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Part 3 of money and fame and things won't make you happy, today's example of Paris Hilton. We tie this into an often overlooked section of Luke 10 when Jesus spoke to his disciples who were rejoicing in something good, but Jesus said, "No! Rejoice in THIS instead." Where did he say we should find our joy?
Good morning
Welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by the Public Square App and Patriot Gold Group. Friendly reminder, the transcript of all of our episodes we put up the night before on So the transcript, no commercials and early access. And that's all for free on Famous people aren't happy example number three and if you have any others please leave them on the website as well I love these stories Britney Spears and Paris Hilton we all know the latest with Britney Spears she's not doing well but there is a Paris Hilton documentary but again you'd think she would right she had everything any every girl of that era ever wanted. The fame, the fortune, the boys, the this and that, whatever. And she's miserable. There was a Paris Hilton documentary and there were two things that really stood out. First, her home, it's not a home, her house is completely full of stuff. Stuff, it's not decorated well, it's just full of stuff. Like she just moved in but she's been there forever because it's not a home. Stuff she's never worn, stuff she's never seen, stuff she doesn't like, stuff just strewn about, literally can't even walk in her closet. It's so full of designer clothes that were sent to her, she doesn't even care about any of it at all. There's so many people strive for that one expensive thing that I really want, it'll make me so happy. She has all of them and doesn't care a lick. It speaks to how meaningless these things really are. But the saddest scene is she's in Tokyo or Dubai, let's say Tokyo. She lands in Tokyo and there's all these people at the airport waiting for her and there's two girls up in the front who have been waiting the longest. And let's say their names are Nancy and Megan. And she meets Nancy and Megan and they take a picture and then they go on. And later that day or the next day, Paris is so alone, just desperately alone. And she's in the chair doing her makeup. And she's talking to the documentarian and she goes, yeah, you know, I just got such great friends, my best friends like Megan and Sarah. And the documentarian goes, the girls at the airport? Oh yeah, my best friends. She's like, you just met them, you don't know anything about them, they don't know anything about you. Those are my real friends. It's like, wow, that's awful. That's how starving she was for a real friendship. That's not, not starving. That's how foreign a friendship was to her. So we're talking about fame, fortune, and all that stuff won't bring you happiness. Just won't. So what will? So we're talking about a scene out of Luke 10, and he sends out 70 disciples to go in front of him and prepare the way, and they come back, and they're like, oh Jesus, it went great. Even the demons obeyed us in your name. And Jesus said, don't rejoice in the fact that demons obeyed you. Instead, and this is the theme of the week, rejoice that your names are written in heaven. That's what you need to rejoice in. That's the greatest miracle of all. So, if we are to rejoice in that, if that's what Jesus said you should like, because if you like cast out demons in people, you'd be like, that's pretty, pretty awesome. And Jesus is like, okay, yes, it is not even close to as awesome as the fact that your name is written in heaven. So what does that mean? It's a funny phrase if you think about it. So I got some stuff here from John Piper. These are assurances for you, if this is true.
If your name is written in heaven,
you are chosen by God in eternity. You are predestined for sonship in his family. You are ransomed from every evil bondage. You are purchased for God's precious possession. Christ has taken your place under the punishment of divine wrath. If your name is written in heaven, God has caused you to be born again. He has taken out the heart of stone and put in its place the heart of flesh. He has made you alive in Christ Jesus and given you the gift of repentance and faith. He has forgiven all of your sins, declared you innocent before God. That's what it means to have your name written in heaven. You are irrevocably rescued from the terrors of hell. You stand righteous in the court of heaven and have peace with God. He has adopted you as His own child and made you an heir of eternal life with the inheritance of all things. He has made the Holy Spirit dwell in you and brought you into the fellowship of His beloved Son. He is omnipotently committed to holding on to you so that nothing can separate you from the love of God. He will make every pleasure and pain work for your eternal good. He will lead you in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. He will bring you safely to His eternal kingdom and present you blameless before the throne of His glory. To have your name written in heaven means He will give you access to the very presence of God, where you will be fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore. That's what it means to have your name written in heaven. That's a lot. But Jesus said don't rejoice in anything else compared to that. Compared to that. It's kind of like hate your father and mother. It's like, don't really hate your father and mother. It's just compared to Jesus. Same thing here. Rejoice in things, sure, but nothing compared to having your name written in heaven. Rejoice in that the most of all. Okay, but what does that joy look like? That we will talk about tomorrow. Okay, but what does that joy look like? That we will talk about tomorrow.