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Biden told a crowd of black graduates that the biggest terrorist threat is White Supremacy. When will we say enough of this already? Bottom line: Depravity leads to division and division leads to collapse. We'll learn from the most horrific and least preached chapter of the Bible, Judges 19.
Welcome to Politics by Faith. I'm Mike Slater. Thanks for being here. If you're new to the podcast, the very short mission statement is we take a news story of the day, something that causes anxiety, we give some historical perspectives, biblical peace to help that anxiety go away. The scripture of today is Judges 21-25. This sentence is terrifying, and this is who we are today. The Bible says, In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
What made me think of that? Joe Biden gave the commencement address at Howard University, which is a HBCU, a historically black college and university. Here's what he said. To stand up against the poison of white supremacy as I did my inaugural address to single out as the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy. And I'm not saying this because I'm on a black HBCU. I say wherever I go. This rhetoric, it's got to stop. And it's so sad because this is clearly going to be the centerpiece of his campaign going into 2024 and our country can't take much more of this.
We have to be close to the breaking point on it. And I get, I get very angry at the people who are continuing to push this victimhood narrative and this race-baiting narrative. We have people not only in New York City with what happened on the subway there, but in D.C. our nation's leaders who are whipping up race riots, and it has to stop. It's completely unnecessary. All right, so what's going on here? Every candidate going into 2024 is going to try to find their angle. And the media will lift up whatever team Biden comes up with. And it looks like it's going to be three things.
Trump is a January 6th election denying maniac. He's a liar. That's all you heard after the town hall on CNN liar, liar, liar, liar. Do you watch the focus group afterwards? The guy's like talking to these Republicans. How can you believe the lies of this giant liar? Do you believe the lies? There are lies and you believe the lies. What do you think of the lies? And then the third thing is white supremacists are killing black people. They're going to go back to that. Now do not be fooled for one second. The left the activists do not care about black people. Here's some necessary wisdom from the great Thomas soul. He said a crucial fact about white liberals must be kept in mind. They are not simply in favor of blacks in general. Their solicitude, that's their care and concern, is poured out for blacks as victims, blacks as welfare mothers, criminals, political activists against the larger society, as well as those blacks who serve as general countercultural symbols against the larger society. That's who they care about.
They care about those black people, not black people in general. This is Shelby Steele's book, White Guilt. In the age of white guilt, whites support all manner of silly racial policies without seeing that their true motivation is simply to show themselves innocent of racism. So part of it's like, well, I'm not racist. Look, I support black people. Do you? And does this thing that you think supports them actually support them? This is Richard Hanania. He said, They, white liberals, treat black people and other official victim groups not as fallible mammals like the rest of us, but as sacred cows or holy children who must be worshipped, protected, and adored.
White saviorism, which is the beating heart of social justice, is impervious to facts or reality, because it's not about saving people or communities. So then what is it about? Well, it's about proving that they themselves are not these evil racists that were made out to be. Now, that's, I actually think, the generous analysis. I think the more accurate analysis, certainly for Joe Biden, is they're using this as a tool, as a wedge to divide America and gain power. That's what I believe is really the root of it.
Does that make sense? So you have the one root which is this white guilt, like, oh, I'm not racist. Look, I support welfare. But I think the truer or more powerful force here is the people who are really leading this which is, oh, we can use this as a way to divide and get power. It's all about control. I believe that's the true heart of what's really going on. We did a TV special about control and I actually didn't talk about this aspect. I said there's two ways to control people. The first is transportation, right, to prevent people from going places. I used to be a big supporter of the self-driving car and I still think they'll happen but I'm more aware of the major downside of that is the self-driving car and that is that it's all connected to the grid and the government control of the grid. So if the government says you can't go certain places, you can't go here, you've gone too far, you're not allowed to go here for whatever reason, the government has that ability. If you don't think that in the beginning of COVID, if the government had this ability, they wouldn't have prevented your car from leaving the driveway. I don't know what to tell you. Because we all lived through that. And how convenient how easy for the government to say, lockdown order, your cars don't work now.
