Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Culture
Advent 13: Be One Of Them
Morning Motivation December 22, 2023
December 22, 2023

You can listen to the Politics by Faith podcast anywhere, but the ad-free version, the day before, with the transcript, is only on MikeSlater.Locals.com. Thank you for subscribing!

I never understood the Christmas story. I mean, I got the player and the plot, but I never understood why God did it this way. He could have done it any way he wanted, but why did he have Jesus come to earth as a man? Paul Harvey, of all people, gave me the answer.

Good morning. Welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square App. I want to share my favorite Paul Harvey story in just a moment. The first, Acts 17, 24. The God who made the world and everything in it. What's that sentence? The God who made the world and everything in it. Being Lord of heaven and earth Does not live in temples made by man Nor is he served by human hands as though he needed anything Since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything God doesn't need anything So you can't buy what Jesus has given you he already owns your money and everything you have God made the world and everything in it. And then even your work. 

So he himself has given all mankind life and breath and everything. Like you're like, oh, I work hard for money. No, he's in control of everything you have and you've ever done and every relationship and situation you've ever been in, every opportunity you've ever had. And he's given you your life and breath that enables you to be able to do anything anyway. It's all him. He made the world and everything in it and The American ethic today hates that Does but you can't buy what Jesus? gave you Can't buy it all he wants is your submission All you can do is submit and we call it faith. There's nothing God is not in control of. Every knee will bow, every tongue will confess him Lord, and the whole earth will be filled with his glory.

That's joy to the world. That's what it is. He rules the world with truth and grace. He makes the nations prove the glories of his righteousness and wonders of his love. That is the song. I want to share my favorite Paul Harvey story here. So, before I was a Christian, we were Christers. We'd go to church Christmas and Easter twice a year. That was it. And I didn't know what was going on. Didn't really care. It was all just very boring. And then someone's like, okay, here's the gospel message. Here's the bad news. You need the bad news before the good news. So they share it and it's like, okay. But I still, I was hung up on a couple things. So they share it and it's like, okay.

But I was hung up on a couple things. But one thing I was hung up on is why did Jesus come to Earth as a human? Why is that part of the story? If your God can do anything he wants because he controls everything, why did he have to do it this way? He could do it anyway. And the answer of, well, that's just what he did, that's not good enough for me. I'm trying to intellectualize my way through all this right so it's like that doesn't work for me. Well he just did. No? Why? Why did God do it this way? Where Jesus came to earth as a baby in Bethlehem. The whole thing. Why? Why the Christmas story? And Paul Harvey of all people had the best answer. He told the story of a good man, a good, decent, generous man. He just didn't believe in all this Bible silliness, miracles and stuff. So he didn't go to church. But his wife and his children, they would go to church on Christmas. And they're like, oh honey, come on with us. And he's like, no, I'm going to stay home, I'm tired. You go. So he stayed home. Why is it home a big winter storm came? And a bird flew right into his window. Dung. 

Jeez, what's? And then more birds. Dung, dung, dung, dung, dung, dung, just kept slamming his window. So he goes outside and the birds are all huddled in the snow and they're all like confused. Just ran into a window. But he's a good man. So instead of just going back inside, he bundled up and he went across his yard and he opened up the barn door. Nice warm place for the birds to go rest and collect themselves. So he goes and opens the door and he's like, all right birds, come on. And the birds don't go anywhere.

Like, okay, maybe they don't see it, it's nighttime. Oh, so he puts a light on in the barn. He's like, come on birds! Hello! Let's go! They don't go. He's waving his arms, trying to act like a bird. He comes back and he shoos them, trying to shoo them in that direction of the barn. And they won't go. He's like, what am I going to do? So he goes, he gets breadcrumbs. And he tries to lure the birds with the breadcrumbs. But they didn't move. They didn't go anywhere because they were confused and they were lost and they were scared of him. They feared him, as would make sense. And he got really frustrated.

He's like, what the heck, birds? Why won't you do this? Why won't you go to the barn? And he got so frustrated, he finally thought, if only I could be a bird. I could be a bird just for a little while, I could be a bird, I could speak their language, and I could mingle with them, and I could be with them, and I could tell them not to be afraid, and to show them the way to safety and to the warmth and the light of the barn. If only I could show them the light, if only I could be one of them, so that they could see and hear and understand. That's what Jesus did. That's why God did it that way. He became one of us so that we could follow Him to Heaven. Slater dot locals dot com. Commercials free night before. Commercials free night before. Transcript on the website Mike Slater dot locals dot com.


