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I used to think that God has a lot on his plate, a lot going on, probably too busy to deal with me. I'll call on him if I really need him, but no need to bother him when he has bigger issues to deal with. Then I learned that God is outside of Time. So have no fear, he is fully present with you right now.
Morning, welcome to Morning Motivation brought to you by Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square app. This week, we're going through, working our way through Psalm 5. Actually, that's not true. We're just doing the first four verses of Psalm 5. Yesterday, we talked about how you can approach God with confidence each and every morning You can do it humbly Knowing that he is the king of kings Puts you in the right hierarchy You can draw near to God in the morning always but in the morning Personally, I think it personally with confidence humbly God hears the sounds of your cries, hears your voice.
He made the universe and he knows the number of hairs that are on your head. Before I was a Christian, I heard that line. I never liked that line. It didn't click with me. What do you mean he knows the numbers of hairs on your head? I don't know. I just thought that was a dumb line before I was a Christian. But of course it's not. It's Luke 12, 7. It says, Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Don't be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows. He's a God of detail. He's a God also outside of time. I used to think, I should have shared this in the first week, actually. But I used to think that God, maybe He existed or whatever, but he was busy. He had a lot to worry about, a lot on his plate. Other people really needed him more than me. I had it together, but there were kids in Africa and people in America with real problems, and I was fine. I had things pretty much under control.
I mean, God made me strong. He made me capable. He made me super smart. And he made someone who he could just like create you and then off on your way. And sure if I ever needed something I could jump back over to God, knock on the door, and if he wasn't too busy that day then I could ask for something and maybe he'd get around to it. That's called God as the cosmic butler. That's what I used to think. That was me. But then I, after I became a Christian, I realized that God is not busy. He's outside of time. We live in a physical world with length and width and height and time.
But Moses says in Psalm 90 verse 4, For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by or like a watch in the night. Just a day, like a thousand years. It's just boom. That's right, and that's impossible for us to understand It's like a Peter 3 8 but do not overlook this one fact beloved that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a Thousand years as one day CS Lewis. So God outside of time is such a fascinating CS Lewis has a chapter on this in mere Christianity where he addresses some common atheists criticisms about religion about Christianity and he has a chapter called time and beyond time I just want to quote this here this is so good he said a man put it to me by saying I can believe in God but what I cannot swallow is the idea of him attending to several million human beings who are all addressing him at the same moment it makes sense, right, if you're trying to figure it out.
You're like, oh, how can that be? How can God listen to everyone's prayers? What is really at the back of this difficulty is the idea of God having to fit too many things into one moment of time. Almost certainly God is not in time. His life does not consist of moments following one another. If a million people are praying to him at 1030 tonight, he need not listen to all of them in that one little snippet which we call 1030. 1030 is always the present for him. I don't quite understand that. Okay, let me give you an example. See this list. He says, if you're writing a book. Mary laid down her work.
Next moment came a knock at the door. For Mary, who has to live in the imaginary time of my story, there is no interval between putting down the work and hearing the knock. That's the sentence. Mary laid down her work. Next moment came a knock at the door. But I, who am Mary's maker, do not live in that imaginary time at all. Between writing the first half of that sentence, Mary laid down her work, and the second half, I might sit for three hours and think steadily about Mary. The hours I spend in doing so would not appear in Mary's time, the time inside the story at all.
I hope that just went like, I hope your brain just exploded. Mary laid down her work. Next moment came a knock at the door. For Mary, that's all one, just boom, boom. But for the Maker, outside of Mary's time, anything, Mary laid down her work, and then you go take a nap, or you go whatever, and then you come back, and then you finish the sentence. You're outside of Mary's time. God is outside of our time. The point of this is God is with you right now.
He is with you, fully attentive. He's not busy with all this. It's not like you're like, hey God, hey, can you please pay attention? No, He's not wishing he were somewhere else, not wishing he were focused on someone else. He's right with you. And don't worry about it. God has no time. There's no, like, meaning like there's no, he's not bound by the restrictions of time as we know it. He's not in a rush. You have all of his attention because he loves you. So you can address God each morning confidently, humbly, and personally and take as long as you need.