So that's one way to control people is literally where they can go. The second is how they spend money. And that's the central bank digital currency. And that's the main focus of the TV special we did this week. But the central bank digital currency is the government controlling all the money. Every expenditure, every expense goes through the federal government first. And they can decide who you can give money to, who's allowed to receive money, what you're allowed to spend money on, all that stuff.
Those are the two we focused on in the TV. But the third one, most relevant here, is that the government can control your mind. The government can control your mind. I'll never forget, I talked to someone who escaped North Korea and they truly deeply profoundly believed that Kim Jong-un at the time could read your mind. You couldn't even think bad thoughts about Kim Jong-un. It was one thing to do something that your neighbor could see and snitch on. You couldn't It's unbelievable. Frederick Douglass told a heartbreaking story when he was a slave.
And it was about food. Now, of course, his slave masters and the most brutal slave masters barely fed their slaves anything. Douglass says that he would, as a boy, fight with the dogs for crumbs underneath the table. Here's what he said. Our food was coarse cornmeal boiled. This was called mush. It was put into a large wooden tray or trough and set down upon the ground. The children were then called like so many pigs, and like so many pigs they would come and devour the mush, some with oyster shells, other with pieces of shingle, some with naked hands, none with spoons.
He that ate fastest got most. He that was strongest secured the best place, and few left the trough satisfied. So they ate like dogs underneath the table and pigs. That's bad enough. But what Frederick Douglass said was even more insidious, and evil even more insidious from the slave masters, was around Christmas. On many plantations, the slaves would get six days off around Christmas, and they could do whatever they wanted. And some would travel to visit family if they knew of any anywhere. But most would stay on the plantation and the masters would let them eat whatever they wanted.
They could have, they could eat whatever they wanted. And more importantly, they could drink whatever they wanted. Douglas says, fiddling, dancing and drinking whiskey and this latter mode of spending the time was by far the most agreeable to the feelings of our masters. It was deemed a disgrace not to get drunk at Christmas. To encourage drinking as much whiskey alcohol as possible, the masters would take bets on to see who could drink the most alcohol. Why did they do this? This was a cruel trick from the slave owners, to trick the slaves into thinking that freedom was bad. Into tricking the slaves into thinking that freedom meant getting drunk, and to tricking the slaves into thinking that they couldn't handle it.
They couldn't handle real freedom. Here's what he said, at the end of the holidays, sickened by the excessive alcohol, the hungover men felt that we would had almost as well be slaves to man as to rum. They were so sick from their six days off, their six days of freedom, six days of drinking. They were so sick. They were like, oh, it's better just to be a slave. So Douglas said, we staggered up from the filth of our wallowing, took a long breath and marched to the field, feeling upon the whole rather glad to go from what our master had deceived us into a belief was freedom back into the arms of slavery. Oh, wow.
And Douglas goes on, he talks about how this was in ways even more cruel than the obvious physical abuse. It was a form of mind control over the slaves, telling slaves that freedom is too hard for you. You can't do it. You can't do it on your own. And we slave owners, we're here to rescue you. We're here to help you, to save you. This slavery that you live in, this is good for you. That sounds so sick, so awful. And maybe what's even sadder is I see the same mentality today. I see the same mentality today. From Joe Biden speaking at Howard University, this message that you can't do it on your own. Oh, you gotta watch out for the white supremacists out there.
What are you talking about? Oh, it's systemic. Everyone's trying to keep you down. All the white men are trying to keep you down. You can't do it. And then you see a lot of rap culture today with teaching young people, especially, all the same sinfulness and waste and drinking and drugs, obviously. The same thing that the slave owners wanted their slaves to engage in as much as possible so that they could come back.
