The Doomsday Clock is one of my favorite things. It's such a joke, but people take it seriously. But it's also interesting because these "scientists" get the end right, but they get there by accident.
Good morning, welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square App. Hope you have a nice weekend. The Doomsday Clock. One of my favorite things because it is such a total joke and so revealing at the same time. There are few better examples of scientists beclowning themselves. It's like the emperor with no clothes, but the emperor is so shameless, they know they're naked and they don't even care. And people keep falling for it. It's crazy.
Are you familiar with the doomsday clock? Started in 1947 by a very impressive sounding group called the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, connected with the University of Chicago. And these scientists wanted to scare people that the world was going to come to an end because of a nuclear bomb holocaust. So they decided to use this clock metaphor. And midnight is an apocalypse, an atomic apocalypse. And they arbitrarily, completely arbitrarily set the clock to seven minutes to midnight. That's how close we are to midnight. Oh my goodness. And each year they move it a little bit based off the well nothing based on nothing. Just to be clear, but but in their mind,
it's based off this scientific, calculated threat of the world coming to an end from nuclear annihilation. And now they've expanded into a bunch of other things that could cause the end of the world like Donald Trump. And because of Donald Trump, we're now drumroll please. Headlines everywhere, big news, 90 seconds to midnight. Dun, dun, dun. Now I love this story so much because my whole life I just assumed, because I gave it zero thought, like most of the time we give zero thought to anything. So we're just like here, we're like okay. And I gave zero thought to this doomsday climb. And because I gave it zero thought, like all you have to do is get two seconds of critical thought and like the whole thing blows up.
But if you don't give it any thought you're like, oh, okay, that's like a legitimate thing. And then you you think about it for a second, you're like, hold on, that's like completely absurd. What are we, what, why is this even a thing? Each year they ask these scientists two things. So the scientists ask themselves, no one's asking them, right? But they ask themselves, number one, is humanity safer or at greater risk? asking them, right? But they ask themselves, number one, is humanity safer or at greater risk this year than last year? And number two, is humanity safer or at greater risk compared to the 77 years since the clock has been set?
So obviously completely arbitrary, completely subjective in every possible way. Just to keep it on Trump, you may think the world is safer with
Trump. We just heard the news yesterday that three American service members were killed with an Iranian backed drone in Jordan. Okay, that didn't happen with Trump, right? So like, I think the world safer with Trump. These scientists don't think it's less safe. Okay, prove it. Neither of us can. And that's not science, of course. It's something I don't know what it is politics, I guess, but it's not science. But here's how the news justifies it. Here's what they said. It is generally respected for the questions it asks and for the science-based stance they take. Science-based? There's nothing science-based.
All right, here's why I bring this up. I could rant on them forever. I bring it up because the world will come to an end. So they're definitely right about that. There's a lot of things in our society that people, like we deal with the shadow of the Christian truth. And this is a good example. The truth is the world will come to an end and it will burn up. They got it. But they got there by accident.
And they're getting there for all the wrong reasons. 2 Peter 3.10 The heavens will disappear with a roar, a loud noise. The elements will be destroyed by fire. And the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. And they think the same thing. They think it will be atomic weapons or I don't know what they think Trump's going to do exactly. Climate change. It won't be any of that. It'll be Jesus. And they're very scared of it. They're terrified. I'm not at all. Psalm 86 9, all the nations
you have made will come and worship before you Lord. They will bring glory to your name. That's a promise in Psalm 86 9. So because we know the world will indeed come to it, how do we live? What do we do in the meantime? We read 2 Peter 3, 11. Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for the hastening, the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and the bodily heavens will melt as they burn. But according to his promise, we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. So we are to live holy and godly lives.
Now I was looking up, I was trying to find that scripture, and I came across this from Jonathan Edwards. Oh, by the way, real quick, we're supposed to live holy and godly lives, not scared. Right?
Like these people who are worried about nuclear holocaust or whatever, they're just hysterical. When people are worried about Trump, of course, they're hysterical. We're not supposed to be any of those things. We're supposed to have trust and faith and be holy and godly. So I was, I came across this quote from the great Jonathan Edwards, and I had no idea he did this, but in 1716, he wrote out his resolutions. I've never heard this before. So we got to go over them this week because they're amazing. And I think this can help us in the new year. I think we're still technically in the new year right although the month's almost over. But not only this year for the rest of our lives. How have I never heard of this before? Every year everyone's talking
about New Year's resolutions and never once has Jonathan Edwards resolutions ever popped up. Here's how he starts it. He has 71 of them by the way. We're not going to go over all of them, but we're going to go over most of them. He said, Being sensible that I am unable to do anything without God's help. Great way to start. I do humbly entreat Him, by His grace, to enable me to keep these resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to His will, for Christ's sake. Remember to read over these resolutions once a week. I can't wait to go over these. It's going to be great. But the conclusion for today.
The doomsday clock people, scientists, are right. The world will come to an end. But it's not going to be on Donald Trump's timeline or Putin's timeline. It's God's. And he knows. He knows when. It could be today. And every knee shall bow and confess that Jesus is Lord." So you might as well take today to get on the, as the left calls it, right side of history. Mike is the website. Night before, commercial free and transcript. Mike is the website. Night before, commercial free and transcript. Mike