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Which extreme do you fall on? Either way, it's pride. Look for the third way. It's the only way you can properly boast.
Welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square App. By the way, this podcast has been going on for a year. Last week was our one year anniversary. It's pretty remarkable. Thank you for all of your support. So a little follow up to last week's theme of the biggest chasm between progressives and conservatives, but also just people, is do you think people are born good or do you think people are born sinful? The next step of that is, and you can of course listen to those podcasts from last week, the next step of that is right now. Forget about the born part. You living right now, are you living good or are you living sinful? Are you living a life where you think you know you're pretty good? I don't need God anything. I don't need God's grace. I'm a good person. I go to church now again. Maybe I don't but whatever. I'm spiritual. Did you see this survey? Pull this up here. It's a Pew survey. Gallup. Excuse me, Gallup, among Democrats. In 1999, 60% considered themselves religious. 60% religious, today it's 37% of Democrats. So a 23 point drop of Democrats who consider themselves religious. So where did they go? Well a lot went to full-blown atheist, but almost half went to spiritual. I'm spiritual. That's not a thing. If someone says, I'm spiritual, I'm not religious, I'm spiritual, that used to be me, that means you're worshiping yourself. That just means you're making up religion, you're making up things, and you have the gall to think, you got to figure it out, not thousands of years of ancient wisdom, or God's word itself. But I'm going to pick and choose, cafeteria style, a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and I consider myself spiritual. And get a pass for being a good person. Because anyone who says they're spiritual, the worldview that they've created is that you're born good and I'm good. That's what that is. It's the worship of the self. So people say, oh, like I treat people nicely. I'm a nice person. I don't steal. And I'm not a lot anyway. Maybe I fudge a little bit of my taxes and I steal. I took a pen from work, but like that's not a big deal. Everyone does that.
That was me forever. So there's those people who think they're living a good life. And then there's the other side of the spectrum, or people who think I'm such a bad person. There's no way God can forgive me. God's grace is not for me. The things I've done, the thoughts I've had, the mistakes I've made, I am irredeemable. Both of those are pride. The first one refuses to see the need for Jesus. The second refuses to admit the ability of what Jesus can do. You with it? The first one refuses to see the need, the second one refuses to see the ability. It's both pride. It's both about me, not about Jesus. First Corinthians 131, let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord. Both of those postures are boasting. Either look how good I am or look how bad I am. It's boasting. But the truth is you can never be good enough and you can also never be too far gone. Alistair Begg, he said, the self-righteous among us need to hear that even our best days are filled with more flaws than we know. That's to the first group. The self-deprecating among us need to hear that even our worst days are never beyond the reach of God's grace. So which group are you in? Are you in the group that thinks, you tend to think that you got to figure it out, it's okay like God. You don't need to, God I know you're busy, go focus on other people, I'll call you if I need you. Are you in that group or are you in the, oh I'm such a horrible person, like this whole religion thing is not for me, like I can't, God can't forgive me for the things I've done. Are you in that group? Just because I was in the first group, I tend to think that's most people, but I don't know, maybe it's a 50-50 split, I don't know. But either way, it's all about salvation, it's all about Jesus, it's not about you, whichever extreme you're on and then when you know Jesus you can boast about him all day long let the one who boasts boast in the Lord tomorrow and I think the rest of the week we're gonna talk about morning routines and the importance of a morning routine and that's not this isn't a life hack it's right out of Psalm 5 we're just gonna go over the first four or five lines. And I love the Bible, because you can spend easily a week talking about just a couple lines. So we'll do that starting tomorrow. is the website for a transcript. Commercial free. Commercial free. And the night before,