The slave owners could come back and say, see, you can't do it on your own. We just gave you six days of freedom and look what you did to yourself. You're a mess. Back to the fields. And so many elements of black culture today, but that's American culture now, say the same thing like, oh, waste all your money, take drugs, sleep with everyone you can, oh, your life is going poorly, oh, you're poor, oh, you have a bunch of kids, you're not married all the...
Oh, well, you need us because the white man is trying to keep you down. This is Ayaan Hirsi Ali, black woman. She said, for black Americans to progress, we need to cast off today's dependency on white guilt for recognition and support. What is the way forward if you accept that blacks in America are free? It's to have courage to live that freedom. It means holding ourselves accountable for our behavior. It means learning to shape our destiny regardless of skin color. And it means ignoring the divisive rhetoric propagated by those such as Patrice Galours, she's the head of Black Lives Matter, Kamala Harris, and Ibram X.
Kendi. And may I add to that, Joe Biden. Let's lament here for a minute. I just, I'm just so discouraged that it still works. That there's not enough, more people, I know you are, but there's more people who are like, enough already, knock it off and just calling it out for what it is. Now let me give you two more laments here. So this is interracial violent crime incidents in 2018. Most recent numbers, I'm sure we can get more recent ones, but I'm sure it's the same. Interracial violent crime incidents in 2018. We're told that, again, biggest terrorist threat in America is white supremacy.
How many white on black violent crimes? This is from the Bureau of Justice, by the way. How many white on black violent crimes in 2018? There were, we'll call it 60,000. 59,778. So 60,000 white on black violent crimes. How many black on white violent crimes? 550,000. Ten times as many. Ten times as many black on white violent crimes as white on black. Yet Joe Biden gets up there and says that the biggest terrorist threat is white supremacists. What are you talking about? Now black on black crime is a horrific problem. This is the murder rate per 100,000. St. Louis 65 per 100,000.
Baltimore 52. Jamaica's 52. South Africa 42. St. Lucia 39. Honduras 38. Belize 31. Mexico 28. Colombia 27. Nigeria 22. Brazil 22. Our cities are way more violent than any other countries in the world. I'm sure like, you throw out war torn countries, maybe a little different, but Jesus by many ways, St. Louis and Baltimore are war torn. And I lament all of that how broken and terrible it is. I just hate it. Beyond words. I think the kids growing up there, knowing no difference. It's brutal. All right, let's get to some history here. Let's get to some history, and then we're going to tell the story of Judges 19, which is, I would say it's widely known as the worst, most horrific chapter of the Bible, but it's not widely known as that because it's almost never preached on because it's so horrific.
So we'll talk about that coming up in just a little bit, but first, this podcast is brought to you by Public Square. Did you see Miller Lite trying to outwoke Bud Light? It's like, what is wrong with these people? We'll have to do another podcast on why these brands do this, why they attack their own customers. It's so bizarre. If you're trying to make sense of it from a normal perspective, like your perspective, it doesn't make any sense.
So you gotta come at it from their perspective and try to understand what's happening. Anyway, stop doing this. Stop giving money to these people. Levi's did a ad the other day with a transgender person. Okay, so stop buying Levi's and instead buy Carly Jean. And you're like, well, how do I know about Carly Jean? Well, the public square app. Anthropology had a transgender guy modeling dresses. Okay, well knock it off with Anthropology and instead buy Home & Vine.
Like, well I don't know, how am I supposed to know Home & Vine, it's Public Square. So download the app, it's totally free. And it connects you with people who share your values. Every business who's featured on this app has to agree to five principles that they agree on. One of like pro-life principles, pro-America principles. Otherwise you're not allowed to be featured on the app. So you know, you can have confidence that you are working with people who share your values.
Start small. Hit near me, restaurants. And next time you go out, instead of going to Starbucks or whatever, go to a real restaurant or coffee shop with good people. Start there. And then you can also, of course, buy online and ditch these woke brands. Enough already with them. The only way they're going to stop, maybe too late actually. Maybe just full blown in the activist world or fully taken over by activists. So they may never stop, but if there's ever a chance for these companies to stop, it's to stop giving them your money, and give your money to good people.
