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We have the Christmas song "Joy to the World" backward, of course. We have everything backward in this world. It's not a Christmas song at all.
Good morning. Welcome to Morning Motivation, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square App. This month we're talking about joy. A bit of an advent up until Christmas, but the theme is joy. Joy to the World. It's a song, if you've heard of it, written in 1719 by Isaac Watts. It's based on Psalm 98. Now, there's something interesting about this. Psalm 98. Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things. Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Burst into jubilance, song with music. Make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram's horn. Shout for joy before the Lord, the King. Let the sea resound and everything in it, the world and all who live in it. Let the rivers clap their hands. Let the mountains sing together for joy. Let them sing before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. Wait a second. So Isaac Watts wrote a hymn about that in 1719. It was put to the that we know it today in 1848 okay but it's a Christmas song isn't it? Joy to the world the Lord has come this is the song, the hymn, joy to the world the Lord has come let earth receive her King, baby Jesus Baby Jesus! Isn't that it? Isn't this a song about Baby Jesus? Psalm 98 ain't about Baby Jesus. Because it says there in verse 9, For he comes to judge the earth. Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. Psalm 98, and therefore, joy to the world, is about the second coming. Jesus, when he first came to earth, he didn't come to judge, he came to save. The second coming is to judge. Interesting isn't it? All about that birth.
Luke 2, we were just reading it this morning with the kids. When the angels appear to the shepherds I've read this a million times I never hit me the angels appear to the shepherd they're afraid of course they always are whenever we see an angel and the angels they do not be afraid I bring you good news that will cause what great joy for all the people this God This God that seems so far away, who we haven't heard from in 400 years, has come in human flesh. Immanuel, that means God is with us. And now you can have a direct and personal relationship with God, and be found not guilty for your sins. Pretty good deal. And we should rejoice in this. We should be full of joy. Spurgeon said that the angels in heaven rejoice over sinners that repent. Jesus came to save first. First time came to save. So, let's repent, okay? And angels rejoice. Angels in heaven rejoice. And he says, saints of God, will not you and I do the same? I do not think the church rejoices enough. We all grumble enough and groan enough. But very few of us rejoice enough. We don't have that joy. And I will tell you who they are that can most appreciate the conversion of sinners.
So if someone repents and Spurgeon is saying, I can tell who the joyful people are going to be. The most joyful are those who were just converted themselves, or those that have been great sinners themselves because they get it. They get it. They understand. They understand why it is so joyful. So we need to be more joyful as Christians. We need to be more joyful at what Jesus has done for each of us, and our sins that have been forgiven. And then when other people become Christian as well, we need to rejoice at that. That's what the Bible says to do. Verse 4, Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth. In Psalm 98. Let's talk about this noise, this joyful noise. What does that sound like? We'll talk about that tomorrow. But before we talk about that making of noise, we have to be joyful. We're not going to make noise if we're not full of joy that the Lord has come and that He has rescued us. He is the source of our joy. Mike on the website. Commercial free night before transfer. Commercial free night before transfer. You can go on the website