If we want to be able to "gird up the loins of our mind" this year, we're going to need to take off any encumbernaces that are keeping us down.
Good morning, welcome to the morning motivation brought to you by the Patriot Goal Group and the Public Square app. Slaters were laid out the last couple days of the stomach bug and by Slaters I just mean the wife and I, the baby a little bit but the other kids are fine. Sorry I bet that came across like I was annoyed. They didn't get sick at all what the heck! No I'm very grateful that they did I didn't mean for it to come across like that. I want to start off this week, and then we'll get to some New Hampshire stuff and election stuff, the primaries and the drama, and a good time to prepare for what is to come now that people are voting for this monster, Donald Trump. What is going to be coming our way here soon? But we'll get to that this week. But first, I want to start with Hebrews 12. I'm going to steal a point from my pastor this weekend while it's fresh in my mind. Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, you've heard it before, let us also lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." Oh, so much goodness. Wife and I decided that's the scripture we're gonna memorize this week. It's perfect. But I just want to focus on one word today. Wait. Wait. It's one of the words there I think I look past. I mean, it's amazing. When you read scripture, you read it different times in your life and just different things stand out in different ways. Let us lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely. But what is this weight? Lay aside every weight. So the Greek for this word means a burden or encumbrance. So it's something that's getting in the way of you running your race. Something that's in the way, weighing you down from aiming your arrow and it's causing you to miss the mark and sin. Why include both? Why wait and sin? Why not just put sin? Because not every wait is a sin. Why doesn't the writer of Hebrews say, let us lay aside every sin and run with the nurse? Why do they say every wait and sin? Not every wait is a sin, but that weight will probably lead to sin. And this is where I think a lot of people get caught up on some things that may be permitted but aren't wise. Video games. Are video games a sin? No. Bye. Is Instagram a sin in and of itself?
No. Is alcohol a sin? Oh, getting touchy, Slater. No. like no right there's countless things that aren't sins but they're definitely weights and we need to get rid of all the weights that are holding us back because there's a race before so we got to run it we got to run it with endurance and I love the Greek word for endurance here as well it's not it's not endurance there's one connotation of endurance it's more of like a patience waiting. You're sitting back, you're waiting for this bad thing to be over, so you're having endurance as it as it works its way. This Greek word is the characteristic of a man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings. That's what one Bible commentary says. You are not swerved from your deliberate purpose. It is a determination, unhurrying and yet undelaying, which goes steadily on and refuses to be deflected. So we need to not just reluctantly take off this weight. First of all, it's one thing to not take off the weight. It's another to take it off but to do it reluctantly.
We need to take off this weight with the conviction of a man or a woman who will do anything to win this race. Nothing will hold us back or distract us. Now when I talk about race, it's a political podcast, sort of. This is a funny podcast because this is not a political podcast as in let's use scripture to justify our political beliefs. This is a podcast of let's use the wisdom of scripture to keep us sane and better prepared to navigate this year that is to come. So the Bible is talking about a certain kind of race. Politics is talking about a different kind of race this year. But either way, we need to be the kind of person who can handle what life, what the world is going to throw at us this year. And we need to be people, godly people of virtue. And to do that, we have to do what the writers of Hebrews said, and take off any weights that are keeping us back, keeping us down, keeping us slow, and making us shoot off the mark. Mike Slater, dot locals, dot com, transcript, commercial free, night before, Mike Slater, Mike Slater, dot locals, dot com, transcript, commercial free, night before, Mike Slater, dot locals, dot com.