The "He Gets Us" Super Bowl commercial is "Social Justice Jesus", and that's very different than the Bible. The commercial and message missed a major point: no one can understand the love of God unless you understand the cross of Christ. And no one can understand the cross of Christ unless you understand the wrath of God.
Good morning, welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by Patriot Gold Group and the Public Square app. All right, let's continue our He Gets Us Super Bowl advertisement critique. Let me just cut to the end here and then the rest of the week we'll talk more about the washing of feet and what that really is and why Jesus did it and what some of those words from Jesus in John 13 really mean? Some of them are maybe tough to understand at first. So we'll spend time on that the rest of the week.
But let's just cut to the chase here of why this commercial and this biblical, air quote, biblical message is a problem. As we said yesterday, this commercial and this message promotes cultural tolerance of unrepentant sin disguised as biblical love. This is what is called social justice Jesus. There's more to the story than just,
hello unrepentant sinner, everything's great with you, don't change a thing. Like that's not, and there's also more to the story than just what we call in the world here love Andrew T Walker he said no one can understand the love of God unless you understand the cross of Christ and no one can understand the cross of Christ unless you understand the wrath of God oh that's so good press rewind on the podcast listen to that a few more times that line Matthew 26 24 Jesus says the Son of Man goes as it is written of Him, but woe to the man
by whom the Son of God is betrayed. Woe to the man! You don't want to be in woe. It would have been better for that man if he had not been born. Keep that in mind. ever. He doesn't hate sin. All he does is wash feet. Even those who openly rebel against him, he just washes feet. That's it. Chris Hohnholz, H-O-H-N-H-O-L-Z, Chris Hohnholz, he says, this is an insidious redefining of the Son of God, who stated, Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against
her mother-in-law, and a person's enemies will be those of his own household." It's Matthew 10, 34. Why is such a redefinition? Because as Christ himself stated, there's a division between those who follow him and those who follow the world. And those who are of the world hate Christ and hate his word. Why? Because Christ proclaims judgment on sin and because only by repenting of sin, Matthew 3 to and following him, Matthew 16 24, can there be forgiveness and eternal life. Only by repenting of sin and following him. Not just sitting there and getting your feet washed. The true Christ of Scripture hates sin and judges those who live in unrepentant sin to eternal condemnation.
Yet in His love, He makes a way of salvation from that judgment through His sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection. The people in this Super Bowl ad, as much as we can tell by pictures, did not repent. There's no repentance from sin. So that's just not it. That's not the full story. The truth is, if you don't repent, it would be better that you were not even born. For you, and for all of eternity.
So this quote-unquote gospel message, this biblical message that he gets us, it's not biblical at all, but it sends a very, very bad message to non-christians that you don't have to change anything about you You're perfect just the way you are you're great. Just the way you are and it's this mean old Christians who? Who don't want you to get an abortion who don't want you to live in a transgender lifestyle So it's mean old Christians who need to change not you. You're great. You're wonderful. You're perfect It's those Christians who need to just wash your feet already. But the goal, that's the message, right? That's it.
That's the message for the unrepentant sinner who sees that commercial. They're like, yeah, I am great. I do deserve to, I criminal do deserve to have my feet washed by the police officer or whatever picture was at the scene that, whatever picture someone might relate to But that's not it The gospel message should not make you feel Great about yourself, right? That's not it The goal of the Christian should not be to make someone feel loved in their sin
It should be to love them by telling them the truth Making someone just feel better about themselves in a superficial way is not good for them. It's not what we're called to do. True love tells people that their sins put them at war with God and face His righteous wrath. True love points the sinner to Christ, who died on behalf of sinners, to take that wrath upon Himself in their place. Jesus who rose from the grave to give us a promise of eternal life if we would turn
from sin and trust in him alone. There's nothing that advertisement about sin. There's nothing in that advertisement about God's wrath. There's nothing truly loving by not telling people the truth about their life and also the one way to get salvation. So this is nothing but a gospel message at all. It's a social justice message. It's a secular, at best, secular social justice message wrapped up in the Bible, which makes it blasphemous. Social justice Jesus says that all those judgy Christians are the meanies, and those Christians need to just be nicer, and everyone else needs to be happy with their sinful lifestyles and choices. That ad was 14 million dollars to put on the TV. 14 million. Tomorrow we'll spend more time
on the feet washing because that was the whole theme of it right? You just need to wash feet, wash feet, wash feet. Well what does that mean? Mike Commercial free. Night before. Transcript. Mike