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If you get frustrated at the candidates at the debate tonight, let's focus on the truth in 2 Peter 1.
Good morning. Welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group and Public Square App. The tritest but truest line I think I've ever heard is, be the change you wish to see in the world. It's true. Maybe you prefer Dante. It's a little less trite. Therefore, if the world around you goes astray, in you is the cause, and in you let it be sought. So, you're to blame, and you can also be the solution. I prefer Romans 12.2. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of God what is good and acceptable and perfect. Be the change. Be that. Be that.
Renew your mind and then you will more obey the will, know and obey the will of God and then that will be the change that at least God wants to see in the world which is what really matters. Romans 12 too is better than Gandhi. Last week on the radio show on Breitbart News Daily we talked a lot about virtue but we never shared this scripture, 2 Peter 1 5. And I think of it during the debate. So this is the morning of the big debate tonight. It's a debate show. It's not meant to inform, it's meant to amuse. That's just the format of television. It's all just for entertainment and it's all about the visuals. You got to move fast, quick, quick, quick, 60 second answers and about incredibly complex thing and then 30 second rebuttals. Oh, it went too long. Beep, beep, beep, quiet, no more talk. And this is what we do to decide the commander in chief of the United States. It is insulting. The whole charade is insulting.
And, no matter how absurd it is, no matter who wins the presidency, all that we can control ultimately is ourselves. So when I get very frustrated watching tonight, I will remember this. This is 2 Peter 1, verse 5. For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness and steadfastness with godliness and godliness with brotherly affection and brotherly affection with love. There's so much goodness there. But I love this opening, give all diligence. I love that. Give all your diligence. The Greek word here has two connotations. The one is with haste, so don't wait. And then also a dedicated earnestness.
So do it well and now, don't wait. With diligence. Add to your faith virtue and then knowledge and self-control and perseverance and brotherly kindness and love. Oh, we could spend a week on each one of these. The self-control stands out. in an era of hedonism where morality is defined by if I think it feels good now. That's the definition of hedonism. If it feels good, it must be good. If it feels good, it must be good, therefore it's moral. Hedonism is pleasure-seeking, but we need to be virtue-seeking people. And that means not doing what you think might feel good in the moment. It requires doing what is good. Such a good scripture.
Self-control as well, paying attention to your body outside and inside, controlling your lips, your heart, your thoughts, and all of this ultimately leads to godliness. Making God's glory the object of your life. I've been very distant from that lately. And all these things, all these things, the virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly love, do all of this with all diligence. All your diligence. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.