An amazing piece of scripture here. It's so easy to read past, but we can't.The two big questions of life are, "why are things the way they are?" And "how can they be put back right?" The diagnosis and the treatment. The world only wants the treatment, but we need to know the proper diagnosis, too. This scripture gives us the answer.
Good morning. Welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group and Public Square app. Oh, we just got off the radio on SiriusXM Patriot talking all about this border deal. It's a joke. This deal, this is not what this podcast is about. But just know that this is not a poor huddled masses immigration right now. We have a place for them. We have a means for that. That's not what this is. This is an invasion of bad actors,
many of which are taking advantage of our open borders to cause harm to America. We talked to Tim Kennedy, the former Green Beret sniper, now MMA guy, but he was talking just from his Green Beret expertise about how few people it takes to destroy our infrastructure. Our infrastructure is extremely fragile, which is terrible, but it doesn't take a lot of people
to get in those positions of being at these critical points. It was 2011, I was in San Diego, and there was a big power outage for like two days, all across Southern California, all of Arizona, because a guy pressed the wrong button in Arizona, or the guy to power play press the wrong button, and they'll gone the whole thing for like two days. So imagine if someone did all that purpose. Those are all that causes
anxiety. This podcast is about peace. This podcast is about finding peace in the midst of an anxious time. Because we do need to, we do need to pay attention to the border. We do need to pay attention to these bills. We do need to be involved with this stuff, I think. But we can't be effective at it if we don't know the most important things of life. And we can't be effective at this stuff if we're anxious and if we are all spun up. Make sense?
So this is the place where we can come and get some peace in the midst of the chaos. So I want to remind us all, me mostly, of some truths here. And we'll go back to Genesis 3. Then the Lord God said, Behold, the man has become like us, excuse me, like one of us in knowing good and evil. It's Adam and Eve, they ate the apple. Now, lest he reach out his hand to take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever. Therefore the Lord God sent him out from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken. He drove out the man and at the east of the Garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the Tree of Life.
Oh there's so much goodness there we have to unpack. Everything comes back to human nature, everything in life, all the crazy things that happen in politics and life, every other aspect of life, it all comes back to human nature. And once you understand human nature, everything clicks. So here's what every single human being wants to know. Why are things the way they are broken? And how can they be put back right? And that it?
Why are things broken? Why are things the way they are? Why is there war? All that stuff. Why are there bad things? Why are things the way they are? And how can they be put back right? So what's the diagnosis and what's the treatment? What's the diagnosis? What's the treatment? Now here's the problem. The world only wants to
know the treatment. They just want to know the treatment. They don't care much for the diagnosis. That's why people don't like the Bible. Because the Bible that first question. Why are things the way they are? And it's not nice sounding. Evolutionary biology doesn't have an answer for the way they are. It's like millions of years is always the answer. The Bible has an answer to why things are the way they are. And it's not nice sounding. The problem is you can't treat the problem. You can't do the second question. So you can't treat the problem if you don't know the problem. Any doctor's
appointment we've ever been to is very clear. They don't just throw random medicine at you. They got to know what the problem is so they can give you the right medicine or the right treatment. But people don't like the diagnosis. They don't even like it at the doctor. Well the diagnosis is you eat too much junk food. The treatment is stop eating junk food. That's like, I don't want it, just give me a pill. So let's focus on the first question. Why are things are the way they are? How about this scripture? Sent out of the garden to till the ground from which he was taken. I love analyses that look at these words
and these little phrases here that are easy to look past and just read read quick over move on to till the ground from which he was taken Wow that sentence we mean from which he was taken so Adam and Eve banished from the Garden of Eden the punishment was that man had to till the ground what ground the ground from which he was was made from what? Dust. God took some dust from the earth and made man and then breathed spirit into him. Genesis 2.7, then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living creature. People don't like thinking about this because I'm not dust.
We want to be gods. We want to be gods. That's why Adam and Eve ate the apple in the first place. They wanted to be as God. They thought they were up for the task. Because even Aden liked to think that they were totally dust. Because if you're just dust, then that means you're completely dependent on God.
And our pride can't have that. So let's just stop here for today, because this is like one of the most important realizations of life. Everything about you is dependent on God. Every single thing about you. The air you breathe,
the functioning of every single part of your body, the way everything around you, people and everything is moving, like everything is dependent on God. And we hate that idea. So we try to make ourselves like God. And all that comes from all that effort is we end up groveling back in the dust. Miserable. God has to remind us that we came from it. So toil away and be reminded of God's power. And the only good response, listen, you can respond with submission and gratitude and love. Submission is way
better but people don't want to do that. So everything is dependent on God. You better but people don't want to do that. So everything is dependent on God. You came from dust. We are entirely dependent on Him. That's part one. Let's meditate on that for the day. We'll come back tomorrow and talk about the treatment.