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What is a peacemaker? How do you be a peacemaker? Was Jesus talking about people who work at the UN. No. No he was not. So who are these people and why are they so happy?
Good morning. Welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by Patriot Goal Group and the Public Square app. Thanks for being here. This whole week we've talked about war. And you may have noticed yesterday we talked about peace. So I want to lean into that pivot today. There's only one source of peace, and that is the United Nations. God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, says the Bible. God is perfect peace. Ephesians 2.14, for he himself is our peace. That's referring to Jesus. Today I want to talk about, blessed are the peacemakers. Be very wary of people who never quote scripture, who all of a sudden come at you shoving scripture in your face to prove a political point. And they'll say, be against this war, or be against this or that, because blessed are the peacemakers, right? What are they?
Who are the peacemakers? It's not the person who gets two countries to make a truce. That's good, perhaps, noble, perhaps at times, sure. But that's not what Jesus is talking about here in the Sermon on the Mount. There's a book called Peace Child. It's a story about a husband and wife missionary team that are serving the Sawi people in New Guinea, near Australia, in 1962. Can you imagine that? Could you imagine doing a missionary life with head hunting cannibals?
Jeez. And the guy there, the husband and wife team, they couldn't explain to them Jesus. They couldn't explain it in a way that they could get it. And then something happened to the tribe. That was a near perfect analogy. So it was the Sawi and this other tribe and they kept killing each other, which is an important point if a lot of young people today think that Western culture is the source of all evils and wars and whatever. And now this is, war is constant and universal ever since the fall. But these two tribes had a story that if, that the only way to get peace was if one person from a tribe took his own baby and gave it to the other tribe and left his own baby in the tribe's territory and left. It was a permanent gift to the other tribe. And as long as that baby lived, there would have to be peace between the tribes. But they hated each other so much, no one would do it.
Would you? Would you give your baby to Hamas to make peace? Seriously? Or back when ISIS was, would you give your baby to ISIS? All right guys, let's have peace now. Here's my child, my newborn child. Let's have peace now. Would you do that? No one did. Finally, one man did. The husband gave this baby to the enemy tribe and they called this the peace child. And Don Richardson, he said, I have my analogy. I found it. I found a way to explain Jesus. Jesus is the peace child. And as long as he lives, there's peace. And how long does Jesus live?
Forever. You see the analogy to God and Jesus, right? God giving up his one and only Son. God is the source of peace. Jesus is the manifestation of peace. And he gave us the Holy Spirit, which is the agency of peace. And from that you have the fruits of the Spirit, which are love, joy, peace. The God of peace, the Prince of peace, the Spirit of peace. That's a beautiful thing, isn't it? God doesn't want us to... He doesn't want the wars we fight. He doesn't want them. John 16, 22, These things I have spoken to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world. Why did he do that?
So you can have peace. So if you want to have peace, you have to draw closer to God. Nothing else will give you peace. Oh, there's people selling you, take these pills, whatever. You'll find peace. No, do yoga. Some things are fine, but you're not gonna get real peace that way. No one, nothing will give you peace ever. Only God. I don't know if this is scientifically true, what I want to share here, but I'm sharing it anyway. I want to quote John MacArthur because I like the imagery, even if it's not scientifically true. He said, I was reading about the cushion of the sea down beneath the surface. The sea on the surface is agitated and the idea when you've been in the ocean, well that's agitated, doesn't begin. It's violent and horrific, dangerous. But that agitation diminishes as you go lower and lower, deeper and deeper. And down at the very bottom, deep, deep below the surface, is an area called the cushion of the sea. And tests have indicated that there's a part of the sea that's absolutely still and undisturbed. Some surveys have found that when the bottom is dredged in some areas of great depth, the remains are seen of animals and vegetation life. And as they examine them, they find that they give evidence of not only having been disturbed for literally thousands of years, a cushion of the sea. Again, I don't know if that's scientifically true, but I like the imagery here. There's a cushion here. And he said, I think there's something like that that belongs to the Christian. No matter how much turmoil is in the world, no matter how much anxiety is all around, there's a cushion of peace in the soul of a person who knows the Prince of Peace, who has indwelling the Spirit of Peace given as a gift from the God of Peace. A person who knows the Prince of Peace has an indwelling of the Spirit of Peace given as a gift from the God of Peace." Okay, so there's a lot there. So, Sleater, who are the peacemakers? What does that mean? Blessed are the peacemakers. Happy are the peacemakers. Well, who's a peacemaker? A peacemaker is the person who spreads the good news. The person who spreads the gospel. The peacemaker is the person who spreads the message of the Prince of Peace. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Transcript commercial free. Mike Slater dot Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Transcript commercial free. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.