Jesus' message wasn't "stop hating." It was "repent and believe". But...repent from what? And believe In what? That 60-second Super Bowl Commercial wasn't even close to the truth. So what was their real goal?
Morning, welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by the Patriot Goal Group and the Public Square app. Two more episodes on the He Gets Us Super Bowl commercial. And it's bigger than just that. It's about this whole seeker-sensitive gospel, social justice Jesus movement that we've been living in for like 50 years, quite frankly. But one last point today before we get into the feet washing itself. One quick thing on that is you can't just say, Christian wash my feet. I deserve for my feet to be washed. And that's I think what this message, the Super Bowl commercial, tells people. It's not to Christians saying, hey, be more loving. That's not what it is. It's to the woe.
It's to everyone else. And says, you deserve to have your feet washed. And if, oh, they're not, your feet aren't being washed? Oh, those Christians are so mean. And it doesn't say, tell the gospel. It doesn't tell the truth. The quote we shared yesterday is, no one can understand the love of God unless you understand the cross of Christ. And no one can understand the cross of Christ unless you understand the wrath of God there's been a lot of memes of like a picture of fire and brimstone raining down on Gamora and the caption is he gets us or the flood destroying everyone on the earth except for Noah and his family with the caption
Here's the problem. Of course God gets us. He gets us more than we could possibly imagine. He knows how wicked we are. The problem is, we don't get us. That's the problem. We don't understand what we really deserve. That's the issue. This morning I read Acts 2. So Peter delivers a sermon. Let's give a part of it here. Men of Israel, hear these words. Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders,
and signs that God did through him in your midst. As you yourselves know, this Jesus delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God. You crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men. God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it is not possible for him to be held by it. And he goes on and finishes the sermon. It's Acts 2. And it ends with, the next line after the sermon is, when they heard this, they were cut to the heart. That's how you should feel when you truly, deeply understand your sin. You should be cut to the heart. And the only question you should have next is,
What do I do now? And that's what they asked.
Brothers, what shall we do?
And Peter said to them, this is verse 38, And Peter said to them, Repent, and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. And with many other words he bore witness, and continued to exhort them, saying, Save yourselves from this crooked generation. So those who received his word were baptized and there were added that day about 3,000 souls there were 3,000 souls added because of that Super
Bowl commercial for 14 million dollars I don't think so not a great ROI so this commercial was not directed at Christians saying hey we got to do a better job loving people we'll talk more about that tomorrow it was directed at the crooked generation it was directed at the 128 million people watching who are of the crooked generation and it was a message of hey those mean Christians they need to do more to love you you don't change a thing how much more good could have been done if you must spend 14 million dollars on a commercial but how much more good would have been done in 60 seconds to use that time to deliver a gospel message?
The gospel message is very easy. Many ways of saying it, but the essence is, you're sinning. Your life is miserable now, and will be much worse for all of eternity in hell. Instead, let's go to heaven for eternity, with the Creator of you and the whole universe. And all you have to do is believe that Jesus is the Son of God and died for your sins it was buried and rose and he paid the penalty for
your sins he paid it so you don't have to and instead you can be born again so that's the gospel you're sinning and there's a way out one way out that's all people need to hear I'm sure we could workshop it and make it a nice tight 60 seconds and right that's it. It's been the gospel message for 2000 years. But instead these social justice Jesus people decided to say Jesus didn't hate. It's like yeah no one no one said Jesus hated. And no Christians hate. I don't hate sinners. I'm one of them. But I do hate sin. And we need people to learn to hate their—not learn, people to realize that they need to hate their own sin, too.
Jesus' message was repent and believe, not admire him. Jesus' message wasn't, admire my teaching, everyone. It wasn't even believe. It was repent and believe. Jesus' message was, it wasn't, stop hating. Hey, everyone. It was repent and believe. Believe what?
That I'm the son of God. I am the Lord. So this Super Bowl ad, it's the secret sensitive movement in a new form. Don't make people feel bad. Ooh.
But if we say cool, fun things, and we'll get them in the door, and then we'll work from there, that's not a good starting point. The way to get people in the door is just a simple gospel message. There will be justice and wrath from God for sinners. But the good news is, there is grace and love of God towards those who call Jesus Lord. Hans Veen said, yeah, the reason many Christians are against this ad is we know when people are trying to use the Christian faith as a club against actual Christians in order to gain the favor of non-Christians. So the point here is stop trying to be the cool Christian, the one
that the world thinks is nice and cool and fun and just be the Christian who tells the truth. Tomorrow we'll talk specifically about the feet-washing. Mike Slater, now at Commercial free. Transcript night before. Mike Slater, now at Commercial free. Transcript night before. Mike Slater, now at