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What is a scoffer exactly? And why do people "sit" with them? It can be hard to accept my first example of how we all scoff.
Good Morning, happy Friday. Welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square app. Finishing up, oh by the way, every episode we do is available everywhere, wherever you're listening to this. Also on We put every episode up there the night before and no commercials and the transcript as well. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. So wrapping up are we talking about Psalm 1 1 sneaking in a little bit of verse 2 as well. Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of scoffers but his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night. So this week we've talked about the two ways to live that are presented here.
We did a dive in the word delight, in the word meditate. Yesterday we talked about the wicked. Today I want to talk about the scoffers. Such a fun word to say. We don't say it anymore. Scoffer. We should bring it back. Don't be a scoffer. From the original dictionary, Webster's 1828, I always start there.
A scoffer is one who scoffs. I hate those definitions, those don't help at all. One that mocks, derides, or reproaches in the language of contempt, a scorner. And then that original dictionary is so good because they always quote the Bible. Whenever possible, the sentence they give is a scripture. scripture second Peter 3 3 that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing following their own sinful desires they will say where is the promise of his coming so they mock a scoffer is a fool who thinks himself wise and mocks God that's what a scoffer is someone who thinks they're wise, mocks God, and is therefore a fool. And I love how the psalmist writes that the scoffers are sitting.
So the person walks in the council of the wicked, stands with sinners, and sits with the scoffers. Because scoffing is the laziest thing to do of all of them. But I don't mock God Slater. I don't scoff. This isn't relevant to me at all. I'm not a scoffer. Ready for this example? You want an example of how we all scoff? I'll just give you one. It's obviously more. This is the first one that pops in my head. We watch things on the TV that we probably shouldn't be watching. We choose, through our actions, which is a reflection of our heart, we choose to consume things that mock God and that reject godly wisdom. And we say, oh, this doesn't matter.
Of course, there's a time to veg out or whatever, but there's better ways to do that than others. And I tend to choose the laziest, at least the least godly way of all, my options in front of me. Well, it's better than going to the strip club. Sure, sure, sure. Or way well past that. Sitting and watching things I shouldn't watch. That's sitting in the seat of scoffers. One way of many. It's choosing to do a foolish thing rather than turning to the wisdom of God.
It's claiming to be wise, they become a fool. It's Romans 1.22, claiming to be wise, they became a fool. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Let's be people who don't walk in the counsel of the wicked. Don't listen to bad advice from wicked people or envy wicked people. We don't stand alongside the sinners. We don't sit with the scoffers. But instead let's delight in the law and meditate on it day and night. Mike Slater, dot locals, dot com.