes to the mall, forget, no, your 10-year-old goes to school and sees more skin on a girl than your grandfather ever saw his whole life. This other clip, and you don't think that's gonna affect him? You don't think that's gonna affect him and her and the girls? Here's another clip I love from Phil Robertson back at CPAC years ago.
I got my facts from the CDC day before yesterday. 110 million, 110 million Americans now have a sexually transmitted illness. 110 million? I'm looking at it and I said, I don't want you, America, to get sick. I don't want you to come down with a debilitating disease.
I don't want you to die early. You're disease-free, and she's disease-free. You're married. You keep your sex right there. You won't get sick from a sexually transmitted disease. Come on! Let's go back to Dennis Prager. Dennis Prager says you can commit adultery only with one organ, and it's not the heart. So here's the deal. Judaism, and Prager says this, is very behavior-based. Christianity is about the heart. They are in that way very different religions. In many ways, very different religions. Jesus Christ being the main difference, but heart versus behavior. Judaism is very behaviorist. He admits it. It's all about how you act, but that's not even, I don't even think that's the proper moral view as Aristotle would describe it. This is a, it's a wonderful debate. It's 50 minutes long between Dennis Prager and the host of a podcast called Pints with Aquinas and it's all about this. It's all about pornography. It's really fascinating to listen to because Dennis Pranger I think loses every single argument Here's the hosts Perspective on Aristotle so Aristotle in the Nicomachean Ethics Right has these four levels of the vicious to the virtuous man The vicious man is the one who wants to do the good and does it.
And so to me, I like, I have children, if one of them held anti-semitic views, but treated you kindly, I would say well that's better than holding anti-semitic views and being bad toward you, but I wouldn't, I would think that's not where I would settle. That's fine, that's fine, I respect that. And even Dennis Prager has to admit that that's true. Let's lament for a little bit. Jonathan Edwards, father of the Great Awakening in America, 1730s or so, he said, it's a sad thing to consider the poor, weak, and impotent, I was going to say important, no, no, impotent creatures we are, that we are so easily overcome by our base and sinful lusts, and that we're so prone to commit those sins that are most contrary to the law of God. Not only how prone we are to commit them, but how we can justify them away. Oh, we're so good at justifying them. But look what we've wrought. The pornification of society.
And even Prager knows this. Here he is on that podcast. So she was on a date and they were both attracted. It was not the first date and they kissed. That's all they did, they kissed. And in the midst of the kiss he grabbed her neck like this. And even me, Mr. Open, was taken aback. And so was she. To her credit, she took his hand away, she said either then or later that evening, or later another time, why did you do that?
And he, to his credit, was open enough to say, I thought you would like it, that's what I see on the internet. That's a bad thing. That's... The number of young men who learn about women through porn and not real life is a very scary thing that has developed. And we see it now trickling down to little kids. Terrific. I want people to want more. I want people to want better. That's my lament. I want everyone to want better in this category and to be more sensitive to the sexualization of everything and everyone and especially our kids.
My daughter, she's five. Last year, she was in a dance, dance class, like ballet, right? And we went to the performance and she did this cute little performance and then the other girls went up. She's no longer in dance, but that's the end of that. That's what we're doing here. That's what's next. That's the no, no, no, no, no.
Horrific. Just terrible to watch. And it was so sad to also hear all the parents, at least moms, screaming and cheering and hollering about how cute and adorable it is in the background. And it was just, it was terrible. Uh, I'll tell you, my daughter was up there and I didn't know that that was happening and I would have walked right up there. Like, that's okay. It's the end of that right now. Terrible.
I just want people to want more. Even Prager in this interview, he talks about how growing up, his dad loved his mom, but subscribed to playboy and mom was fine with it. No big deal. Just, and, and here's what the host said, it was such a brilliant response. What would be better, for your father to love your mother and get Playboy, or for your father to say, even though I'm tempted to look at pornography, my wife's body is enough for me and I'm not going to look at that even though I'm tempted to? That's a very fair question. I don't have an answer which will, I should give you the answer you want. I think you should too. Yes, that's a good point you do I don't know what that means enough. Oh, come on Dennis You know what we do better what a wonderful example of how you can Rationalize anything away and people are like, oh, you know, you can't be against pornography because Liberty Yeah Let me quote from our friend Josh Hammer. He said the American founders were careful to distinguish between true liberty, which entailed the dutiful worship of the creator and in accordance with the moral guardrails of one's Judeo Christian conscience, right so so morals so so liberty imply that doesn't imply it requires a strong moral foundation and guardrail and our founders. It's like today when you think liberty, people are just like, do whatever you want, like libertarianism or something, right?
But no, no, no, liberty was morality. And our founders distinguished between that and licentiousness, licentiousness. What an interesting word. So if you look it up in the dictionary, licentiousness means lacking legal or moral restraints, especially disregarding sexual restraints. Okay, but if you go to the original dictionary in 1828, licentiousness is excessive indulgence of liberty, contempt of the just restraints of law, morality, and decorum.
