Why do people hate Trump? Why, if you support Donald Trump, do people hate you? It's more than just Trump and it's more than politics.
Good morning, welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by Patriot Gold Group. I was reading Proverbs 8 and 9 this morning for no particular reason, just opened up to it. And it came up on the show today. We're talking to Dr. Sebastian Gorka about, he wrote an article about why people hate Donald Trump. And his argument, which I agree with, is a lot of people hate America or been taught to hate America and Donald Trump loves America so therefore just the transitive property hate the person who loves the thing they hate, right? Like they're gonna hate the person who loves a thing that they hate. So that's one reason why they hate Trump. I think that's that's right. There's a lot of reasons.
And I threw in Proverbs 8 and 9. They're about wisdom. Wisdom is personified as a she, a woman. She cries out, Listen! For I will speak of excellent things, and from the opening of my lips will come right things. For my mouth will speak truth. Wisdom is better than rubies and all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her. It's great. Now these chapters talk about the simple ones. Oh you simple ones, understand prudence and you fools be of an understanding
heart. So simple ones and fools are the same here. That's all Proverbs 8. Proverbs 9, wisdom is a woman who has this house and she's inviting and she wants to be hospitable. She has slaughtered her meat, she has mixed her wine, she has furnished her table, she sent out her maid and she cries out from the highest place of the city, whoever is simple, let him turn in here. As for him who lacks understanding, the same kind of person, she says to him, come eat of my bread and drink of the wine I have mixed.
Forsake foolishness and live and go in the way of understanding. So again, the simple is bad, simple is foolish. And it took me back for a second, because to me simple's good. It's good to live a simple, quiet life. So whenever wisdom is talking about, hey you simple person, come in here. Like we talk a lot on the show about experts and scholars
and scholars and experts and how they're always wrong, the elite, the credential, all the rest, versus simple folk who are truck drivers. There's a lot of truck drivers who listen to Sirius XM Patriot, so I always use truck drivers as the example of people who just don't know better. Oh you truck drivers, what do you know about anything anyway, right? Very simple people. So simple is good, but not here, not in the original Hebrew. In the original Hebrew, simple is better translated as naive. Naive and foolish, silly, the one who's easily deceived. And that's not the truck driver.
So when I think simple, I think of someone of conviction. There are two genders. If you say that, you are a person of conviction about it, and it's very simple.
You don't need a lot of degrees to know this stuff,
but that's not the connotation. The connotation is you're naive and you're easily deceived and therefore very foolish. Here's why I bring it up. Proverbs 9. People will reject wisdom and not go into her house, not get understanding. They'll scoffer gets shame for himself. And he who rebukes a wicked man will only harm himself. Interesting.
He who corrects a scoffer gets shame for himself. Another translation would be abuse. Abuse for himself. Who's the himself? It's you. The person correcting the scoffer. You're like, well, hold on. Isn't it good to correct a scoffer well
Maybe but you'll get abused for it Do not correct a scoffer lest he hate you Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you give instruction to the wise man And he will be still wiser teach a just man And he will increase in learning so the point here is it's pointless to try to impart wisdom on people who are unwilling to be wise. And not only will that person not receive wisdom, which is what I thought the Bible would say, just stop there and be like, Oh, you know, don't, don't correct
the scoffer because it won't do any good anyway. That's not it. It won't do any good. And they'll hate you. They'll not only hate, they'll abuse you for you trying to impart some wisdom. The Alan Ross Bible commentary says, the scoffer is the person who will not live by wise and moral teachings and is not content to let others do so without his cynical mocking.
So it's not the scoffer who gets the abuse, although in the end they will, right? But it's not the scoffer who gets abused. It's the person who's trying to help. It's you.
So the suggestion from Alan Ross is to wait for favorable opportunities when someone wants wisdom. I guess no pearls before swine, right? Now of course we need to be careful of this as well. We don't want to be so prideful as to think that we know it all and don't need wisdom, right? Let's never act like scoffers ever. Be very careful of that. We need to openly search for wisdom and be open-minded to the truth. It says here, give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser. That's who we need to always be. And we also need not be confused at why the scoffer doesn't take wisdom and then why the scoffer then hates you because of it. It says so right here. It's thousands of years ago. scoffer then hates you because of it. It says so right here. It's thousands of years ago. So how do we get wisdom? The fear of the Lord is the beginning.