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We rightfully focus a lot on the founding fathers. But what about the founding grandfathers? These are the men and women who created a culture that gave birth to the founding fathers. This week, we're going to share different attributes of these Pilgrims, and how we can today live life with the posture of the Pilgrims.
Good morning, welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square app. Sorry, I'm on vacation this week and our family, we operate at a high gear, we got high RPMs through the week and we do a lot and we move fast. And when it's vacation time, we just shut it down, like emotionally, we just shut it all down and it's hard to do anything. emotionally Just shut it all down, and it's hard to do anything, but I don't want to stop doing this podcast So I'm sorry I missed yesterday, but we're back for the rest of the week on The TV show and on my serious XM show we talked a little bit last week about the Indians And I just I would love to spend more time reading about the Indians But my first priority is to read more about the pilgrims our first Americans, the men and women who established this culture, on whose coattails we have ridden all these years, at least we used to ride them, I feel like we've jumped off completely, we've got to get back on the coattails, the people who established this country, and then also the people who rose up our founding fathers. Everyone focuses so much on the founding fathers, and rightfully so, but I want to learn more about the founding grandfathers, because the founding fathers didn't come out of nowhere They came out of a culture and that culture was set up by the pilgrims and their very recent descendants.
I Want to focus more on this personally and I think we as a country need to learn a lot From these men and women as well. I read a great and that's just that's like as Americans But we can obviously learn a lot from them as Christians as well. I read a great sermon by Stephen J. Cole on how to live the pilgrim life today. So first you go to Hobby Lobby and you buy a felt funny hat, put a belt bucket on. No, I don't mean like that. Your posture, your heart. How can we live the pilgrim life today? We're reading as a family the book called the Little Pilgrims Progress by Helen Taylor. I know there's a lot of versions of this. We love the Helen Taylor version. Little Pilgrims Progress. We love it so far. And the point of the Pilgrims Progress, the original and the kids version, is we are just passing through this life. We are passing through, journeying towards heaven. Not just towards heaven, but to heaven. We are on this earth for a short while and we should not feel settled. We should feel as settled in this world as we would feel if we were traveling in India. I've never been to India. I'd really like to go to India. I'm fascinated by India. But if you were in You'd feel out of place. It would be hard to create roots in India. And it should be hard to create roots here in America, too. Because both those places are on this earth. And the Bible clearly tells us that we are merely passing through. We are pilgrims. 2915 says, for we are strangers before you and sojourners, as all our fathers were. Our days on the earth are like a shadow.
Our modern American Christianity has it backwards, as expected, as almost always. We tend to think that life is the point of life. Our view is that Christianity is about life here and now. For me, even. It's not even about serving other people here and now, it's about me here and now. How will being a Christian help my marriage? How will it make my life better? How will it make my job easier? How will it make my bank account bigger? How will Christianity fulfill me? And we think that way through our life, and heaven is thrown in there as maybe a nice little cherry on top, a job well done here on earth. But that's not it. Heaven is the point. It's the point. 1 Corinthians 15, 19, If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied. It's not about this life only. So we have to change our mindset big time. We have to live life as a pilgrim. And there's four postures that we need to have. The first is getting your head right. First Peter 2, dear friends, I urge you as aliens and strangers in this world to abstain from sinful desires which wage war against your soul. You are an alien and a stranger to this world. You're in enemy territory. Your identity can't be derived from anything on this earth. It has to be an identity as a slave to Christ, talked about that last week, bound for heaven. That's it. That's who you are a slave to Christ who is bound for heaven for all of eternity. Isn't that way better than radio host? Slave to Christ who is bound for heaven for all of eternity. Now one thing about this, again you're an alien and a stranger and a sojourner and a traveler and a pilgrim. When you're doing that, when you're traveling through a foreign land, you don't make yourself at home. You just don't. If you stay in a hotel, I was just in a hotel the other day, maybe you're one of those weirdos who unpacks your clothes and puts them in the dresser. That's great if you do. I actually kind of would like to be that person. I'm not though, right? I live out of the suitcase. Fine. But even if you are the weirdo who puts their clothes in the dresser, you don't start hanging up family pictures on the wall. You don't start buying furniture to move into the, you know, right? You're like, this is, I don't like this couch. We should put a new couch in here. You don't go to living spaces and deliver a couch to the hotel. You know you're on your way out soon. You know you're going to die. So don't get too attached to the things of this life.
I love this line from Howard Hendricks. I love this line because I love how Christianity makes everything the opposite, or I should say it reveals how we live backwards. That's more, that's more. Christianity doesn't make things opposite. We are living backwards and Christianity makes it the right way. The humble will be exalted, the exalted will be humble, stuff like that. Last week we talked about how the slaves are now free and the free are slaves. Here's Howard Hendricks. Most people think that they're in the land of the living, headed towards the land of the dead. But the truth is—oh, I love this. Oh, I love this. Just let this sit for a second. Let me read this again. Let this sit and think it. Most people think they're in the land of the living, headed towards the land of the dead. But the truth is, we are in the land of the dying, headed towards the land of the living. This Thanksgiving week, as we think about the pilgrims, let's talk about having a proper pilgrim posture in our lives here. People who are headed to the most glorious place for all of eternity. How would that mindset change your day today? That's posture one, getting your mind right. We have one for each of the days of this week. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving week and I hope you can join us throughout this week as well. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. You can get it night before, commercial free in the transcript at Mike Slater dot locals You can get it night before, commercial free in the transcript at Mike Slater dot locals dot com.