One of the main goals in the next 10 months is to not let the hysterical make you hysterical. They're going to throw everything at you to get you to fall. But our house is built on a rock.
Morning, welcome to Politics by Faith brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square app. Sorry I missed the last two days. We launched the simulcast of our SiriusXM radio show, Breitbart News Daily. We're now simulcasting on the first TV, which is a miracle. I cannot believe everyone went along with this This was first a twinkle in our eye. I was like well surely someone won't Want this and the whole thing will never happen Because there's three different. I'm sorry and it's I just rant on this for a second There's three separate parties that needed to come together to sign on to this deal to make this happen We needed Sirius XM to agree We need a Breitbart to agree and the first TV and everyone had to think it was in their best interest, and they all did, and they all did it, and I can't believe it. It's one thing for, it's very difficult in business for two people to come to terms on something, but to bring in a third makes it way more complicated, and it happened, and it just started yesterday, and I was hesitant to even ever talk about it, even after the paperwork was signed, because I just felt like, I felt like someone would, along the way, would be like, mm, actually, I don't know about this. I don't think this is a good idea. Cancel the deal.
And I guess anyone could do that at any time, but we just launched, what day is it? I have no idea. We just launched yesterday. Yeah, yesterday. Which, that didn't take me time. It was the set. I had to build the set. I did it all by myself. I had to build a set. And it was really hard to design. And then there's a ton of technical issues with the cameras and the lighting. It's way more complicated than I ever thought it would ever be. But I had the most say over the set. So I hope you like the set. I wanted something real. I want it to look real, like made out of wood. I want it made out of wood. Wood is real. Drywall is not real. I wanted it wood. And I don't know anyone else who has a wood set. And there's probably a good reason for that because it's hard to make look good. Tucker Carlson's set is wood but it's wood made from like a tree on his property that he used to make a cabin in the woods in Maine so his is like super authentic. I'm still like in an upstairs room of my house but I wanted wood and the only thing I could kind of make work was this mid-century modern look, which I actually love. I love mid-century modern. It's like a weird love of mine that I don't quite understand why I like it so much. But anyway, I'll save that for another day. I hope someone calls into the show and asks about the set so I have permission to go on a mid-century modern rant. But we need more color now. Yesterday was our first show, so we need more color. I need something on the set that's red to give it a good pop. Anyway, the point is we spent a lot of time on this last two days, like hours and hours longer than I planned to spend on it, so I'm going to do the podcast. Let's do one post-caucus. We also did two hours of caucus coverage on Monday night as well. This starts now phase two of the media's hysteria against Trump and really against you. Phase one was the build-up to the caucus and the caucus marks phase two because people are actually voting for this monster! And I've made the point last couple weeks on the radio show, now streamed live on The First TV, DirecTV channel 347,, and The First TV app. Youverse 1220 and also Pluto, Roku and all streaming services. I made the point that don't let hysterical people make you hysterical. Don't let them bring you down and make you crazy or crazed. Don't let hysterical people make you hysterical. Gird up the loins of your mind, as the Bible says, and remain steadfast. Don't let them scatter you like sheep. Rely on the truth. That's what steadfast means. And remain unified. And when you do that, we'll be fine. Now on the show on Breitbart Today on ZeusXM, an interesting thing happened. People called in and said that the support for Nikki Haley is is because they don't like the mean tweets from Trump. And more than that even, they don't want, they don't like the hysterical media. And they think that if they just vote for Nikki Haley, they can get like 85% of what they want with Trump, but they can do it without the circus of the media and left rioting in the streets and all that. And I just find that calculus so not accurate. But not only not accurate, because I mean, let's say Nikki Haley won, like she would be the next war criminal like George W. Bush was, I mean, give me a break. So they'll go after him, her, anyone, just like they would Trump. They'll never let a Republican become president again without being called a racist and all the rest, the whole way.
But even just wrong, I just find that attitude so pathetic. So, oh, I can't do what's right because other people may react poorly to it. And to bring it relevant to this podcast, Jesus never panicked. He never panicked. The wisest sages never panic. In every movie where there's a sage character, you never hear the young brash warrior go to the sage looking for wisdom and explain to the sage the situation. And the sage, the old man with the long white beard, that the sage never says, wait, what happened? Are you serious? Oh, holy cow, why didn't you tell me sooner? We gotta get out of here. I think I never freaks out the stage never stayed stage always Remains calm and so should we Jesus was never hysterical
He calmed The storm and we need to be that calming Force everyone else in the boat is say do you want us to die? Teacher don't you care if we drown And Jesus said why are you so afraid? I say the same thing to them, why are we so afraid?
And this isn't about Trump, it's about bigger than politics, it's about the truth. Why are you so afraid? Oh, because someone's going to call you a racist? Even though what you're saying has nothing to do with race at all, and you're definitely obviously not a racist? Why are you so afraid? Now I'm not saying, don't be afraid, Trump's going to win, no matter what, don't worry about it. That's not about that. It's going to be an awful year in a lot of ways, very difficult, worse than anything we've ever been through in many ways. The hysteria, the violence. But even then, no reason for us to lose our minds. In fact, all the more reason for us to not. All the more reason for us to rely on what is true and what we know. Jesus said, let not your hearts be troubled. No matter how hard things get. Well, what did Paul say? The sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. So don't... We can't... does that get hysterical? We've got to get out there. We've got to be a part of this. This country's worth fighting for, worth saving, worth rescuing, no question. But let us never be led to hysteria. We have a rock that we have built our house on. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Commercial free transcript. built our house on. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Commercial free transcript. And we'll put it up the night before. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.