An illegal immigrant killed a 22-year-old nursing student at the University of Georgia. To make it even worse, it was an illegal immigrant who had been arrested twice before. What is wrong with us? How can we let this happen? I would argue we've been too sentimental on this topic. We've been too scared of speaking the truth. Jesus was not.
Good morning, welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Last week, there was a nursing student in Georgia, University of Georgia, that was found dead on campus. She was found in a forested area near the intermural fields. Twenty-three-year-old Lakin Riley. was Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26 years old and gosh golly wouldn't you know what happened to being an illegal immigrant. I had no contact with this woman before, just killed her. He came into America illegally September 2022 in El Paso and
you may be thinking, geez how do we know that? How do we know that in great detail, the when and the where? Well he was captured by the, not captured, he brought himself to Border Patrol and they took down his name and date and all that and then released him. And he went to New York City with his wife and five-year-old son and he was arrested for endangering the welfare of a child. This one article said, after police spotted him transporting the boy on his scooter without a helmet. I don't know what really happened, but I think it takes a lot to get arrested for endangering the welfare of a child these days. So he moved to Georgia, I guess left his wife, but he by himself moved to Georgia with his brother. Here's a little
fun twist on the story. His brother had a fake green card that he used to get a job on University of Georgia's campus as a dishwasher and he murdered this girl. So, in the same world, of course, that would be it. We would shut the border down and no more illegal immigrants from Venezuela or anywhere else. That's it. But, no. I guess it wasn't bad enough. It's not enough. There would be more people murdered and we could spend hours here going through all
the people who have been murdered by illegal immigrants from drunk drivers or straight-up murders like this, whatever. But you're thinking the same world that would be yet it's like no not even it would need to be a terrorist attack. We would need to have a full-blown massive terrorist attack where the people come across the border illegally to get here and then we'll start to care enough to close the border. But even then we wouldn't. I guarantee you, even then we wouldn't. It would become political immediately
and it wouldn't happen even after 9-11. All the nine, almost all, I think all of them actually, but I'll give myself some leeway here. Almost all of the 9-11 hijackers were here on expired visas. And half of everyone who's here illegally is here on an expired visa. So you'd think after 9-11 we would do everything we could to take care of that problem. But instead they decided to just grope you at TSA forever. That's what we decided because one guy tried to light a shoe on fire. We're just going to do that instead of crackdown on people
with expired visas. So no matter how many illegal immigrants kill, no matter how many young women, sanity will never win. We'll save this for the radio show on Sirius XM Patriot. Every weekday morning from 6 to 9 in the morning. Sine will cast live on the First TV from 7 to 9. First TV dot com, First TV app, 347 Direct TV, Roku, Pluto, everywhere you stream television. We'll talk more about it there. But it really almost couldn't be more open.
It could, I guess. We could just not even register anyone at all. This is such a problem. It may be the number one issue for this election, maybe more than the economy. It's always the economy is number one. This one actually may be worse. So that's the story.
A lot of different places we can go here. We could talk about the suffering of the family of this young woman and the many more who've died so unjustly at an illegal immigrant. An illegal immigrant who had been arrested before. That's like crazy. We talked to the congressman today about a dad, father of three girls I believe, in northern Wisconsin was killed by an illegal immigrant drunk driver. It was the second time this guy was caught driving drunk.
Second time. Like what, what is he still doing here after the first time? We could talk about immigration in the Bible. We've done that before. There's different words in the Bible to describe different types of sojourning, and how there definitely are legally recognized boundaries that you need permission to be in. Like, that's obviously true in the Bible. But here's where I want to go this week. There's a very strong article from Greg Morse called Uprooting Sensibility, the Plain Speech of Godly Men, the Plain Speech.
I want to talk this week about speaking clearly and boldly for the truth and not being ashamed. This doesn't mean speak recklessly. It doesn't mean to be a jerk on purpose. It doesn't mean to be unwise, of course. It means being bold in the truth and your top priority should be to fear God and that's it. Jesus said, let what you say be simply yes or no. Anything more than this comes from evil. So there's context to that we can spend some time on but the context really just backs up the plain reading and the simple assumption of that line right there. Your assumption is right. It means be truthful. Let your yes mean yes. Be truthful in all circumstances. Be
honest. Be a man of your word. And we know this is right. All the great men in film are men of few words. Their words are precise. And they're quiet most of the time. They don't go off blabbing their mouth all the time. They listen and they shoot back strong and boldly. So for the next couple of days here, I want to talk about plain speak and not being deterred by sentimentality.
Because Jesus wasn't. Jesus was not concerned about the feelings of the Pharisees. The stakes were too high. Matthew 5, 27. This blew me away when I found this scripture here. The Bible's amazing, no matter how many times you read it, no matter how many times you come across the story, you always find something different. Matthew 15, 12. Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying
The Pharisees like Jesus. Man you offended them. Don't you know that you offended them? They were so offended Jesus spoke harshly against the Pharisees are being kept from heaven they're being kept from God this is serious business and the disciples are like oh yeah Jesus I don't know that came across a little strong maybe you don't need to be so blunt next time look their feelings are hurt look what if I'm crying you made him cry I don't know if they actually cried. But that's what we say now.
Oh, I don't know what you're feeling. I just got to be careful. We got to be nice. We got to be so nice.
Nice. Let's stop here for now. We'll talk tomorrow about Jesus's response. Let me just tell you what he said. He said, every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. Let them alone. They are blind guides and if the blind leave the blind both will fall into a pit." What does that mean? What is this all this talk about plants? We'll talk about that tomorrow. The goal of course is never to be mean or to offend for the sake of offending. The goal is to speak the truth
and let the cards fall where they may. To not get deterred. There's a better word than deterred. To not get, that's not distracting there. To not be a wimp. To not pansy out. Come on someone help me with a better word. To not, to not, there's a good word that I can't think of it. To not fail to speak the truth because you're afraid someone may be offended. To not lose the truth to sentimentality. Certainly in the context of spreading the gospel and the truth are there. We must be bold, not be afraid, but just in the truth in every aspect of life. Political things as well. Just tell the truth. We can't be afraid to do that. We'll talk about that this week. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Commercial, free, transcripts and night week. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Commercial, free, transcripts and night before. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.