Congress is voting tomorrow on forcing the communists in China to sell TikTok to an American company or else it will be banned. We opened the phones on my Sirius/XM show and for the first 2 hours, every single caller was AGAINST the ban. I was surprised. I believe this says something very important about us...
Good morning, welcome to the Morning Motivation brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. What a fascinating show we had on Sirius XM this morning. You can watch it, if you don't have Sirius XM, 125, 6 to 9 in the morning, you can watch the show, the second two hours of the show on the First TV,, the First on TV on Twitter, Slater Radio, we retweet the live streams on Roku and Pluto and everywhere you stream. So we talked about banning TikTok. There's a bill that they're gonna vote on tomorrow in DC
that would force TikTok, force the communists to sell TikTok to an American company. I don't know why they would. And if they don't, then it would be banned in America. And I wanted to talk about this the other day because I don't know if the congressmen who are proposing this are prepared for the wrath of 170 million addicts,
particularly, I don't know, 100 million kids who are gonna have their TikTok taken away from them. Like, absolutely, you thought Black Lives Matter riots were bad? Wait till you get a bunch of 14-year-olds burning things down. So I wanted to talk to a congressman we did today about that but before that we open up the phones and I said are you in favor of banning tik-tok
and for two hours every single phone call was against the ban and I thought if the reason I thought to ask you that I thought people were gonna say they were against it for First Amendment reasons and I had my rebuttal all chambered to come back to that one. And that is that they're a communist country and they don't get our First Amendment privileges. But no one made that argument. It was very interesting.
I mean, the arguments briefly were, this is a parent's responsibility, not the government. I don't need the government to help me parent or to protect children. There's a great conservative community on TikTok. TikTok's where I learned to become a conservative and don't take that away from me. It's unlike any other app.
We get news in ways that no other app does, so don't take it away. What was another? Oh, China already has so much control over so much in America. Why focus on just this one? Which is such an interesting argument because it should be China has so much control
over everything already, let's get going. Like let's start banning other things that China has as well and this too, let's start here, but it wasn't. It was, so let's just do nothing. I thought that was fascinating. So it was really something, two hours with no one who was for the ban. So until the very end when a guy called in and said,
whoa, I had no idea how addicted adults were, somebody said. So I'm very excited for my day today because I'm going to prepare some thoughts on this and do it on tomorrow's show. We gotta talk about addiction and focus and what we set our minds to and garbage in, garbage out. And I need this reminder constantly. Proverbs 4.23 says,
"'Above all else, guard your heart "'for everything you do flows from it. How about that? Above all else. Proverbs doesn't say one of the things that you should sometimes think. Above all else.
What are you putting in your body?
But what are you putting in your mind? The body's better. Yesterday, this is interesting. I've been to what, 10,000 pizza places in my life. How many pieces of pizza did I eat? Yesterday we went to go pizza before soccer practice and I didn't really feel like pizza. So for the very first time in my life,
I ordered a calzone. And I'm mad at everyone. I'm mad at you, I'm mad at everyone I've ever met because no one has ever told me to get a calzone. How have I gone my entire life without having one of these delicious treats? What is wrong with? So then I had, I was like, well, maybe I was hungry.
And that's why this tastes so good. So I asked Johnny for a bite of his pizza and the pizza was good. It's very good pizza, but nothing compared to the calzone. The calzone was way better. Pepperoni and onion was what I went with. We talked about it on the radio today and some people said you gotta put ham in it.
That's what the guy said, just a ham in the calzone. I don't know, I didn't think I'd want it at all, but it's the most delicious thing ever way better than pizza I'm mad at everyone who's ever worked in a pizza place when I order pizza they're not like you sure you don't want a calzone it's I'm very bothered by this but the point is I ate the whole thing it was enormous and it's just a hunk of cheese it's a huge hunk of cheese and bread and I feel like garbage today obviously garbage in garbage out it's actually the first sign that I'm getting old,
was eating.
I used to eat a whole cheese pizza. It'd be fine, and then I'd go for a run. Now I have like pretzels, and I'm like, oh. So that's maybe even more true for your soul and for your mind. Martin Luther King, Jr., we shared this quote the other day on the radio that he gave this great sermon about how we all understand the physical laws of the universe. All right, we understand gravity.
You may not know the Newtonian formulas, but you understand gravity instinctually. But the moral laws of the universe are just as absolute. They're just as absolute as gravity, but we ignore them. And one of the moral laws of the universe is garbage in, garbage out. And the need to guard your heart and what you set your,
so what you set your mind to,
what you put your attention to. There are no social media apps that kids spend more than an hour on every day, except for TikTok, and it's almost two hours. Almost two hours a day on TikTok, and that's average. That means if a kid spends 10 minutes, another kid spends four hours. We need to guard our hearts and we need to guard
the hearts of our children. I was saying with this because I happened to read this this morning. This is in Luke. For a good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good, and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil.
For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. What is the abundance of our heart? What are we feeding it? What are we feeding our heart and our soul? Show me your social media feed and I'll tell you. Charles Spurgeon said, by the way, a quick side, he said, it's not merely the wicked, the bearer of poison berries that will be cut down, but also the neutral, the man who bears no fruit of positive virtue must also be cast into the fire.
That's something of note. But the abundance of our heart, what is the abundance of our heart today? And what can we change? What do we need to change in our life to make sure we're only putting goodness in? No more garbage in, only good, only the good, the beautiful and the true, only God's word.
Saturate ourselves, saturate with God's word. We have to change our habits and not be addicted, certainly to Chinese propaganda, but not be addicted to anything that is not good. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Transcript and commercial free, off the night before, the kids are off for spring break so I haven't been doing it the night before. Usually it's the night before. But transcript and commercial
been doing it the night before. Usually it's the night before. But transcript and commercial free at