Law is the god of wise men. Licentious times. Unrelated pornography promotes licentiousness, not liberty. And it is hurting everyone. It's hurting all of us. Even if you don't engage, it's hurting our society, our future. You want to know why men are not getting married? Why would you? You have all your heart's desires or the cheapest imitation of it on your computer. Who needs to actually go out and talk to girls and go on dates and be selfless and serve and love when you can just receive, receive, receive all at your heart's whim and desire and pleasure.
Pornography has given now generations of men this idea that women are objects to be used and abused for your own selfish pleasure. It has changed how young men view young women, how they view marriage, how they view life. We have to consider how pornography not only affects romantic relationships or ones that could be romantic but aren't because why go through that when you can just use Tinder and whatever but also how it reflects every relationship as now everyone is seen as just a means to my satisfaction. Let me quote Denny Burke he says, it teaches young men to use women for sex and then to discard them when they become unwilling or uninteresting this means that it has given us a generation of young men completely unprepared for marriage and for fatherhood It is not merely that so many young men are unprepared for marriage. They aren't even prepared for dinner in a movie We have sown to the wind we are reaping the whirlwind Especially our daughters who are less likely than ever to find a man who hasn't been corrupted by this Let's get to the history and then the Bible.
We'll talk about some Ovid. We'll talk about some Leviticus that's coming up next. First, Patriot Gold Group. Are you happy with the economy? Are you hopeful? Do you think things are going great? Are they going to go better? Are things going to get better now moving forward? I don't. I bought gold.
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So just this weekend, I was reading some Ovid, a little bit of Ovid's Metamorphoses. Ovid or Ovid, he was born in BC. So he wrote this like the year 10, 15, something like that. So there's a lot of stories in this, but the one that I read is called the story of Mira. So the very short of it is Venus curses this group of women, turns them all into prostitutes. And there's a man, Pygmalion, who's so mortified by the behavior of these women that he sculpts a woman out of stone. And then he prays to Venus that he could turn her into a real woman. He actually prays because he's so full of shame that he could have someone like his ivory girl.
But Venus, in fact, turns her into a real woman. They then have a kid and then a son, or no, girl, and then that girl has another kid, and I think there's a couple generations go by and Then there's a man Sinreus who gives birth to Mira and This is a turn in the story that I did not anticipate but Mira is in love with her father She wants to commit incest with her father Here's what avid says Other creatures couple as they choose regardless if a heifers mounted by her father, there's no shame.
A horse becomes his daughter's husband. Goats will mate with kids. They've sired themselves. Why even birds conceive from seed that fathered them. How blessed are they that they have such license. And then he goes back and forth with Mira's like, I don't want to feel this way, but I do and I can't help my love. And then dad comes in, he talks about how much he loves her and she talks about how much she loves him but it's all not in the same way. Anyway, she's about to kill herself and her nurse, her maid comes in and sees that she's about to hang herself and the girl tells the nurse how she's feeling.
And then check this out, I don't know where the mom is but at night the nurse takes the girl, the young girl, Denzel, she is maybe like 12, 13, takes the young girl into her father's bed in the darkness. And they have sex. And the dad doesn't know. It's her, right. And they do it a lot. They do it for a long time. And then one day, he finds out and he's about to kill her. And she runs away, and then says, I don't want to die, but I can't live like this. So then she gets turned into a tree and then gives birth to the product of her and her father and that boy is Adonis. So that's the story. And you're like, oh, that's awful.
That's really uncomfortable. Havid, thank you very much. But among other things, it gets you thinking about how prevalent this was thousands of years ago. Even thousands of years ago, they were talking about it. And remember this, every time the Bible says, don't do something, it's because there were people who were doing it. It's because if you leave people up to their own devices, this is something that they would do. So when the Bible says don't have sex with animals, it's because people have sex with animals.
Alfred Kinsey, he's the super perverted sex researcher who lied about everything he's ever done. He says, and again, take it with a grain of salt because he's a big fat liar, but he said 8% of men and 3.6% of women, he estimated, have engaged in some sort of sexual act with an animal. He predicts 8% of men, 3.6% of women. So I don't know, can we ever even know like a real answer, right?
But whatever it is, it's way more, bestiality, way more prevalent than people think. And wouldn't you know it, it's in the Bible, don't do that. Because that's what people do. And it's the same, it's what people would do. And it's the same with incest. Leviticus 18. You can't have sex with your mother, you can't have sex with your father, your stepmother, your maternal sister, your daughter, your granddaughter.
It goes through all the people you're not allowed to have sex with. Why? Because that's a thing that people were doing. And we don't have to guess. That's what people were doing. It's explicit. Genesis 9, Ham saw his dad Noah naked and had sex with his dad. His dad was drunk at the time. Lot, his two daughters, got him drunk and had sex with their dad. That's in Genesis 19. Like what? What's going on here? So those are two pretty prominent examples and there's there's maybe a dozen or so other odd sexual interactions throughout the Old Testament. It's unbelievable, the amount of incest that's in the Bible.
