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We don't need more progress in our country, we need a restoration. There are 4 aspects of restoration. Today we talk about reconcilation. ALSO, I need your home schooling advice. The Slater family starts on our home school adventure on Monday.
Morning Motivation. Happy Friday brought to you by Patriot Goal Group and the Public Square app. This week we've been talking about restoration. I'm so sick of progress, always hearing about progress. We need restoration in this country. So this week we've talked about different aspects of it. Tuesday we talked about replacing. Wednesday we talked about renewing. Yesterday we talked about reviving, replace, renew, revive, and today return. Or happens to be another R word, Romans 5.10, reconciled. Reconciled. The original Webster's dictionary definition, brought into friendship from a state of disagreement or enmity. Brought into friendship, reconciled. I love it. 1 Corinthians 5 18. All this is from God who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ. Be reconciled to God. God made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. Become reconciled to God so you may become the righteousness of God. Quick sidebar here and I'll bring it around. I promise we on Monday, the Slater family is starting its homeschool adventure. Oh boy, we are excited and trepidatious for it. I beg of you for advice. Because we have no idea. Slater Radio at is my email. Slater Radio at We have a lot of support here. So we're doing it through Memoria Press. That's the curriculum. So that's all laid out. It's a classical Christian program. We're doing it with a group called Highlands Latin, and there's a couple of them, and it's every Monday the kids go with a proper teacher, other kids doing it, and we just met everyone last night at the big orientation with all the other kids who are adorable and the great teachers and directors, so we have direction. So we're as set up for it as we possibly can, and those are the two structural needs. What are you teaching and do you have help? Yes, yes, beautiful. So that is a huge relief. But still, we feel ill-prepared. And it's also kindergarten, first grade, so we can, I know the material.
But I don't know how we're gonna do it. So if you have any advice that can help us, please slaterradio at We've always thought of it. I think like a lot of Christian conservative people, I think we've thought about it. But we had a great classical Christian school in San Diego. Loved it, loved it, loved it. And when we moved, the schools were full. Literally, the wait lists were full. You couldn't even get on the wait list of schools that we were looking at. So we were like, well, let's do it so here we are so any advice please Slater radio at you know everyone's all but you're not your kids are gonna be socialized and it's that that I have no patience for that I was you know I don't want them to be socialized to other six-year-olds. I want them to be socialized to us. Oh, you're going to shelter them? Our previous principal gave this great speech about how we're not raising our kids in a bubble, we're raising them in a greenhouse. Because you've got to give your kids a fighting chance. Parents just throw their kids into the wilderness. Just throw them, throw them to the wolves and say, oh well they're socialized, got to get them socialized. You're like, whoa, you got to give them a chance to grow. A bubble stifles growth, but a greenhouse provides enrichment and roots so that a child can be planted into the world and thrive. I was on vacation a couple weeks ago. We went to my old hometown and went to the high school and saw through the window a giant trans flag and a straight ally flag. I didn't know what that was, I had to look it up. It's a black and white striped flag with a rainbow A. It looks like a pyramid on the front with a rainbow A. That's the straight ally pride flag. So it's like, it's not happening. Like they're not, no, not doing that. Not doing anything that looks like that at all. Socialized. Socialized to what? Never in history were kids who were surrounded by their peers like they are in the public school system. It's a new thing and it's a purposeful thing by John Dewey, the guy who created the public school system as we know it today. John Dewey purposely, his whole goal was to remove the parents from the center of a child's life and replace the parents with peers. That's it, that's the point. And now everyone's falling for it. Like, oh, how will he socialize? Like kids have always socialized forever with parents, doing things, working, going to the store, interacting with people. Like, what do you mean? It's like, wait, kids have always learned how to act. To be with people who know how to act. I was reminded of Dr. Leonard Sachs. He wrote a great book called Boys Adrift. He has another book about girls, I forget what it's called. And he talked all about authority. And he said when parents abdicate their authority, kids are adrift. And then when they're adrift, they look for other things for guidance, other people. And that's where they look for, they look at Drake or what, or Cardi B or whoever. He says legitimate authority establishes a stable, moral universe for children. And sending them out into the wilderness, into the wild, there's no stable, moral universe there. Quite the opposite, it's purposeful chaos. So I guess this lesson is good for anyone, no matter homeschool or whatever else, for the parents to once again become the authority of the home. Anyway, I bring that up because I got an email, I mentioned this briefly on SiriusXM, Breitbart News Daily. I didn't even mention it, someone else brought it up. Someone else brought up homeschooling, I was like, oh, by the way, I'm doing, and then it came, so I brought it up for 45 seconds and got all these emails from people offering advice. It was great. And this first person said, I want to recommend the book Homeschool Bravely by Jamie Erickson. It's a great way to keep focused on the things that matter. She focuses on the ultimate goal, what you really want to get out of homeschooling, like pointing your kids to God. And then she gave,
and by the way, that's every email I've gotten so far, that's been the number one thing. Point your kids to God. And then this other piece of advice that she got, that she's never forgotten, pass it to me. Even in the years you're just limping along, God will fill in the gaps. You can always point your kids back to God.
Which by the way, our public schools used to do. Surely haven't done it in a long time. Is it possible that everything we do, homeschool or not, everything we do in the home, is it possible that everything we do can be pointed back to God? It must be. Romans 5 10, for if while we were God's enemies we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled shall we be saved through his life we have been reconciled thank goodness thank you God and out of that gratitude everything points back to him Mike Slater that locals calm for the No ads. Night before. Night before. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.