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Everyone today wants to be their kids' friends. But the Bible says that discipline leads to "the peaceful fruit of righteousness" which I think we all want even more.
Good morning, welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by Patriot Gold Group, Public Square App. Thanks for being here. I was just, this is an extreme example to start off the show with, but I was just reading the story of a first grade teacher who was shot by her six year old student. Did you hear that right? Shot by, so the teacher was up in the front of the room sitting at a table reading and she looked up and the first grader was pointing the gun at her and pulled the trigger shot her in the arm and the chest and she was still able to usher kids out of the room and then she passed out and it was a crazy story. The mom of the six-year-old just pled guilty to some charge, a neglect charge, that gave her a max of six months in jail. The other charge that was dropped would have given her six years. So it's an interesting question. What is a more fair punishment, more just punishment, more appropriate punishment, better punishment? I don't even know what better means in this situation. It's so obviously broken. Prosecutors said that her son was combative when he was detained saying, blank you, I shot my teacher before breaking free and punching a staff. The six-year-old said, I got my mom's gun last night.
My mom had that and I stole it because I needed to shoot my teacher. And the family, the kid's family says he has an acute disability. Acute disability or unbelievably misbehaved, right? Like just has been raised as a feral child and now he's under the custody of his grandfather who says the child is doing fine, he's progressing. Now that's extreme, but talk to any teacher, certainly in public schools, and discipline is a major issue. Discipline and respect. There is none of Back in the day, the school had discipline, but kids were more afraid of what was gonna happen at home than anything that could happen at school. This week we're talking about
school back to school week, at least on this show. We get different places to start, different times. We started homeschool this week, and thank you so much for all the advice you've given SlaterRadio at, super grateful. People have been doing it for a couple years, some people, it's also their first year, some people who've done it, their kids are graduating now. It's great, so thank you, SlaterRadio at, we need all the advice we can get. But if there's no discipline, if there's no respect, you're going nowhere, and our country is going nowhere without it too. Well, it's going somewhere, all right. Proverbs 12 9, hate what is evil, love what is good. But here's the main scripture about discipline. Hebrews 12 7, it is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons. For what son is there whom a father does not discipline? Well, there's a lot. If you're left without discipline, in which all have participated, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. Besides us, we have had earthly fathers who disciplined us, and we respected them. Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live? For they disciplined us for a short time, as it seemed best to them, but he disciplined us for our good, that we may share his holiness. For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant. But later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Unbelievable. Yields the, not just the fruit of righteousness, the peaceful fruit of righteousness. That's what we want. We have found, and we are no experts by any means, that when we discipline properly, there's so much more peace. Not only in the home and for us, but for the kids. They're more peaceful. There's more joy in their faces. There's more focus. There's more contentment. And the home has a different vibe to it. It's when we let them get out of control that things fall apart. And kids naturally will get out of control unless you put the boundaries up, put the guardrails up. We just got to stop being our kids' friends. I know my kid's six, but it's bad enough if you're your kid's friend when he's six, but at 16, you're in big trouble. They don't need a friend, they got plenty of friends. They need a parent, they need discipline. How about this line?
Discipline your son, for there is hope. Do not set your heart on putting him to death. Putting him to death, the NIV is even harsher. Discipline your children for in that there is hope. Do not be a willing party to their death. Do not be a willing party. There's only so much time you have where you can discipline your kids. So do it while you still can. Do it while there's still hope. There may come a time when you wish you did more. I wonder how much more damage is done from too much discipline and how much damage is done from not enough discipline. And I wonder what is a bigger problem in our country today. I mean, there's obviously, what's a bigger problem in your home versus what is a bigger problem in the country? I gotta go with not enough. I think, right, isn't it not enough discipline, don't you think? And how much destruction is coming from this neglect? This is from the Charles Bridges Bible commentary. He said, it's far better that the child should cry under healthy correction than that the parents should later cry under the bitter fruit to themselves and their children of neglected discipline. How about this one? Bruce Walke, his commentary, psychologically healthy parents do not consciously desire to kill their children, but if they do not employ the God-given means of verbal reproof to prevent acts of folly or corporal punishment to prevent their repetition, they are in fact unwittingly party to the worst punishment, his death. The Bible is not messing around here. It's not messing around. Does not mince words. Let's not be afraid to discipline and know that deep down I think our kids really want it. They crave it. They want the order and the direction and the boundaries. And if our schools aren't going to do it, if our country isn't going to do it, if our culture is not going to do it, if the legal system is not going to do it, it has to be done in the home. That's up to you parents. Mike Slater dot locals dot com for the transcript. The night before, no commercials. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. transcript. The night before, no commercials. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. for the transcript the night before no commercials Mike Slater locals calm