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We don't need more progress in our country, we need a restoration. There are 4 aspects of restoration. Today we talk about REVIVAL.
Morning. Welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group and Public Square app. This week we're talking about restoration, four aspects of restoration. On Tuesday we talked about replacing. Yesterday we talked about renewing. And today we're going to talk about reviving. Reviving means to make alive again. The vere means to live, re, again, make alive again. George Whitefield, he traveled across America leading these revivals, major part of the Great Awakening, early 1700s. He once said, I know no other reason why Jesus has put me in the ministry other than I am the chief of sinners and therefore fittest to preach free grace to a world lying in the wicked one." And this realization of grace revived him.
He said, Oh, what a way of divine life did break in upon my poor soul! Oh, with what joy! Joy unspeakable! Even joy that was full of and big with glory was my soul filled. Revive. Romans 6, 4, we were buried therefore with him by baptism into death in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead, come again alive, right alive again by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. Psalm 119 though has this theme a lot of revive. My soul clings to the dust. Revive me according to your word." How about that? Revive me according to your word. How good is that? How do you get revived? Go to His word. Verse 27, Make me understand the ways of your precepts. Make me understand.
Later verse 97, I will never forget your precepts. So make me understand them and I will never forget them. For by them you have revived me. So what does this Hebrew word revive? What's the full connotation of it? It means to revive from sickness, from discouragement, from faintness, you're just tired, you can't go on anymore, and from death in order to live to restore life and to cause to grow and it's I should say to live prosperously that's what the Hebrew says to live prosperous and I'm not just live but to live prosperously so God revived me revived me from discouragement and faintness.
Restore my life and help me to grow and to live prosperously. With more stuff? No, of course not. If you're feeling down for whatever reason, it better not be because you're a sinner. That's all the more reason to be revived. And come to life again. Fix your eyes on him and you will be. Tomorrow, the last aspect of the word, the concept of restoration is return.
Mike Slater dot locals dot com. We put the whole transcript of everything we do here, the transcripts there, no ads, and we put it up the night before. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.