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This week we're going to give the overview of John Calvin's 1536 book "Guide to Christian Living" I wish someone had given me this overview when I first became a Christian. It's worth a reminder for everyone. Calvin's first point: Love righteousness.
Good morning, welcome to Morning Motivation brought to you by Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square app. This week we're going to run through John Calvin's short little book, A Guide to Christian Living. I wish when I first became a Christian that someone presented me with this simple guide and I think it's always worth a refresher. So John Calvin wrote this in Latin and then it was translated to French and now English. He wrote it in 1537. Why did I say now English? Like I know French. I did not translate this. This is obviously been translated. He originally wrote it in 1536. So we'll go through a guide to Christian living because I think that's what we all need. And it could be hard to do. He said, although God's law contains within itself newness of life sufficient to restore his image in us, our natural sluggishness needs many goads and helps. We need all the help we can get, in other words. So first point today. What good would it do to be delivered from the filth and corruption where we once laid, if forever we meant to wallow in them. No good. It would do no good.
So the first point that John Calvin makes in his guide to Christian living is that we need to love righteousness. The first point is to impress on our hearts the love of righteousness, which is quite foreign to our nature. We need to be holy even as our God is holy. Romans 6, 17, But thanks be to God, that though you used to be slaves to sin, you have come to obey from your heart the pattern of teaching that has now claimed your allegiance. You have been set free from sin and instead have become slaves to righteousness. We just talked about that last week, going from a slave of sin to a slave of righteousness.
Calvin says, Since he who is our head has ascended into heaven, we must free ourselves of all earthly desires, and yearn, yearn, with all of our heart, for the life above. Colossians 3 says, Since then you have been raised with Christ. Set your hearts on things above where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. I love this line. The gospel is teaching intended not for the tongue but for life. Unlike other disciplines, it involves more than just the mind and memory. It must take full possession of your soul and must have its seat and home deep in the heart. Otherwise it is not really taken in. So let us prove ourselves to be disciples of Christ. You think I'll say that's great, but that's a high bar. No way can I do this. Yeah, of course you can't. Everyone knows that. John Calvin said, I do not require the Christian's conduct to match the gospel standard of purity and perfection, although that is something we should desire and should try hard to achieve. There's no one, whatever progress he has made, who does not come well short of the mark. What then? Our sights should naturally be set on the perfection which God commands. That should be the yardstick by which we measure all of our actions and that should be the goal for which we strive. And the only way we get even close to that is if we love righteousness. So the first point in John Calvin's guide to Christian living is to love righteousness. Tomorrow we'll talk is to love righteousness. is to love righteousness. Tomorrow, we'll talk about denying the self.