So my point of all this is that sexual perversion is a part of a fallen human nature, and it must be addressed with children early. Now, maybe back in the day, maybe back when you were a kid, although I don't think so, because you remember what was talked about and even done in the back of the school bus when even you were in school. But now you can't. Maybe back in the day, it was you could get by quite a long time and it would be okay. But today, this stuff is actively being pumped into your kids' classroom at a younger and younger age to the point where Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida, says, hey you can't talk about gay stuff until the fourth grade and the whole LGBTQ lobby goes nuts. They're like, oh we must talk to your second grader about homosexuality, you know, we must talk about homosexuality in kindergarten, it's our human right. And it's now gotten where conservatives like Dennis Prager say, well, porn for the right reasons is okay.
We must hold ourselves to a much higher standard and we must get to our children as soon as possible before the world does and brings and grabs them, pulls them down to their depravity. So what is in my control? John Bunyan said, Let thy love to purity be very great, else thy shame will be very grievous. Purity, that's a word we don't hear a lot about in our culture today. We're looking for purity. Oh, by the way, I forgot to say, Prager says the whole lust is not in the Bible.
It's in the Old Testament. It's in the Ten Commandments. Exodus 20 says, You shall not covet your neighbor's house. And I heard him describe this and he stopped at house. I said, come on, Prager, you know the rest. The rest is you shall not covet your neighbor's wife. It's the next line. And then he does this thing, oh, well, there's a nuance between covet and lust.
Okay, I don't think so. So what's in our control? Some books I recommend. There's a very popular book called God Made All of Me. It's okay. It's probably the most popular Christian book to read to kids about their bodies. It's okay. It makes a couple good points. One word I like is, well, the title, God Made All Things, right?
And that's great. And God made every part of your body. Your body is good. That's an important foundation point. And the book makes that, and I like that. It also describes the difference between a secret and a surprise. Get rid of the word secret in your home. Groomers keep secrets. Groomers do things to your kids or tell things to your kids and then say, hey, let's just keep it our little secret.
There are no secrets in the Slater family. There are no secrets in your family. Do not allow that to be a thing. Your kids need to have an immediate repulsion of a secret. Instead, we embrace surprise. A surprise is something that you ultimately reveal when the time is right. A secret is something you never tell anyone. So, kids, we're gonna surprise mommy in a couple days for Mother's Day.
Okay, so don't tell her, but it's a surprise, okay? But we will tell her soon, that's the problem. But a secret, you never tell anyone, no good. So that's that book. I don't totally recommend it, but it's okay. There are some really good books for anatomy. There's one called, it's I'm a Boy, Special Me, I'm a Girl, Special Me, and there's ones for different ages. I got it right here, there's for ages five to seven, eight to 10, 11 to 13, 13 to 15, and 15 plus.
And these are very good, they're anatomically correct. They're by Dr. Shelley Metton. And I've talked to her before. Everything's anatomically correct and honest. It demystifies it all. One piece of advice I got is use the real words for things. Don't be ashamed or embarrassed or giggly when you say them. It's what they're called. Dr. Metton is a Christian, but these books are not explicitly Christian, for whatever you want to do with that.
My point is, this is all in the name of getting in front of the world, to your kids. Get to your kids before it's too late. And these kids in that one Texas school district, six was too late. Six years old was too late. Final thought to leave with. I was reading Ovid's Metamorphoses because I just started reading this book called Being Human and it's a collection of all these stories and poems and literature from forever and it's edited by Leon Kass and Leon Kass was the chairperson, I believe chairperson, yes, of George W. Bush's President's Council on Bioethics. This was 2003. So George Bush was president. And do you remember cloning? Cloning and stem cell research was a big debate. So he put together this Council of Bioethics and they put together this whole anthology on what it means to be human. And it is fascinating so far. That is the question of our time. This is very philosophical and theological but but it gets to the root and core of it which is obviously what we are interested in. I wanna quote here from uh Carl Truman, the great Carl Truman. He wrote an article on how the biggest question of our day is what it means to be human and he said, everyday language hints at this. There's been an interesting shift in English idiom over recent years from the language of making love to that of having sex.
The former, making love, which today may even sound a little quaint, speaks of an act that can only take place between two people who know and love each other, and which has at its core the act of giving. It is deeply relational, and the parties involved are selves, not merely bodies. That this phrase has been supplanted by the latter, have sex, which requires no necessary relationship between the parties and connotates not giving but taking. I'm gonna have sex, I'm gonna get sex, reflects a foundational change in social attitudes to sex that rest upon radical therapeutic individualism, just selfishness. Others have become instruments, means to one's own selfish end. One can only make love to a lover, but one can have sex with anybody, or indeed any body.
Pornography is a desecration of the human form, whereby selves are reduced to bodies and bodies are reduced to raw material, to be used and abused in any way that satisfies. And if you are morally neutral to pornography, you are complicit in the desecration of the human form and in the erasure of what it means to be human. Please get out there. Let's protect our kids. The Public Square app, it's a free download for your phone. I always talk about the five values that a business owner needs to have in order to be featured in the app. Well, here's a couple of them that are relevant to what we're doing here. First, we will always protect the family unit and celebrate the sanctity of every life. That is abortion, but it also to me, that's the same issue, human life with pornography. We will always protect the family unit and celebrate the sanctity of every life.
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