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We think meditation means being silent, but the Hebrew in Psalm 1:1 is obvious that it is not. But why does God want your meditation to not be silent?
Welcome to the Morning Motivation, brought to you by the Public Square App and Patriot Gold Group. We're talking about Psalm 1-1 this week. Technically, Psalm 1-1-2. Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers, but his delight is in the law of the Lord. And on his law, he meditates day and night. Today, we're talking about the word delight and meditate. I have to do a way better job of getting distractions out of my life. I was talking to some friends this weekend at the wedding. And we were talking about how we need to be more efficient or effective in our busy lives and the question was, is there something you need to do to be more effective or are there things you need to stop doing? And the consensus was, the way to be more efficient or effective is to stop doing certain things. And the imagery used was like, you're pushing a beach ball under the water and you just need to let go. You stop pushing and then your beach ball will naturally fly to the surface. That imagery is the productivity that will shoot through the roof. So whatever these wasteful things, Netflix, or whatever wasteful habits that are just sucking the time and energy out of your life, all of that wasted time, and we can all do audits of our lives and find out how much of it there is, all of that wasted time should be spent in the word or doing something to build your faith. And think about what a different person I would be, you would be. I thought of this before I was a reader. If you add up all the time that you spent on Instagram or Twitter, you could have read 20 books this year. If you just had a book in your hand instead, and instead of scrolling, you read? How much better off would you be if you read 20 books? Well, think about how much better you are now that you spent all that time on Instagram. How much better are you? Zero better. Now think of how much better of a person you'd be if you read books. You'd be a totally different person for the better. So I just had to make a choice, and we all do, and it's even more true with the Bible. What kind of person do you want to be? All the people I admire the most in the world, they all spend time in the Word. We got to get rid of the distractions, be more intentional and focused and deliberate and consistent. Find a time and a place and a plan. Read slowly and reread and reread and reread and read it out loud. And that's the word for meditate. Psalm 1-2, the word meditate comes from the same root word which means to growl or to mutter. The idea here is that you are reading out loud. It's interesting isn't it? Meditation in our culture has this connotation of like yoga or something of like emptying the mind. It's like this Hindu emptying of the mind trying to find nirvana. But Christianity, meditation is about filling the mind with the Word. And one great way to do that, as it says in Psalm 1-2, is to read the Bible out loud. That is the Word. That's the Hebrew word to meditate, to read out loud. Isn't that interesting? So I just want to drive that home a little more. And that's so interesting. When I think meditate, I think silence. But in Hebrew, the word meditate means to mutter, to growl. You're making noises when you meditate. You're reading the word. That's meditation. It's an out loud experience. Psalm 3528, my tongue will proclaim your righteousness, your praises all day long. Proclaim is the word haga haga Psalm 37 30 the mouth of the righteous utters wisdom and his tongue speaks justice the word utter is haga same thing in Psalm 1 2 the word meditate is haga haga so in these three songs to proclaim to utter and meditate same word the first to proclaim and utter we know that that's out loud but then we think meditate is a quiet thing? Joshua 1.8 This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. How about that scripture? Come on.
This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, silently think about it, no uttering it, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." And all of this is painting this picture of someone who's not distracted from the main thing. It's the famous line, the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. So the goal here is to read and hear the scripture, to immerse oneself in scripture, so that it becomes just the way you think. It's all-consuming in every way. Not just a few minutes in the morning or a few minutes before bed, although that's a great start, but it's about being so immersed in scripture all the time that it just consumes your thoughts constantly, and then your actions will, of course, follow. So, in Psalm 1, that's what, Psalm 1, 2 is what two do, meditate. Psalm 1, 1 is don't follow the counsel of the wicked. Who are the wicked? And what is their counsel? And what is their counsel? We'll talk about that tomorrow.