Public Square, if you wanna read those five principles, five values. But just download the app, it's awesome. Public Square in the App Store. All right, let's do a little history here first. So Thomas Sowell, who's my favorite, he said, the idea of racial superiority is a myth that's been used to justify all sorts of oppression and exploitation. That's the key here. So oppression, of course, that would be slavery. But exploitation is what the Democrats are doing today. The root of slavery is this idea that black people are less than and inferior. And I see the same mentality today, you black people, you don't have to take the SAT you're clearly inferior that's what they said you black people no more honors classes at your school that you go to your high school because you black people clearly can't cut it so I mean you're inferior after all so we're just gonna get rid of them all because we don't want you to feel bad you black people we're not gonna have a standard of law for you like stealing stuff murdering people, whatever, we're not gonna have law because, I mean, you're clearly inferior, so we're just gonna let you run amok.
Like what? That is exploitation. Compare that messaging from the left with Booker T. Washington. Booker T. Washington, also born into slavery, near the end of it though. Then he spent the rest of his adult life building the Tuskegee Institute to teach young black people to thrive in America after slavery. Here's what he said to his students. He said, during the days of slavery, we were shielded from competition.
Today we have to prepare ourselves to compete with the world. If I were to go into certain communities in the United States and say, the German is ignorant, well, I should be pointed to the best paying truck farm in that neighborhood, owned and operated by a German. If I went to that town and I said, the German is without skills, I would be shown the largest machine shop in the city, owned and operated by a German. If I said, ah, Germans are lazy, I should be shown the largest and finest residence on the most fashionable avenue, built from the savings of a German who began life in poverty. If I said, oh, the German can't be trusted, I should be introduced to a man of that race who is the president of the largest bank in the city.
And if I said that the German is not fitted for citizenship, I should be shown a German who is respected and influential member of the city government. Now, when your critics say that the Negro is lazy, I want you to be able to show them the finest farm in the community owned and operated by a Negro. When they ask if a Negro is honest, I want you to show them a Negro whose note is acceptable at the bank for $5,000. When they say that the Negro is not economical, I want you to show them a Negro with $50,000 in the bank.
When they say that the Negro is not fit for citizenship, I want you to show them a man of our race paying taxes on a cotton factory. I want you to be able to show them Negroes who stand in the front of the affairs of state, of religion, of education, of mechanics, of commerce, and of household economy, you remember the old admonition, by this sign we shall conquer, let it be our motto as well. That is the message of empowerment. Today's message is, you can't do it. You can't do anything. You can't get ahead. White people are here to kill you.
They're terrorists, so says the President of the United States of America. At a college graduation, no less. It's unbelievable. If you could take the worst things that have been done to black people in our history—slavery, segregation, Jim Crow—it was all based on the belief that black people are inferior. And if you take all the progressive policies today, it is still based on the idea that black people are inferior and incapable. One demand from the reparations crowd is that all black people have an automatic credit score of 700. I was like, what?
You can't pay your bills on time? What are you talking about? Just came across this video the other day of a guy giving advice. He's like a mentor to the black community kids and this is his advice. You know, we can solve our own problems. I told these children, I gave them five rules a day. I said, graduate high school, further your education, get a trade of some type, if possible, do not have children out of wedlock or until you're married. The other thing was to live below your means and invest in property or stock. Ain't no Messiahs coming out the sky, sorry.
You know, the truth of it is we got to take care of us. I was raised by people who were born in 1922 and 1932. And they told me because these people were born before social welfare. This is what you have to do. You take care of each other. Huey Newton said that, you know, leaders don't decide the revolution is going, you know, it's the people, you know, it's the people. So once the people start making that a habit, we get better. And if we as black people start doing the right thing, economically, living below our means, not projecting this thing of richness. We'll start to enrich our lives by spending more time with our children.
