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Does the Bible say anything about soldiers benign an immoral profession? No. If anything, the opposite. How then could God be against war?
Good morning. Welcome to the Morning Motivation, brought to you by Patriot Goal Group and the Public Square app. We're talking about war this week, how the Christian is to think of it. Some thoughts. If God did not want there to be war, then he clearly wouldn't have wanted there to be soldiers whose job it is to fight wars. And if that were true, I don't think this section would be in the Bible. Check this out.
This is Luke 3. It's about John the Baptist. So people are asking John the Baptist, How do we repent? And the crowd asked him, What shall we do? And he answered them, Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none. And whoever has food is to do likewise. Tax collectors also came to be baptized and said to him, Teacher, what shall we do? And he said to them, Collect no more than you are authorized to do. Soldiers also asked him, And we, what shall we do? And he said to them, Stop being soldiers, because you are not allowed to fight any wars. No, he said to them, Do not extort money from anyone by threats or by false accusation and be content with your wages. You think John would have said stop being a soldier, but he told the soldiers don't rob people, don't use your force for evil, don't make false accusations because you have extra powers given to you by the state and be content with your pay. In Acts 10, Cornelius was a centurion, a Roman soldier. It says he and all his family were devout and God-fearing. He gave generously to those in need, prayed to God regularly. Peter later says to Cornelius, we've come from Cornelius the centurion. He is a righteous and God-fearing man who is respected by all the Jewish people. So he was baptized. And he was never ordered to give up being a soldier in any way. That was never mentioned. When they came to arrest Jesus, Peter took out his sword. Matthew 26, when the men stepped forward, seized Jesus and arrested him. And with that, one of Jesus' companions reached for his sword, drew it out, and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear. And Jesus said, put your sword back in its place, back in its sheath. Jesus did not say, Peter, what are you doing with a sword? Why do you have that? That's a weapon of war. That's mean. Give it away, destroy it." No, he just said, put it back, put it back, put it back in its sheath. Another example, Christians are often described as soldiers. It's a weird metaphor, if you didn't like war or soldiers, or if you didn't recognize that there was a place for it. Ephesians 6, therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes you will be able to stand your ground. Having done everything, to stand, stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness arrayed, and with your feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one, and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." It's beautiful. There's many others. Why would God use this metaphor if this was a sinful profession? He would never use a prostitute as a metaphor for being a Christian. We're told to fight spiritual warfare like a good soldier.
I'll end on this one. What's the purpose of government? The purpose of government is to reward good and punish evil. That's it, end of story. Reward good, punish evil. How to do that is the question. But the principle is, reward good, punish evil. Where did that come from? First Peter 2, verse 13. Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human authority, whether to the emperor as the supreme authority or the governors who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. Reward good, punish evil. Now we have a real problem with our government today and our culture. We reward evil and punish good. is to reward good and good things happen when, in society, the government should structure a society where if you actively do good things, then you are properly rewarded for them in the natural course of the country, right, of life, of the economy, et cetera. So the government, when working properly, should reward good and punish evil, enforce the law, do what it takes to keep law-abiding people safe and protect people from invasion and threats and attacks. That's the purpose of government. Francis Schaeffer said, to refuse to do what I can for those under the power of oppression is nothing less than a failure of Christian love. It is to refuse to love my neighbor as myself. There must then be a proper place for war. And we'll talk about the two kinds of war on tomorrow's show. Mike Slater dot Locals dot com. Commercial free. Transcript. Transcript. Night before on Mike Slater dot Locals dot com.