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Morning Motivation, April 21, 2023

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Isn't that a fascinating era? We got like 1776, like that's great, I love it, I want to know more, I don't know nearly enough. But what about the 1720s? What was going on there? Or the late 1600s? What was going on in America at that time? And you know, we've all heard of the Puritans, but you ...

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Please leave a review on iTunes! We need to get to 1k :-)

Btw, we're getting the momentum we need, more downloads every day, THANK YOU!

Politics by Faith: Parkland and the Death Penalty

Good morning @MikeSlater and all my fellow Slater Crusaders! I've been following Mike for years and after having MANY one way conversations with the radio or podcast, have finally joined the community here on locals.com. I can't wait for the chance to share thoughts and ideas with you all. Thank you Mike for creating this place. I hope we can help inform each other about our world and support growing our relationship and faith in Jesus.

Hi @Mike Slater! Are you coming back to locals? Haven’t seen any posts in some time.

February 24, 2023

Heared your sub for Alex Marlow this morning. Good to hear you!

God Hears Your Prayers If...
Politics by Faith, April 30, 2024

The Bible says that you should be confident that God hears your prayers. But, how should we pray? Daniel gives us a model.

Welcome to politics by faith brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group excited to talk a little more about Daniel yesterday's episode we talked about how Daniel was reading God's Word Daniel prayed Third point is he prayed confession He didn't start off with what he wanted. He started off On a beautiful prayer of confession. This is on Daniel 9 to start all this section off.

So many more things I love about just these few chapters right here. After Daniel's done with his confession, he then pivots. He says, let your anger, talking to God, let your anger and your fury be turned away from your city Jerusalem. Why? Why did he want that? Why did Daniel pray for Jerusalem at all? Why did he want God's fury to be turned away so that Jerusalem could be more prosperous, so that

the economy could grow, so they could get more stuff? No. Now therefore, our God, hear the prayer of your servant and his supplications, and for the Lord's sake, cause your face to shine on his sanctuary. The prayer was to bring glory to God. His prayer wasn't to benefit man, although it would, it was to glorify God. Does the difference make sense? Most of our prayers, my prayers, are to

glorify me, to glorify us. But Daniel's point was to glorify God. Now check this part out. Now while I was speaking, praying, and confessing my sin, and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my God, yes, while I was speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, who I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, reached me about the time of the evening offering so the angel Gabriel

flies in it's pretty cool but I think this is the best part the flying parts not even the best part I think the best part is Gabriel says no right so the whole thing is Daniel's like hey the 70 years is up right and Gabriel comes he's like nope it's not 70 years it's 70 times 7 maybe we could say that for another day the important part is the connection between Scripture, reading God's Word, praying, how to pray, starting with confession, and then praying that God be glorified.

And what happens at the end here? This is verse 23. This is Gabriel. At the hearing of your pleas for mercy, a word went out, and I have come to tell it to you, for you are greatly loved." Wow, could you imagine?

God loves when you pray. First John 5, 14 says, and this is the confidence that we have towards Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. God hears you. He's not half-listening. He's not distracted.

It's not like He's got a lot going on. I mean he does, but he can handle it. He's outside of time. This was always tough for me to understand before I became a Christian, as I was becoming a Christian. In my pride, I was always like, hey, listen, I got it under control, more or less.

God, you're busy. You can go focus on someone who's a mess. I'm pretty good over here. Listen, I'll holler when I need you, but I'm cool. I'm good. Go focus on other people.

It's like my humility like oh god please you focus on other people. It's truly obviously pride. The point is God focuses intently he's listening to you. Bottom line here, conclusion of this episode, Jesus prayed Daniel prayed. They both knew their scriptures. Do you want to be more like them?


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Does It All Feel Hopeless?
Politics by Faith, April 29, 2024

Does our country feel hopeless? Is it impossible to save our country at this point? I'm not sure if there will ever be a revival in this country, but you can be sure it's not happening until we see this happening...

Hey, welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Thanks for being here. It feels helpless, doesn't it, sometimes, where we are in our country? We've got to keep doing our part, that's for sure, but we know it's all up to God as well. So you can only get so anxious. What's the point? God's got it all. We've got to do our part.

