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This is a season where anxieties can run high. I know I could use some reminders of some truths that most people don't have, but you can.
Good morning. Welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square app. I have had some bad anxiety today really. This is the only, well, not the only time, but today was bad. It's all relative I guess. What is bad anxiety? I don't know. I didn't like it, whatever it was. Something's amiss. So this week we're gonna give some basic reminders that I need to hear. I'm gonna give myself some basic reminders, basic truths that we need to hear over and over again because we just do. My son Jack, seven, he asked, just the other day, he said, why do we go to church every week? And I said, it's the same reason we take a shower every day. We need to be refreshed weekly, or at least weekly, with the body of fellow Christians, but daily in prayer and reading the Bible. And if you go a long time without it, things are amiss. And we need constant reminders not to worry and not to be anxious.
So I'm reading John MacArthur's Anxious for Nothing, short little book, but all good stuff. He says, one of the most hopeless aspects of unrepentant sinners' lives is that they have no answer for anxiety. They're forced to put their hopes in flimsy, fallible plans and institutions. They aren't able to rest firmly in the unchanging promises of God. They have to ride out every wave of calamity, every unexpected disaster. So let's not act like that. We have different tools and we have truths at our disposal that others don't have. So we can't be living like those who don't have the tools or the truth. What good is that? Our relationship with the Lord is one of the best guards we have against descending into crippling anxiety. Because of who our Heavenly Father is, we don't need to worry about finances, the basics of life, and what we eat, drink, and wear. Have we forgotten what He is like? Yes.
So reminder number one, God feeds His creatures. Matthew 6, 26, Jesus says, look at the birds of the air they do not sow nor reap or gather in the barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them are you not worth much more than they of course you are Job 38 41 who prepares for the raven its nourishment when it's young cry to God and wander about without food God provides Psalm 147 9 he gives to the beast its food and to the young ravens, which cry, God provides. Now of course he can't sit around and do nothing, the bird doesn't just sit there with its beak open in the air waiting for a worm to fall in it. But God gave the bird the instinct to go find food, and they're always busy, always moving about. But they don't worry, and neither should we. If I want to get to the root of my anxiety, it's a worry that my quality of life won't be sustained. What a curse that is. What a curse prosperity is.
Because I've got to keep it. Oh, I've got to keep it. I can't let go of this. This is the new standard. Horrible. And also a worry that I'm not parenting like I should and my kids will be screwed up because issues, my distractions. But I guess the real root of all that is I don't trust God. I mean that's it like those are like the read those like the things I don't trust God about I guess but the root of it is I don't trust God. So reminder number one he provides for his creatures. Reminder number two he loves you. Jesus said what man is there among you who when his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, he will give him a snake? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, so you get it, you know how you should give to your children, and you are evil. How much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him. God is good.
He loves you.
Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Night before commercial free. Night before commercial free. And transcript Mike Slater dot locals dot com.