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Is love all about emotions? Let's hope not. Psalm 1:1 gets the order right; love is first a choice, and the emotions will follow.
Good morning.
Welcome to the Morning Motivation, brought to you by the Public Square App and Patriot Gold Group. We're talking about Psalm 1, Psalm 1-1 and 2. Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, as in goes along with sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers, but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. I love this line in verse 2, the delight, delight and meditate. That's what we want to talk about today, delight and meditate. At the wedding I was at this last weekend, this theme came up that you choose love. And at first it seems so, well it is counter-cultural. counter cultural. The world pushes this purely emotional love, and we see the fruit of that with divorce and unhappiness. The problem with emotional love is it's fleeting. Emotions are fleeting. So what are you left with after the emotions go away? The emotions also create this perception that you are powerless over them, right? You are falling in love. If you're falling like off a cliff, you have no control. You fell in love. Like, oh it just happened. But true love is when you choose love. When you make the decision to love. In sickness, health, rich or poor, etc. You choose it. Then the proper emotions follow. It's true with loving God as well. There are emotions involved, of course, but you have to meditate on it. So it says meditate day and night. Meditation involves work and will, and that's okay because the emotions then follow. The modern view of love is very passive and you don't do anything. It just comes upon you like a wave of emotions and you're taken away. But true love requires work and will, and that's good. It's true with loving God. There are no shortcuts. You've got to read your Bible. Meditation strengthens and sustains the delight. Meditation allows the Word to penetrate your day. It's everything about your day. Romans 12, 2, be transformed by the renewal of your mind. That can be done through meditation. So let's today focus on, well first, making the choice. Let's choose to love God. Let's choose to meditate. Let's choose to delight. And if we study more of God's word, those things will happen. Those things will follow. Those things will follow. And our lives will be full of delight.