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The modern American Christian message is "Let Go and Let God". But the Pilgrims knew there was a war to fight. Are you living your christian life on a cruise ship or a battle ship?
Good morning. Welcome to Morning Motivation. Thanks for being here. I'm loving this week so far, this Thanksgiving week topic of what it would look like to live life with the posture of a pilgrim. Yesterday we talked about knowing that heaven is the point, that we are strangers on this planet. And it's as if you were traveling through India. You wouldn't make routes there. You're traveling through. When you go to a hotel room, you don't start to furnish it. You're just traveling through. You're headed somewhere else, and that's how we should live our life as well. We are heaven-minded above all else. And of course, you serve people here and now, and you live a virtuous life and a full life, but you are heaven-minded first and foremost along the way. Jonathan Edwards, the great theologian, said, The present state is short and transitory, but our state in the other world is everlasting. Let's focus on the everlasting, right? Seems obvious, but it's not. Second aspect of living as a pilgrim is knowing that there is a war being fought. I heard the line a long time ago that you can live your life, live your Christian life on a cruise ship or a battleship. And there's really no choice.
I guess you're on a battleship but you're either sleeping or you're fighting. That's the real choice I guess. And life is not made of one battle but many battles and an entire military campaign as a part of a much larger war. 1 Peter 2.11, "...abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul." So the war is being waged against you constantly. Are you fighting back? A war is being waged, whether you admit it or not. So are you fighting? And this war doesn't just take your body. Much worse, it'll destroy your soul Now if you don't fight You decide to pretend that you're on a cruise ship. You think you're free You think you're free, but you're not free You're a slave to those lusts One of the devil's great tricks is getting people to think that sin is freedom Although, this is 2 Peter 2.19, although these false teachers promise such people freedom, they themselves are enslaved, enslaved. They promise freedom, but they are enslaved to immorality. For whatever a person succumbs to, to that he is enslaved. That's so good. Whatever a person succumbs to, to that he is enslaved. We want to be enslaved to Jesus, by the way, last week's whole theme. And he can't stop fighting either, by the way. He can't fight once and be done. Noah got drunk after the flood. Elijah did his most horrible things, probably in his 50s. Elijah wanted to die after the mountaintop experience. You think these people would be emboldened afterwards. They would never sin again. Far from it.
We have to fight the modern American Christian idea is that we need to let go and let God. This idea that the Christian life is easy and effortless. Not only are we strangers and aliens traveling through a strange world, but it is enemy territory. It's not just strange, it's enemy territory. We need to wage war against sin. Jonathan Edwards, he said, we should travel on in the way of obedience to all of God's commands. There's traveling, right? Even the difficult as well as the easy, denying all of our sinful inclinations and interests. The way to heaven is ascending. We must be content to travel uphill, though it be hard and tiresome, and contrary to the natural bias of our flesh. Jonathan Edwards didn't talk about letting go and letting God. We should follow Christ, the path he traveled, and the right way to heaven. We should take up our cross and follow him in meekness and lowliness of heart, obedience and charity, diligence to do good, and patience under afflictions. The way to heaven is a heavenly life, an invitation of those who are in heaven and their holy enjoyments loving, adoring, serving, and praising God and the Lamb. Mike Slater dot locals dot com for the transcript. Commercial free the night before. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow.