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Why did you need to be ransomed? That ransom process started on Christmas morning.
Good morning. Welcome to Morning Motivation brought to you by the Patriot Goal Group and the Public Square app. Let me recite my sources here as President of Harvard is in trouble now for not doing that. This month is inspired by John Piper's book, The Dawn of Indestructible Joy. Very short devotion leading up to Christmas and we're following along and going in different directions from that. This is a great scripture. This is Mark 10 45. The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. I want to focus on that second part.
To give his life as a ransom for many. What does that mean? Why do I need to be ransomed? The original definition of the word ransom from Webster's Dictionary in 1828, it's the only dictionary I ever use, ransom is defined as the money or price paid for the redemption of a prisoner or slave or for goods captured by an enemy that which procures the release of a prisoner or captive and restores the one to liberty and the other to the original owner. So you've been ransomed because you were captive. You were a slave and you've been freed. Well, hold on.
Who am I a slave to? The devil and to sin. We sold ourselves into sin and we were alienated from God because of it. And we needed a ransom to be paid to free us from that prison and to rescue us. And Jesus paid that ransom. And when he did, the devil had to give up his claim on us. And then we could be adopted into the family of God. You can visualize that, right? Slave to sin, slave to the devil, Jesus paid the ransom to free you, rescue you. You can now not be a slave to the devil anymore.
You're no longer alienated from God. You can now be adopted into the family of God. Paul talked about the receiving adoption as sons. And the process of doing that part of it is Christmas. Jesus coming to earth as a human so he could suffer and die in our place to pay that ransom. Hebrews 2.14 Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death. The birth of Jesus leads to the crucifixion and resurrection. It's all part of the process.
That's the ransom that he paid so we could be set free. And you say set free, maybe you've heard that a lot. Like, really think about that. Every once in a while, you'll hear a story of someone who was wrongly imprisoned for a long time sometimes, and they were later exonerated with DNA or something, and then set free. Now, I'm sure they had a lot of regret, maybe bitter at it all, but I'm also pretty sure they felt great joy that they're now out and free and have another chance.
And we've been born again. Or think of the hostages in Gaza held by Hamas. Some of them have been let free. Sure, they're angry it happened, but they're also grateful to be free. And so are you. You're free now. You're free to be a slave to Jesus, of course, but that's the best kind of freedom there is. You're free from sin, you're now a slave of Jesus. Perfect. You've been ransomed, and it all started with the birth of Jesus, the moment that we celebrate here in just a few days.
Let's not miss it, and let's not miss the joy that comes from it. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. It's a website. Commercial free, transcript night before. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.