One truth weaves its way through both Super Tuesday and Covid. It is a truth articulated 500 years ago by Martin Luther. We have to remind ourselves of it every day during this election season.
Good morning, welcome to Morning Motivation brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. I am recording this Tuesday night, so it's before Super Tuesday, so I have no Super Tuesday coverage for you. I'm sure it's going to be a clean sweep. You want to predict it? Here we are, it's Wednesday morning. Wow, great night for Donald Trump, swept every state on Super Tuesday, first Republican primary to do that since Bob Dole in 1996 to sweep all the Super Tuesday states. That's probably what's going to happen, clean sweep
Tuesday or we can edit this out, maybe Nikki Haley wins Minnesota or something like that. So Trump won all the states except for Minnesota and he's the front runner and Nikki Haley has dropped out of the race. Edit. Nikki Haley has not yet dropped out of the race. We'll see if she does any day now. That's pretty much how that's going to go. I want to talk here for a minute about covid but not really about covid. But here your reaction that is actually really interesting when I said I want to take a minute to talk about covid. What did you feel?
Would you feel when I said covid if you like me by roll jocks like oh, he's what do we have to like? Oh, that's interesting. I think conservatives, all of us, but conservatives, we're so sick of hearing about COVID that we stopped talking about it completely, which is good. But the problem with that is we're more likely now to forget the lessons of COVID because I don't even want to hear the word COVID. But you can't forget what they did to you and how they lied to you and also the human nature lessons about how people's hysteria took over and how easy it is to manipulate
people with fear. And there's no question they're going to try to find something that they can do that to you again. But we can't ever be distracted by their deceitful schemes that needs to be at one of our top priorities. I was thinking of COVID again because the CDC came out with their new COVID precautions. And it's just do whatever you did, whatever we've always done with a respiratory virus.
Like no more five day isolation, all of that. It's just stay home, get healthy, whatever, that's it. No more two weeks to slow the spread. Oh, graphs without numbers, never again. But one of the big things that COVID revealed that we have not even begun to address is how terrified the American people are of death. That's what that revealed and in predictable style we never got back to that. There was an alien who watched our reaction to COVID and then COVID went away.
The alien would be like, hey guys, just so you know, we were observing the whole time. You guys have a problem with how you view this inevitable thing in your life. You guys should talk about that. But we haven't. I mentioned this on the radio today and someone called in and made a great point
and reminded me of Martin Luther. So Martin Luther, there was a, oh real quick before we get to that, this is how the Babylon Bee put it. CDC officially changes COVID guidelines to whatever your Uncle Frank said about it years ago. After tasking dozens of the best minds in science to review hundreds of studies,
we have determined that Uncle Frank was right the whole time announced CDC director. Basically we treat it like the flu so sorry about that hole you can't be with your dying husband thing our bad so I was reminded of Martin Luther and there was a plague going through his town in Germany everyone is dying like like a real plague like has happened all throughout history and the leaders of the church said hey Martin you got to get out of him and you got to flee we don't want you to die and he said well no so this is the time more than ever that
were needed to save souls this is it this is this is this is the moment I could run from this moment this is the moment he said if it be God's will that evil come upon us and destroy us none of our precautions will help us. Now this was before there were masks invented. Those surgical masks keep anything out. So he didn't know that. No, none of your precautions are going to help you anyway if it's God's will. Everybody must take this to heart.
First of all, if he feels bound to remain where death rages in order to serve his neighbor, let him commend himself to God and say, Lord, I am in thy hands. Thou hast kept me here. Thy will be done. I am thy lowly creature. Thou canst kill me or preserve me in this pestilence in the same way as if I were in fire, water, drought, or any other danger. If a man is free from responsibility, however, and can escape, let him commend himself and
say, Lord God, I am weak and fearful. Therefore I am running away from evil and am doing what I can to protect myself against it. I am nevertheless in thy hands in this danger as in any other which might overtake me thy will be done." So even the fleeing has its dangers. It's beautiful. This is true every day in our lives. God I can be a coward and run. I'm in your hands. God I'm gonna be courageous and do the difficult thing. I'm in your hands. It's all in your hands. And that's true today. It was true through
COVID. It's true now. It's true on Super Tuesday, Clean Sweep Tuesday, day after Wednesday, State of the Union tomorrow, election coming up, it's true all day, every day. Lord, I am in Thy hands, Thy will be done., transcript night before, commercial free., transcript night before, commercial free.