Why did God include the detail about the leaf? Why was it a fig leaf? Why not any other king of leaf? Or why not just say it was a generic leaf? Everything in the Bible is there for a reason.
Good morning. Welcome to the Morning Motivation, brought to you by the Patriot Goal Group and the Public Square App. Genesis 3, 7-9, after they ate from the apple, Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves loincloths. They heard the sound of the Lord God walking the garden in the cool of the day. And the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees in the garden. But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, Where are you? Great. A couple sentences there. How about the little tidbit of a fig leaf? Why not any other leaf? Why not just leaf? I read a commentary the other day that before the fall, Adam and Eve were clothed in light. And there's a couple of scriptures, Psalm 104.2, Matthew 17.2, if you wanna look it up. Psalm 104 says, "'O Lord, my God, you are very great. "'You are clothed with splendor and majesty, "'covering yourself with light, "'as with a garment stretching out the heavens like a tent.'"
So a commentary said, it's more probable that they were clothed in light before the fall and when they sinned the light went out. But when the light went out, whatever happened we don't know, but when the light went out they were naked. Everything was different now and apparently the fig leaf is a bit of a prickly leaf. So as coverings go, it's not a very wise one to choose. Better than poison ivy, I suppose, but foolish just the same. Everything we do today is just as foolish. Everything we do today to make up for turning our back on God is just as foolish as using a fig leaf. The idea of hiding from God, the idea of covering ourselves in our nakedness and our sin with whatever mechanisms we come up with, whatever religions, mysticism. Did you see on Fox News on Jesse Waters, they had a tarot card reader. Jeez. Just a little dabble in some occult, no problem. Bring out the Ouija board.
So we got some mysticism, right? We try to cover up, turning our backs to God, we try to cover up with politics, all these other ways to try and save ourselves it's as foolish as a fig leaf imagine if you ever got locked out of your hotel room and you didn't have any clothes on and all you had was a fig leaf to cover yourself as you make it make your way to the elevator and then downstairs to the front desk to get a new key that fig leaf wouldn't count for much everyone would still make note of what was happening in this moment. I want to talk about this restlessness that's in our hearts. What are we trying to cover up? We have an innate feeling that we were meant for something bigger and higher. We were meant for something transcendent. Secular philosophers have come to the conclusion that that feeling of restlessness, that's us wanting to go back to the innocence of childhood. And we've lost that innocence as we've become corrupted through our adulthood. No, it's way before our childhood. We lost that innocence way before. It was when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, there was an immediate loss, and they knew it.
And then they hid and they waited. They waited until the cool of day, for when God normally came to them, waiting for the punishment that God had for them. And they thought they could hide from God. It's hilarious. But so do we. When we hide from God, we most of the time don't even feel the immediate shame of it. We feel the uneasiness that comes from it, but we just do the thing and then just ignore God completely, immediately, and just go on with our day. At least they had the immediate shame to hide. Most people don't even. The point of today's episode is you can't hide from God, and that longing inside of you is for something more. And that longing is good. It's good to have that. Lean into that. Don't try to fill it. You can't fill that longing with something else. Don't try to numb it. Listen to it. Lean into it. And look for that transcendent. Because you were made for more than this. There's no question.
On tomorrow's episode, I want to play a clip of Ben Shapiro. Ben Shapiro, an observing Jewish man, doesn't have the gospel message and is asked a big question, what is the purpose of life? And I think gives a big swing and a miss. Just totally misses it. I want to play that tomorrow. But so many of us are still hiding, still finding ways to fill that God-sized hole in our heart. It's not working, of course. But that's not us. We don't need to hide. Let's act like we found the answer. Let's be full of joy because we found the answer. Isaiah 61 10 says, We will greatly rejoice in the Lord. My soul shall exult in my God. For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation. Not a fig leaf. Not a prickly, uncomfortable fig leaf. He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, and has covered me with the robe of righteousness. There's no need to hide. There's no need to cower. There's no need to try with a fig leaf to cover anything up. God has clothed you. God has covered you. Let's greatly rejoice in that and in Him. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Commercial free. Transcript night before. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Commercial free. Transcript night before. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.