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The Bible says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom". Many people scoff at the idea that you should fear anything. And many Christians apologize by saying, "Well, fear here really means respect." Sure, but it also means fear. And there is one wonderful way of knowing if someone indeed fears God.
Good morning. Welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by Patriot Goal Group and the Public Square app. This week we're talking about the fear of God. What does that mean? What is the fear of God? Sounds like a bad thing, but it's the most important thing. This conversation reminded me of this sermon from Paul Washer. Pretty famous sermon. There's a short video on the YouTube that has the whole backstory of it. If you search for something like, the story behind this shocking youth message, he tells all the backstory. But the quick of it is, he was at a youth conference, and he was invited. And these kids were hooting and hollering for Jesus. And he's watching this thinking, these kids have no idea. So he finally gets up and just lays down the scriptures like these kids and a vast majority of Christians have never heard before. And I want to play for you this one part here where he makes a statement and everyone applauds. They cheer. And to him that just proved that they have no idea what he's
talking about. Here it is. Why am I a Christian? Because there was a time in my life when I prayed and asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart. I want you to know that the greatest heresy in the American evangelical and Protestant church is that if you pray and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart, he will definitely come in. You will not find that in any place in scripture. You will not find that anywhere in Baptist history until about 50 years ago. What you need to know is that salvation is by faith and faith alone in Jesus Christ. And faith alone in Jesus Christ is preceded and followed by repentance. A turning away from sin, a hatred for the things that God loves, a growing in holiness and a desire not to be like Britney Spears, not to be like the world and not to be like the great majority of American Christians, but to be like Jesus Christ. I don't know why you're clapping. I'm talking about you. I didn't come here to get a man.
I didn't come here to be applauded. I'm talking about you. People so many times come up to me and they say, oh, I'd love to follow you into Romania. I'd love to follow you into the Ukraine. I'd love to preach where you preached and planted churches in Peru in the jungle. And I tell them, no, you wouldn't. They say, yes, I would. I said, no, you wouldn't. Why? Because you'd be excommunicated from the church down there. What we need to see, I'm not trying to be hard for the sake of being hard. Do you realize how much love it takes to stand before 5,000 people and tell them that American Christianity is almost totally wrong? Do you know what it's going to cost me to never be asked back again to something like this? To be unpopular? Do you know why you do it?
You don't do it because you get paid well. You don't do it because men love you. You do it because you love men and because more than that you want to honor God. I want to tell you something. We are going to go into scripture, and I want you to look at it as it really is. Stop comparing yourself with others who call themselves Christians who compare themselves with others who call themselves Christians.
Compare yourself to the scripture. We have moved away from the fear of God in our American version of Christianity. Here's the problem. When we see God as holy, our only reaction, instant too, immediate, our only reaction is to see ourselves as unholy. John McArthur says, my heartfelt concern is that there's too much shallowness today with regard to God's holiness. Our relationship to God has become too casual. In the modern mind, God has almost become human, so affable and ordinary that we don't understand his holy indignation against sin, because he's like your buddy, he's your pal. If we burst into his presence with lives unattended by repentance, confession, and cleansing by the Spirit and the Word of God, we are vulnerable to His holy indignation. It is only by His grace that we breathe each breath, is it not? He has every reason to take our lives, because the wages of our sin is death. We have lost our sense of that fear. And too many people approach God with a casual familiarity that borders on blasphemy. Too much of God is friendly, casual, no fear, no acknowledgement of the holiness of God. We should be overwhelmed with our sinfulness. And from that comes a sense of fear, holy terror. MacArthur says, I'm certain that if the people today who claim to have seen God really saw Him, they wouldn't be lining up to get on the latest Christian talk show. They'd be lying prostrate on the ground grieving over their sin. I know people really don't like this message here. I don't like this fear of God. And the modern Christians are like, oh, it means respect and awe. No, I mean, death. You should be those things too, but it means fear. Don't leave that part out. The fear of God means you should fear God. It is the beginning of wisdom. Okay, I get it Slater, but how now, let's say I fear God, okay, but how can I also then have hope in Him? How can I fear and run to at the same time? Ah, now we're getting somewhere. Talk about that tomorrow. Now we're getting somewhere. Talk about that tomorrow. Commercial free. Commercial free. Transcripts, night before.