We have lived in a nation that has been blessed by God. What is it like living in a nation that is under God's judgment? That is the REAl State of our Union.
Good morning, welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Just got done with Monday's, this morning's radio show. Not a good show. It wasn't good, bad show. Wish I could do it over again. It didn't work. The whole thing didn't work. I feel very uneasy about it, very unfortunate.
So I just got to do better tomorrow. It's one good thing about this job is you get another swing at it tomorrow. I don't know why I shared that. There's a reason I was gonna say that. There was some segue out of it in my brain I thought but I guess not. Maybe, hopefully this episode will be better than today's radio show. Ah, there you go. State of the Union. Talked about it on Friday's radio show and a little bit on this morning's radio show because I don't know what the state of the Union is if someone asked me what is the state of the Union I don't know how to answer because I don't even know what the Union
is and and we I tried to navigate my thought process about this on the radio today I didn't do a good job but I got to the end where I keep thinking back to Isaiah 6 and people quote Isaiah 6 a lot you've heard it before but you don't want to stay in Isaiah 6, you got to keep going. But the famous line is, when God says, whom shall I send and who will go for us? Then I said, here I am, send me. That's Isaiah.
And people will quote that and they're like, here I am God, send me. Yay, hooray, rah-rah, I'll do whatever you want God. But I feel like we don't finish the story. Or like, we don't even finish the story. We don't even do the next step of the story. The next step is volunteer to do what? What did Isaiah volunteer for exactly?
No one likes to talk about that part. The next line in Isaiah 6, and he said, God said, Go and tell this people, keep on hearing but do not understand, keep on seeing but do not perceive. What? That doesn't make sense. Make the heart of the people dull and their ears heavy and their eyes shut. What does this mean? So God is telling Isaiah to go tell the people of Israel, it's too late. It's too late. God is telling Isaiah to go preach, but all that will do is harden the people's hearts even more. And Isaiah says, well how long do I do this for? And God says, until all the cities are destroyed and no one is left and the land is completely desolate and it's all gone. Preach that until that happens. And everyone, everything, and everyone will be
gone except for a remnant. A stump, the holy seed. So that's the good news. I'm not going to end just on the until everyone dies. There is a remnant. Now I thought of this with the State of the Union because it's a real bummer to live in a country that's under the judgment of God. Now, you're never going to hear that at the State of the Union address. They're always going to talk about infrastructure bills or whatever. But this is all that matters. Romans 1 says, the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.
righteousness. So we used to be a nation that was blessed by God. What is it like to live in a nation that's under God's judgment? Not good, but there is a remnant.
Now, two things should happen in light of this.
First, if you want to be part of that remnant, first, you have to have faith. We had a guest sermon, a guest pastor in this last week at my church. And he told a story that I've heard a hundred times. And this is a check in on my heart. My first instinct, for some reason, is to have a bad attitude about it. All right, it's to be like, I've heard this before.
Come on, man, give me something new. But it hits every time. That's the best part of this story. It hits every single time, no matter how much I mock it. So I'll do the very short of it, for the sake of time, and excuse me if you've heard it before, but there's a guy who walks tightropes, and he wants to do a tightrope over Niagara Falls, and it's over the most treacherous part of the falls, and he walks across with a wheelbarrow.
He walks across with a wheelbarrow, and he gets to the other side, and he says to a gentleman, do you believe that I can walk across the tightrope? And the guy's like, yeah, I just saw you do it and he asked a bunch of times He says no. No, do you believe that I can walk across the tightrope? I think I said yes, I believe I believe you I just saw you do it. I know you can do it. It's a great Get in the wheelbarrow Who has faith that I can walk across the tightrope And they all say yes
But okay get in the wheelbarrow. No one does. That's real faith. I like that story. It's trite or something, I guess, I don't know. But it hits. You're like, oh yeah, will I get in the wheelbarrow? I trust God.
We say we trust God. But do I? We can rag on Peter for taking his eyes off Jesus when he was walking on the water, but all the other disciples were still in the boat. So first we have to have real faith and act on it. And the second thing is we need to saturate ourselves with God's word so that when life squeezes you, what comes out is what you put in. If you routinely put in garbage, life squeezes you, nothing good will come out. But if you fill yourself with God's word and life puts you through that crucible, only truth and wisdom and goodness will come out.
In factual. Love, welcome, appreciate, and thank God for that crucible. So listen, we're living in a country that's under God's judgment. We can be the remnant. We have to have faith and truly trust God, and we have to immerse ourself and saturate ourselves with God's Word.
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