We'll start to set up for our grandchildren to be in a better place, but that takes what we told those young men today, discipline. There are so many in America today who worship at the altar of victimhood and stoking race riots, and I just hate it. There's no need for this division. So here's my argument. The thing that could unify us is the gospel. The great unifier is that we are all sinners, regardless of the amount of melanin in our skin. We're all sinners and Jesus died for all of our sins and we can all live a life of righteousness based on biblical principles from God. Can you imagine the unity if we all followed the Ten Commandments? We'll just start there. Now some won't, of course, but the rest of us in near unison would say that's wrong Don't steal But we can't do that anymore Because no one even knows the Ten Commandments Imagine the unity and the prosperity if we all said no sex out of wedlock Imagine the unity if we all said hey men and women figure out this marriage thing.
Marriage is sacred. Get it together. If we could just do those last two things, how much pain and misery could be prevented? Imagine the unity of instead of living in a culture of selfishness, we lived in a culture of selflessness. Booker T. Washington told his students, he said, the best way for us to improve our lot in life is by being entirely unselfish. Let every person get into the habit of planning every day for the comfort and welfare of others. Let each one try to live as unselfishly as possible, remembering that the Bible says, he that would save his life must lose it. And you never saw a person save his life in this higher sense, in the Christ-like sense, unless this person was willing day by day to lose himself in the interest of his fellow men.
Such persons save their own lives, and in saving them, save thousands of others. I got to read more, it's so good. What are some of the things that we do want you to learn to do? We want you to have to learn to see and appreciate the practical value of the religion of Christ. This is Booker T. Washington. We hope to help you to see that religion, that Christianity, is not something that's far off, something in the air, that is not to be something to be enjoyed only after the breath has left the body. We want to have you to see that the religion of Christ is a real and helpful thing, that it's something which you can take with you into your classrooms, into your shops, onto the farm, and that you do not have to wait until tomorrow before you can find out about the power and helpfulness of Christ's religion.
We want you to feel that the religion is a part of your lives and that it's meant to help you from day to day. We hope to have you feel that the religious services that we have you attend here are not burdens, but that it's a privilege, greatly to be desired, to come to these meetings and into the prayer meetings of the various societies on these grounds, and not in a humble, intimate way with the spirit of Jesus. We want you to feel that religion is something to make you happier, brighter, and more hopeful. If we took, this is me talking, end quote, if we took the top kind of like 10 practical principles of the Bible and said, let's have 70% of the country believe this to be true. We would be so much better off in this country, but we can't even do that. And for that reason, we're spiraling and we're no better now than the people in Judges 19 who believe there was no God and they were left to their own devices and then wondered why things didn't go well.
What happened in Judges 19, you ask? Judges 19 is such a fascinating chapter because I would guess it is the least preached chapter of the Bible ever. F.B. Mayer, he was a famous pastor in the 1800s, he famously recommended to not even read it. He said it would be, this was in one of his devotionals, he said, it would be sufficient to ponder these words without reading further in this terrible chapter, which shows the depths of the depravity to which may sink apart from the grace of God. But of course, we can't skip it. We have to read it. Judges 19 is just one of the worst things in the whole Bible, but it's true. True story. The opening line is key. In those days when there was no king in Israel, that's echoed later at the very end, Judges 21, 25.
This sentence is terrifying and it's who we are today. In those days, there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes. Isn't that what we do today? Someone steals something? That's not right. Who are you to say? That's what it is. Maybe he really needed that thing. Everyone's doing what's right in their own eyes. There's 21 chapters in Judges, each one worse than the last.
And it's the story of the people of Israel just destroying themselves, turning away from God, the same God who saved them out of slavery in Egypt. And they just keep turning away again and again and again. And that's where we are right now. Everyone doing what is right in their own eyes. So let's get the quick of the story here and it's worth reading all of Judges. It's a wild time. So this guy has a concubine, which was a legal status back then. It was above nothing, but below wife. By the way, God didn't approve of this, but it was a thing that was.