Don't get me wrong. We just wrapped up a study of Daniel in church. So I've got a quote from Daniel I want to share, or scripture. Chapter 9, it says, I, Daniel, understood by the books the numbers of the years specified by the word of the Lord through Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish

seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem. So we've got a couple things first Daniel's reading scripture Daniel's reading and praying And reminds me of this line from Spurgeon. He said ho that you studied your Bibles more. Oh that we all did How we could plead the promises How often should we prevail with God when we can hold him to his word and say fulfill this word unto thy servant

Whereon now has caused me to hope." It's grand praying when our mouth is full of God's word. For there's no word that can prevail with Him like His own. So Daniel's reading, and he's like, Hey, wait, the 70 years are almost up here. The 70 years of captivity that Jeremiah talked about. Then I set my face toward the Lord God to make requests by prayer and supplications with fasting,

sackcloth, and ashes. So there's the prayer. So Daniel's reading Scripture and he's praying. And this is a determined prayer. He set his face towards God. This isn't a passing prayer. This is a determined prayer. And then what did he do in that prayer? So we're reading Scripture, we're praying. And what is this prayer about? And I prayed to the Lord my God and made confession. So good. What about, hey God, give me what I want.

Here's what I want. No, first of all, it's not even close. That's not, here's what I want. It's, here's what you said you were going to do in jeremiah right but even before we get to that here's my confession see we're so far away from revival in america because how many of our prayers start with us asking what we want from god and yes of course i know all the scriptures you do not have because you do not ask

ask and it will be given to you. Let your requests be known to God. Yeah, yeah, I got it. But how about instead of our prayer starting with asking what we want from God, we instead start by confessing what we must to God. Here's what he said, We have sinned and committed iniquity. We have done wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from your precepts and your judgments.

We have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God, we have not walked in his ways which he set before us by his servants the prophets. Yes, all of Israel has transgressed your law and has departed so as not to obey your voice. Therefore the curse and the oath written in the law of Moses the servant of God have been poured out on us because we have sinned against him." He's like, I know why these bad things have happened of course, we've

sinned against you. As it is written in law, Moses all the disasters come upon us Yet we have not made our prayer before the Lord our God that we might turn from our iniquities and understand your truth Therefore the Lord has kept the disaster in mind and brought it upon us for the Lord Our God is righteous in all the works, which he does though. We have not obeyed his voice And now a Lord our God who brought your people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand. I love that. It's like God, you can do all things.

As it is this day, we have sinned. We have done wickedly. Daniel never complained. He never complained. He never said, Oh, why so long? He never asked why. He never asked why. He knew why. He said in the confession, he's 7. He'll do something to his brother. He'll speak in a not kind way, with a not kind tone. I say, Hey Jack, that wasn't kind. But Johnny, but he, but he, but he. It's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. See we always have excuses. We always have excuses.

And then even when we confess, we don't want to be specific. One of my pet peeves is when people will say, a lot of men do this in men's groups, they'll say, I've lusted or I've fallen to lust. It's like, can you be more passive? J. Edwin Orr talked about a revival in Brazil. This was back in 1952.

And someone came to this woman and said, Please pray for me. I need to love people more. And Orr said to her, That's not a confession, sister. Anyone could have said that. Very passive.

I need to love more. Later in the service, the lady went up to him again and said, Please pray for me. What I should have said is that my sharp tongue has caused a lot of trouble in this congregation. Ah, now we're talking, right?

That's it. Daniel said, To you, O Lord, belongs righteousness, but to us open shame. Let's stop there. There's a conclusion, of course, to the rest of the chapter in Daniel, but this is a good place to pause for the day. Does our prayer for our nation start with confession?

And do our apologies to individual real-life people in our life start with confession? Mike Slater dot Locals dot com. Commercial Korean transcript on that website. Commercial Korean transcript on that website. Mike Slater dot Locals dot com.


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Why Anti-Semitism On Campus
Politics by Faith, April 25, 2024

I've done enough research on why so many people hate the Jews. I think the simplest answer is the right one...

Good morning. Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Well, we should chat a bit about what's happening on our college campuses right now, many of them across the country. We should be disturbed by what's happening. A couple points to make here. Even when these die down, eventually they will. I think they'll last quite a while. I mean the Democrats convention is in August so this will be the Black Lives Matter thorn in the side of the Democrats probably till then but eventually they'll go away and all these

pro-Hamas supporters will go back to class. They'll go back to school and the professors will go back to teaching and it will all still be there. Right now it's just more in the open than normal. That's the first thing that we need to know. So nothing's gonna change at Columbia. Maybe they'll get rid of the president or something.

