Imagine the disappointment if you're dying of thirst and you see a well and you desperately pull the bucket out of the well and it's empty. That's the constant feeling of worshiping idols. They never provide a drop of comfort.
Good morning, welcome to the Morning Motivation. Mike Slater brought to you by Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square app. Still going on.
No, listen, that's fine.
I don't want to be like a victim here, walking around. Hi, I'm Mike. Nice to meet you. Did I tell you I lost half my stuff in a fire? That's not my identity moving forward, I promise, but it's a good example, or good impetus to talk about materialism, which is a problem I've always had, and I feel like I'm not alone. It's so easy to get caught up with things, make things an idol, make things your god, make your love of things as a form of religion, something you worship, something you think about all day. 2 Timothy 3, but understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness but denying its power. Avoid such people. I think there's the obvious ones here of lovers of money and then was it lovers of pleasure? Rather than lovers of God, but also that last one having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power Materialism can do that stuff can do that if you're idolizing stuff, then the stuff can have an appearance of Godliness, but of course it doesn't have the power Charles Spurgeon did a sermon on this, talked about the spiritual life without God, the illusion of being able to have a spiritual life without God. He said, it's worth nothing. Sure, imitation jewels are pretty and brilliant, but if you take them to the jeweler, he'll give you nothing for them. There is a religion which is all paste gems, a godliness which glitters, but is not gold. Moreover, there is no comfort in it. The form without the power has nothing in it to warm the heart, nothing to raise the spirits or to strengthen the mind against the day of sickness or in the hour of death. That's what I was talking about yesterday, that you think there's gonna be such a joy when you go and get more stuff. And even then, there's no joy at all, no raising of spirits. Peter called hypocrites, wells without water. So imagine you're thirsty, you're out in the desert, and you see a well. Oh, and it looks perfect. It's got the stones around it. You can picture, I've never even seen a well in real life, but you can picture a well perfectly. It's got the stones, and the pillars on the side with the little roof on the top of it and it's got the rope with the bucket and the thing you turn the whole thing right so you run up to your third dying of thirst you quickly as fast as you can you spin the wheel and you get that bucket up as fast as you can and the bucket's empty how disappointed would you be Spurgeon says a well without water is a mockery. A mockery. That's what idolizing stuff is. It's a mockery. It's a mere pit of destruction, a deadly delusion. Spurgeon says, are some of you possessors of a religion which never yields you a drop of comfort? It is a bondage to you. If you worship materialism, it gives you not a drop of comfort. That's how I've been feeling with things. It's a well with no water in it. How disappointing. Materialism, worship it and get not a drop of comfort. In fact, it's bondage to you. And I love this last line of his sermon. He says, get your godliness direct from heaven by the personal dealing of your own soul with your Savior. You can't get your godliness direct from the Amazon or direct from whatever, Macy's. Profess only what you possess and rest only in that which has been given to you from above. Rest only in that which has been given to you from above. Your heavenly life as yet may be very feeble but the grain of mustard seed will grow. You may be the least in Israel, but that is better than being the greatest in Babylon. Think about that if you feel envious of someone else and their stuff. Think about that if you feel envious of someone else and their stuff. Sure, you may be the least in Israel, but that is better than being the greatest in Babylon.