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We can't know joy if we don't know sin. But what is sin? What is this thing that we all do that we need to be rescued from?
Morning. Welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square app. Thanks for being here doing our month-long series on joy leading up to Christmas. Sort of an advent kind of deal here. Yesterday we made the point that if you don't have joy, it's probably because you don't have a full understanding of your sin. So, therefore, you have nothing to be joyful about. Makes sense, right? If Jesus rescued you from a few Not really that bad things that maybe you do every once in a while, whatever, then your gratitude should be pretty small. But if you understand the depravity of your sin, how great it is, and what you therefore deserve because of it. And then you know that you have a Savior who came in and rescued you and therefore you're not going to go to hell but instead you're going to go to heaven for eternity. You'd be pretty grateful about that. You'd be full of joy. Does that make sense? All right, but what sin are we talking about? More detail on that yesterday. But now today, what sin are we talking about I didn't murder anyone Slater so I'm fine what's the problem that's this interesting if you can't have a full appreciation for the Savior if you don't understand the depravity of your sin well you can't understand the depravity of your sin if you don't understand will sin so let's talk about sin we think of sin as actions, specific actions, lying, being drunk, adultery, whatever. Those are bad, and they're sinful, I guess, but that's not quite it. Think about it like this. You can say, Slater, don't talk to me, God, I'm not stealing. I'm not a sinner.
I've never stolen from a store. Oh, I mean the other day there was that item that fell, it fell underneath the shopping cart, fell to the bottom section. I didn't see it, I didn't notice until I already got to the car. So, okay, sure, I stole $4, but like whatever. Those people out there steal a ton from the grocery store every day, you know? And gosh, it was expensive, that grocery store anyway, so they're fine, it's fine, everyone's fine. I didn't really steal it. I didn't intentionally. I don't intentionally steal a lot of things on purpose, God. Okay, like that's our standard for sin. I didn't steal as much as that guy. He stole more than on purpose. I only stole a little bit by accident. Like that's the difference. But what is sin for real? Martin Lloyd Jones, he says, here is the test for you and me. Are you loving God with all of your being? If you are not, you are a sinner. That is the test. Okay, well, that's a different bar than I didn't steal as much as that guy. But that is the bar. The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. And if you're not doing that, you are a sinner, whether you know it and feel it or not. Think about it. What are the two greatest commandments, right? Jesus said, love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Okay? We'll flip it around. So, if those are the two greatest sins I suppose it's not to steal or murder or lie or yell whatever. The sin is when you are not loving God with all your heart soul mind and strength and when you're not loving others as yourself. So that's the question that's the test it's all that matters are you loving God to the fullest right now are you loving God with all your heart soul mind and strength? No you're not don't feel bad about it neither am I. But that's the point. Let's be grateful for Jesus, that He paid the price for your sin. Hence, the joy. Mike Slater dot Locals dot com. Commercial free, not before. Mike Slater dot Locals dot com. Commercial free, not before. And full transcript on Mike Slater dot Locals dot com.