So the concubine left him and went to her father's house. Was there for a couple months. And the man goes to her father's house and says, hey, I want her back. And the father-in-law, I guess, brought him into the house and said, oh, stay for a couple of days. It was all very hospitable. So a couple of days later, they leave. And they're going back home. And the servant to the man says, hey, let's stay in this city.
And the man says, no, we can't stay in this place of foreigners, we gotta keep going, we gotta power through, we gotta make it to a city in Israel. So they keep going, they power through, and they finally get to this city in Israel, Gibeah, G-I-B-E-A-H, Gibeah. So they get there, and no one will take them in, which is the first sign that these are a wicked people. Finally, one old guy did.
An old guy saw them and said, hey, peace be with you. Let all your needs be my responsibility. Come stay at my house. So brought them in, gave food to the donkeys, washed their feet, they ate, they drank, all good, right? Well, verse 22, so chapter 19, 22. As they were enjoying themselves, suddenly certain men of the city, perverted men, surrounded the house and beat on the door. They spoke to the master of the house, the old man, saying, bring out the man who came to your house, that we may know him carnally.
It's like Sodom and Gomorrah. So then it gets even worse. The old man says, stop banging on the door I'm not gonna give you this guy here is my virgin daughter instead and the man's concubine this is the same thing Lot did and Sodom is here don't take the man take my daughter so here the old man says take my daughter take the man's concubine humble them and do with them as you please but to this man do not do such a vile thing so the man took his concubine and brought her out to them and this is what the Bible says and they knew her and abused her all night until morning and when the day began to break they let her go then the woman came as the day was dawning and fell down at the door of the man's house where her master was till it was light it is it gets worse by the way but quick timeout it is fascinating how Bible commentaries in history have managed these verses here.
Adam Clark, early 1800s or so, he left this part of his Bible commentary in Latin so that only Bible scholars could understand the full depravity and perversion of these men. It was too awful of a story for people to even hear about. So the man wakes up distraught, right, over what happened to his concubine. No, he opens the door, sees her laying there, and says, Get up, let us be going. But there was no answer. So the man lifted her onto the donkey, and the man got up and went to his place. When he entered his house, he took a knife, laid hold of his concubine, and divided her into twelve pieces, limb by limb, and sent her throughout all the territory of Israel.
And so it was that all who saw it said, no such deed has been done or seen from the day that the children of Israel came up from the land of Egypt until this day. Consider it, confer and speak up." Confers, another translation of that is take counsel. Like let's chat about this. This is pretty bad. Now, what I left out is, we don't know the name of this guy, but we do know he was a Levite.
So these were supposed to be the teachers of the law. These were men set apart from the profane and the corrupt. These were the holy men, and look how bad they were. This is how horrifically Israel had fallen. So we have rape, we have murder, we have the callousness of the Levite man. And then what did all this depravity lead to? Civil War. Where do you think our depravity is leading to? Where do you think it goes? What's the end? It's so weird, like we're watching our country just spiral, and we're like watching it like it's a movie.
We're like, oh, I wonder what happens next. Oh, look, here the transgenders came in on this season. I wonder how that's gonna go. Oh they're using women's locker room. Okay, let's see what happens next. Oh look, they're doing strip dances in front of kids. Huh, okay, well I don't know. Let's see what's going to happen. It's like, no, stop seeing what's going to happen next. We are living it right now. Where do you think it's going if we don't do anything? So the question is, why did he cut her up into 12 pieces? He sent each piece to each of the 12 tribes. So the 11 got together and said, this is crazy, we have to go attack the tribe of Benjamin who did this.
And they eventually did, and all but 600 men of that tribe were killed. And the 11 were not moral leaders throughout all of it as well. But the point of me sharing this, and the relevance of me sharing this, is depravity leads to division. Depravity leads to division and ultimately depravity leads to collapse. That's where we are headed and our leaders, you just heard Joe Biden, are trying to whip us into a mob and divide us even more because mobs are crazy. And that's what's in your control. That's one of the main points of this episode, if I may. If you get nothing else out of this episode, avoid the mob. If the government's goal is to control you, the way they do it is by manipulating a mob or creating a mob mentality and groups of people together to lose their minds, hoping you get caught up in it and make terrible decisions.
