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We're going to focus this week on sanctifying your mundane, terrible, soul-crushing job. Whenever I complained about a job growing up, my dad always said, "That's why they call it work." That's true, and no offense to Dad, but the Bible has better advice.
Good morning. Welcome to Morning Motivation, brought to you by Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square App. Hope you had a great Labor Day yesterday. If you labored, then thank you for that. And if you didn't, hope you had a nice day off. We're going to keep that theme of Labor Day this week of work. 1 Corinthians 10.31, Romans 10 31 so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do do all to the glory of God do you find yourself this morning enthralled to go to work are you very enthused to work today as my dad said that's why they call it work whenever I complained about something I didn't want to do. That's why they call it work. But there's also a way to sanctify your job, whatever your job is, and that's what we're going to talk about this week. I heard this a long time ago, and it's true, that before the fall, God told Adam to tend to the garden. Genesis 2.15, the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it. This was before the ground was cursed. This was before they ate the apple. This was before Eve even. So work was intended to be a part of God's perfect creation. Isn't that interesting? That alone should reframe work in a different way. There's a book by Brian Chappell, it's called Grace at Work, Redeeming the Grind and the Glory of Your Job. There's another one by Tim Keller that we'll talk about later in the week, but let's focus on this one. So he talks about the difference between occupation and vocation. An occupation occupies our time, but a vocation is our calling. Now, I think the modern world, I think millennials have really ruined this idea of your calling to mean, oh, it must fulfill you, right? So you gotta do something that fulfills you, and if it fulfills you, then it's your calling, and if it doesn't fulfill you, then it's not your calling, and you can only do a job that makes you feel good, but that's not what that means. It means that God put you right where you are right now to do whatever it is. So do it well. Is working at a factory my calling? Sure. God placed you there. We're very spoiled. Most people in the world don't have a job that's fulfilling. That's never been a concept. Most jobs are mundane and repetitive and dangerous and in many ways soul-crushing. So how can my grind of a job ever bring glory to God? Let me quote Brian Chappell here. He talks about going to a cheese factory and he's watching the cheese factory thing and there's this assembly line with the cheese going by and there's a guy standing there, and every time, every couple blocks of cheese goes by, something was wrong with it, and he had to just squeeze something in, and then it could fit in the packaging at the end of the assembly line. And that sounds like an awful job. You're standing there for eight hours a day watching cheese go by.
But, if there's not somebody on that conveyor belt arranging the cheese to fit properly in the packaging, then the packaging doesn't seal properly, bacteria affects the cheese, the cheese makes people sick, the sick people won't buy the cheese, the company closes, the people who work there don't have jobs, and perhaps the people who got so sick that they're dying, they don't have families anymore who can depend upon them. Well, all he's doing is just arranging the cheese. And it really is perceiving, believing as we fulfill our gifts in God's place with responsible, honest work. Wherever you stand, if you were doing honest work, you're on holy ground because you're fulfilling God's purposes for you in that place at that time. And that understanding, I think, helps Christians not just, I'm just arranging cheese, right? And the perspective of what is God accomplishing through you is absolutely vital for us to have meaning and fulfillment in our jobs. Because every job has its garbage detail, right? Every job has certain things that are unpleasant. And so we have to say, why would I do it? If I perceive it as fulfilling God's purpose for me in this life for the sake of others, even if it's mundane, even if it's hard, then that's part of the theology of the cross. I may be suffering to fulfill the needs of others. I may be contributing to something that is or is not fulfilling, and praise the Lord if your job is very fulfilling, but even if it's not, it's enabling me to participate in the building of God's kingdom to show his character and care to others.
What a paradigm changer. My job is contributing to the building of God's kingdom in order to show his character and care to others. This is just day one. We're going to spend the week on this. But maybe this is just what you needed just to help you get back in gear a little bit. If you had yesterday off and you're looking for it like when's the next day off? What's my calendar look like? God made me to work just like Adam. He put me in this job right now that I'm going to today for some reason and I can contribute to the building of God's kingdom today. some reason and I can contribute to the building of God's kingdom today. Mike Slater dot Locals dot com. Transcript commercial free. Night before. Mike Slater dot Locals dot com.