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Are you praying to God or are you wishing to a genie? Jeremiah shows us not only patience with other people (yesterday's episode), but also patience with praying to God. He didn't just offer a 5-second prayer and give up, because he never viewed God as a genie who grants wishes.
Good morning. Welcome to Morning Motivation brought to you by Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square app. By the way, all of our episodes, all the shows we do, are available on No commercials. We posted the day before, and the transcript is all up there every single day. What a day in the news, all the Hunter Biden stuff and then Trump indicted again for election January 6 stuff. Oh, it's so good to be here in a safe place. So good to take a break from all of that. This week we're talking about being patient. My kids lately, we've been talking about counting to 100 or counting to 10 and then counting to 100. I've never had to do that in my life. I've heard that advice my whole life but I've never had to do it until I had kids. They've tested my patience. They've improved my patience. They've grown my patience. But I'm still not patient with God. But God I prayed for this thing once for three seconds. Why didn't you make it happen, magic genie in a box?" Yesterday we shared a very short version of the story of Jeremiah, or one part of the story of Jeremiah, where he preached to the Israelites for 23 years, and they never listened. 23 years. But how about this example? I may like this one even more. This is Jeremiah 42. So all the army officers, they go to Jeremiah, and they say, please hear our petition and pray to the Lord your God for this entire remnant. For as you now see, though we were once many, now we are few. Pray that the Lord your God will tell us where we should go and what we should do. So like, Jeremiah, please go pray to God. And Jeremiah said, yes, I will. And the army officer said, yes, we'll do whatever God says. We will obey whatever God says. Why? So that it will go well with us, for we will obey the Lord our God. So Jeremiah prays. How many times? One little prayer and a couple seconds in he gets distracted with the things he has to do for the rest of the day?
And he prays right away. One time at church, let me say this, a common thing for to happen at churches, people share what they're going through of course, and you may be going through a tough time and the person say, oh man that must be so hard, I'll pray for you. Alright, see you later. They go around and they never do, right? One time someone said to me, oh man, that must be really tough, let's pray about it right now. Do you have a Heavenly Father? And I was like, oh yeah, that's way better. Then I'll pray later. So not only did Jeremiah pray right away, but he prayed for a long time. How long? Jeremiah 42, 7. Ten days later, the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah. He prayed for ten days. Imagine that. You do a whole week. What day is it? It's Wednesday. It's a Wednesday to Wednesday. You're praying, you got nothing. You're a prophet. You get nothing from God. A whole week. But he kept at it. Eight days, nine days. It was the tenth day he finally heard from God. How impatient have we become in our modern world? We pray once for five seconds, and oh, why God?
Why don't you listen to me?
Why don't you love me? Why can't we wait for God anymore? We want everything on our timing, right? Just like everything, just like Amazon or a microwave dinner, whatever, press a button, boom, done. But that's not how it works.
And Jesus tells us that's not how it works.
That's why he tells us to pray always and not lose heart because it might be ten days like it was for Jeremiah it might be 23 years of you pleading your case but specifically on prayer he said don't lose heart pray always don't lose heart Paul tells us to keep sowing and to not grow weary. Because in due season we will reap if we do not give up. Galatians 6.9 Don't give up with your prayers. Don't give up with your prayers. Don't give up with your prayers. Don't give up with your prayers. He hears them. He's teaching you something in the process.