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It's easy to be discouraged when looking at our country today, full of ignorant people and ignorant rulers. But as Peter rebuked the crowd of Jews in Acts 3, there's no need for us to lose hope.
Good morning. Welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square app. The genesis of this podcast is peace and to help us find peace, get peace and not get freaked out, especially as we are now a year away from the election. It's going to be a crazy year. And it's always worth a reminder. I'm thinking about doing this every Monday. Something on this point. Because we'll get 52 reminders for the election. It falls under the category that God's in control. I'll give you an example. Acts 3.17. So Peter just rebuked the Jews. Let me read a little bit of this. So he's talking to a bunch of Jews. Jesus, whom you delivered over and denied in the presence of Pilate when he had decided to release him, but you denied the Holy and Righteous One and asked for a murderer to be granted to you. And you killed the author of life, whom God raised from the dead. To this we are witnesses. So that's some bold accusations from Peter. It ties into what we talked about last week. He was so mean. Why wasn't he nicer? All right, let's jump to 17. Acts 3 17. Peter, and now brothers, I know, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers. But what God foretold by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ would suffer he thus fulfilled that's a line there's so many in the Bible maybe just me when you can read it and you can so quickly skim right past it it's so easy to read just move on and just maybe you like don't get it at first you know like I whatever I move on but if you really slow down on what he said there that's profound obviously how about the word, thus? He thus fulfilled. What does that mean? He says, you Jews, you acted in ignorance. You killed Jesus. You rulers acted in ignorance. But through your ignorance, in spite of, it should be, in spite of your ignorance and through your ignorance, God's will was fulfilled so know that God fulfills his good purposes in spite of and sometimes through the opposition of ignorant people that's an amazing thing that's an amazing thing praise God for that praise God what if what if he didn't do that we'd have no hope right look around at our country today. Things don't look like they're going swell.
And it's not the economy, it's part of it. It's not what it is. It's the spirit of our country. Oh, I had this quote the other day. Let me see if I can pull it up here. This is a podcast. I can just press pause. You wouldn't even know that I did pause.
Ah, here it is. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, he said, the strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. Neither a market economy nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human life. If a nation's spiritual energies have been exhausted, it will not be saved from collapse by the most perfect government structure or by any industrial development. A tree with a rotten core cannot stand." It's our spiritual health of our country. How is it not good? Mike Johnson was elected Speaker of the House. It's just like total shocker that that's happened. It's amazing. And the left is freaking out about the new theocracy that he's going to impose on the American people and they're doing the whole worn out, oh, separation of church and state nonsense, which isn't true. We don't do it again. Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to the Danbury Baptists who were worried that the state would impose its will on the church. And Thomas Jefferson wrote back and said, no, no, no, I promise you the government will not interfere in what the church does. There's a wall of separation between church and state. I'm not getting involved with how the church operates. And since then we've flipped it around to the church can't have it like religious people can't have any influence in any way like no Christian worldview at all can ever operate in the government realm, in the public realm. It's ridiculous. We flipped it around. This is all rebellion against God.
All of it. All of it is rebellion against God. That's the root of everything. The reason people hate the Jews is because the Jews are God's chosen people. We did on the Breitbart show, Sirius XM Patriot, we did a whole long hour thing explaining why people hate the Jews and how they're economic middlemen and minority middlemen and all this other. That's part of it. But the root of it is they're God's chosen people. And if you hate God, of course, you're going to hate God's chosen people. It's that simple. Now it's very easy to get discouraged by all this. Very easy. But that's what Luke wrote in Acts 3. It said Peter said, you people were ignorant, your rulers are ignorant, but it doesn't matter. God fulfilled his purpose anyway. Not only did he fulfill it, he fulfilled it through you ignorant people. And if God fulfilled everything he promised through ignorant people when they killed Jesus, he can still do it today. No matter how ignorant we are or how hopeless it may seem to us, nothing's beyond God's power So let's be grateful for that. So let's be grateful for that. No matter how ignorant we or people are, how foolish, God will fulfill His purposes always.