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Maybe we should start every Monday off with this reminder: that God is completely in control. Always. Yes, even in times of turmoil. Every right now. Even with the man I met last week in Lubbock.
Good morning, welcome to The Morning Motivation brought to you by Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square app. I want to start off this week before we get to the main topic, and I almost feel like we should do this every Monday to be honest. We'll talk about God's sovereignty. I want to play this clip here of Derek Thomas. He's making the point that for a few years now, people have been very afraid of all sorts of things to the point where people were not even afraid of anything at this point it's just a constant state of fear. That's just the new standard operating posture of people and we can't live like that. It's not a good way to live but we're also called to live differently than that. So here's what Derek Thomas says you need to get rid of that fear.
And I think you need a robust doctrine of providence that God is in control. He orders the end from the beginning. He orders not just good things, but evil things. This week I've been talking about Peter and the Pentecost. When Peter preaches that sermon, he tells his fellow Jews, and this is just six weeks after the crucifixion, he tells them, it was you by wicked hands who took him and slew him. They were guilty. Some of the people listening to Peter were there, shouting for Jesus to be crucified. Crucify him, crucify him. But it was all by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God. Yes, they were responsible for their actions, but none of it happened outside of the decree of God. God knows the end from the beginning. God orders our lives. He holds us in the palms of His hands.
Acts 2 24 says, Men of Israel, listen to this message. Jesus of Nazareth was a man certified by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know. He was delivered up by God's set plan and foreknowledge, and you, by the hands of the lawless, put him to death by nailing him to the cross. But he was delivered up by God's set plan and foreknowledge. I was giving a speech in Lubbock, Texas last week at a pro-life center, and after the speech, this giant monster of a Hispanic man came over to say hello to me. Like six, four, jeans tucked in, flannel print shirt, big belt buckle, bandana around his neck, fantastic cowboy hat, the whole thing, but it was supremely authentic. Like he's been wearing that his whole life. And I shook his hand and it was a thick hand, just calloused, like a catcher's mitt. It was the most calloused hand I've ever shook, compared to my soft, lotioned, dainty hands, especially. I was talking to him, he was a good man. His 21 year old son died just a couple months ago and his wife died last month. And here he is at this pro-life event.
He's experienced so much death and here he is at a pro-life event. And he was telling me how amazing God is. And here he is at a pro-life event. And he was telling me how amazing God is. And how God knew you before you were born. Because I asked him, I said, what are you doing here? He said, God knows everything. Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. And before you were born. Psalm 139.16. Your eyes saw my unformed substance. In your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them. God knows everything about you, even the hairs on your head are numbered. And in the end, James 4.14, yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring, what is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. God is in complete control. Okay, so why does God let good things happen to or bad things happen to good people? Always comes back to that, doesn't it? Again, there are no good people. A bad thing has happened to a good person only once and he volunteered. That was Jesus. The rest of us are deserving much, much worse. We're deserving of eternity in hell. But eternity in heaven is the goal. Life is a mist. Life is a mist that vanishes. Life is a mist that vanishes. Maybe one of the problems is we hold too tightly to this world.