To change Columbia you would need to get rid of the president, the corporation, the board, all the professors, all the students, and start from scratch. That's not happening. It is what it is right now,

and that's not changing for a long time. So first thing is this has been around for a long time and it's not going anywhere. Second point, it's pretty bad. Maybe it's easy to brush aside the college campus stuff like I'm not on college campus, who cares? It affects everyone and this is bad.

This is a kind of a shorter podcast. So if I were to personify it all in one chant, right now it's just chants and yelling and screaming and threats. And we have the audio of it, but these are protesters saying, Al-Qassam, the terror group, you make us proud. Take another soldier out.

We say justice, you say how. Burn Tel Aviv to the ground. Hamas, we love you. We support your rockets too. Hamas, we love you. As if there's any doubt.

Red, green, red, black, green, and white, we support Hamas's fight. It is right to rebel. Al-Qassam, give them hell. Free, free, free Palestine. So these are led by people with some very wicked ideologies. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of this is led by foreign agents.

Then you have people below that who just aren't in it because they feel like this is what you do as a fellow oppressed person. It's part of the game. It's part of the act. It's part of the uniform. I gotta wear a mask. You see a lot of people at these protests wearing masks. It's very weird. But they don't know anything about the Palestinians. They don't know anything about the situation in the Middle East. Other than I'm oppressed because I'm whatever.

So, solidarity! I have to be solidarity with them! And that's it. And then, you have a group even below that. There's a video going around of a student who was asked why she's here and she had literally no idea. She's like, I don't know. I don't know what's going on, but I'm here for support. And then you have a couple videos of people chanting,

from the river to the sea, and a reporter will go up and say, what river what sea? And they have no idea. And it's not like they're like, oh, oh, it's the, not even that, it's like, what? River? Oh, I didn't even know there was a river. Or like, they have no clue. So it's the whole gamut, these all run. I'm not going to waste breath throwing pearls to the swine of the activists. They're long gone. But to the people who are there because they think they're supposed to be or because you know this is what fellow oppressed people do or solidarity or I don't

really know why I'm here it just looks like fun or whatever, those are the people we need to speak to and the people we need to appeal to. So what's driving this? There's a lot. I've done enough research on it and I've come to the simplest conclusion. People hate the Jews because they hate God and the Jews are God's chosen people. They're not gonna say that out loud. They may not even be able to articulate that but that's got to be the

root of it. Deuteronomy 7 6 says you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession. So that's the demonic roots of it. You hate God. These people do. They're in rebellion to God. And out of that comes hatred of Jews. They're God's chosen people. This question's been asked a lot, and there's a lot of reasons that people give

as to why people hate the Jews, but the root of it, whether it's the economic reasons or whatever other reasons people give, it's because if you hate God, you're going to hate God's chosen people. Why Israel? Deuteronomy 7 says, The Lord did not set his affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples for you are the fewest of all the peoples I don't

know if God chose the Jews to be his chosen people because they were the fewest and the weakest but they were the fewest and the weakest I do know there are other times in Scripture where he does that and does things like this to make the point that there's no other way this thing could happen if it were not for God. Elijah on the mountaintop, pour water over the altar so you know there's no tricks here. Go bring your boat back out there and then throw

the net over in a time of after being not successful at all all day and now it's a time of day when the fish are never caught. Go ahead throw your net out and that they catch more the boat starts to sink. Jesus was born as humble as could be, a king in a manger. First Corinthians says, God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. So it's interesting, if these protesters were really interested in protecting the weak and the oppressed, then there is no other group of people on the planet who have been more oppressed than the Jews.

Israel is a stronger nation now, wealthier surely than their neighbors, but in the grand scheme the Jews are the most oppressed. So it's not really about helping the oppressed. Maybe tomorrow we can spend some time talking about other things that motivate the woke left. And I said yesterday that we would talk about the word stumble we'll get to that too but these

activists are not looking out for the oppressed because otherwise they'd be supporting the Jewish students it's because they hate God so if we want to stop anti-semitism we need to get people back to loving God but that will solve all of our problems not just this one said it last week earlier in the week everything will be solved if we get back to just Colossians 3 just the very basics if we all just lived if everyone lived if we had a culture that that talked about and encouraged Colossians 3 pretty much

every problem in our country would be solved right away but now we got to do it our own way we have to reject God and from that all this chaos occurs, including anti-Semitism and everything you're seeing on college campuses right now. MikeSlater.Locals.com. Transcript commercial free. MikeSlater.Locals.com.


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