January 6th is a good example. So please avoid mobs of angry people. The word mob comes from the Latin word mobile vulgus. It means a fickle, common people. Fickle, mobile, like mobile, like moving. It's like easily moved common trash vulgus com fickle common people and I got shortened down to mob but here's the thing we're not fickle people we are rooted in truth we are rooted in God's Word we are rooted in giant eternal principles. It's the fickle people who are tossed to and fro.
It's the fickle people who are manipulated. That's what Paul is talking about in Ephesians when he says, don't be children, don't be tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness and deceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the truth and love, the truth, we are to grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, unity, joined and held together by every joint with which is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. That's the unity that Paul is talking about.
People united in Christ aren't deceived by political rhetoric. No matter how hard they try. No matter how hard they try to whip up a mob into a frenzy, you will not get caught up into it because you know the truth. And you also realize everyone's capacity for doing terrible things, especially when caught up in a mob. There's a bunch of mobs in the Bible. One of my favorites is Paul in Ephesus. This is in Acts 19. I think we've told part of the story before, but there's this guy who makes silver for people to buy little trinkets for their false gods.
And Paul's telling people to knock it off with this false god stuff, so it hurts this guy's business. This is Acts 19, 28. When they heard this, they were furious and began shouting, Great is Artemis of the Ephesians. So this guy, this silversmith, whipped everyone up into a crowd, into a fury, right? A fury, they became furious. Soon the whole city was in an uproar. The people seized Paul's traveling companions from Macedonia, and all of them rushed into the theater together. I love this line, the assembly was in confusion.
So they go to this place, and the mob is in charge now, and the assembly was in confusion. Some were shouting one thing, some another. Most of the people did not even know why they were there. I love that. Most of the people didn't even know why they were there. And then of course when Jesus was killed on the cross, one of the centurions, we know of, hopefully more, but at least one of them regretted his role in the whole crucifixion. Talk about a mob. Luke 23, 47, surely this was a righteous man. So that's what's in your control is to make sure you don't get caught up in a mob. That's what they want. So what do we leave with?
What can we meditate on? What can we think about at night to help the anxiety go away right now. First let me tell you about Patriot Gold Group. We have our special this week. We're talking a lot about gold and I go over the story of FDR in 1933 who confiscated everyone's gold. Like what? What do you mean? And it was it was a little surreal when I first bought gold that like the FedEx guy just came to my door and just handed it to me. Like what? Like how is this legal? It is for now. I own gold for a lot of reasons. Give them a call and see if this is a good decision for you and your family.
You get a free investor guide, 1-888-617-6122. You can own physical gold and silver and you can also talk about a no fee for life IRA where your IRA or 401k can be put in physical gold and silver. 188,617, 6122, you can talk about the benefits of that. When FDR confiscated all the gold in people's homes, gold was 30 bucks an ounce, and now it's $2,000 an ounce. 188,617, 6122, and by the way, Patriot Gold Group, consumer affairs top rated gold IRA dealer, six years in a row, and going, and counting. 1-888-617-6122 and very grateful to Patriot Goal Group for supporting our podcast here. So what do we leave with? I just want to be united in something bigger than our color of our skin, for the love of Pete. Can we just... Colossians 3 verse 8, but now you yourselves are to put off all of these anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth.
Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, your old filthy self, and have put on the new man, who is renewed in knowledge according to his image, excuse me, according to the image of Him who created him, God, where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all." I'll add black or white. It's so important to emphasize that last part there. Christ is all and in all. A house divided against itself cannot stand. Abraham Lincoln was not the first person to come up with that line.
That was Jesus. Mark 3 25. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. Let us vow right now that we give no more power to the people who are seeking to divide. But instead focus all of our energy on the one who can unite.