Which is worse: giving nods to Hamas to shore up the Muslim vote in Michigan? Or fully betraying Israel because you hate the things we both stand for?
Good morning. Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. We talked a bit about Israel today on the radio this morning. There is a betrayal occurring right now by this White House against Israel. And even knowing who these people are, it's still quite shocking. And I think betrayal is a fair estimate. It makes sense though when you know the left's framework for how they think about everything. The only way that the left ever thinks about anything is oppressed or oppressor.
We know this by now, right? There is no right and wrong. I know this is hard to wrap our head around because that's how we operate. Conservatives think of right and wrong. Progressives today think about oppressed and oppressor. And Israel, no matter what is done to them, will always be the oppressor. The Gazans, Hamas, will always be the oppressed, no matter what they do. Nothing else matters.
There's no, well Israel's good, or Israel's in the right, or Israel, nothing. That does not exist. They are the oppressor. They're more powerful. Hamas are the oppressed, they're the freedom fighters, they can do no wrong, they are good. So in the progressive worldview, there is no good or bad, it's oppressed and oppressor, and if you're oppressed,
then that means you are good, you are pure, you are by definition innocent. And that's how the left, they're applying that framework to this situation too. And it's sickening, I don't know, it's horrible and wrong but that's what it is. This is Bernie Sanders and Bernie Sanders is not fringe on this, this is the Democratic Party line. That's why he went out on all the talk shows. He said the bottom line is we're looking at one
of the worst humanitarian disasters that we've seen in a very very long time. By the way this is after, this is all in response to the fact that Hamas terrorists killed 1,200 Jews, the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust. Okay. We're literally at this moment looking at hundreds of thousands of children starving to death because Israel is not allowing the humanitarian trucks into Gaza and especially into the areas where people are in most desperate condition. To my mind, Israel should not be getting another nickel in military aid until these policies
are fundamentally changed. So my view is no more military aid to Israel when children in Gaza are starving. That's Hamas. Hamas is starving children. Israel is not starving children. Hamas is starving children. These are terrorists who killed 1,200 Jews, who still have hostages by the way, still six Americans by the way.
And they're the ones starving children, not Israel. One last quote from Bernie, he said, Our job is to make sure that the American taxpayer is not complicit in allowing Netanyahu's military machine to kill innocent people and to result in mass starvation. I think what the people of Israel must understand, I'm pro-Israel, I support Israel, but they cannot continue to wage this immoral war against innocent people, innocent, and expect taxpayers in the United States to support them. This has got to end. We've got to move to a two-state solution. There is no two-state solution. That's not a thing. So it's pretty rich.
So I should also mention this, apologies. The other day, a missile went errant and it hit seven and killed seven aid workers in Gaza. And it's pretty rich to hear this administration and the Democrats talking about how wicked and evil and horrible that is. When Biden's very last touch in Afghanistan was a drone strike against the person that we thought was the terrorist behind the attack that killed the Marines at the gates of the airport, but in fact was an aid worker and his entire family,
including seven children. That was our very last touch in Afghanistan. And here we are, here they are, telling Israel they're so horrible and evil and wicked for doing such a thing. Now that's burning, okay. Here's our Secretary of State, much more measured in his words, right? He said what happened after October 7th could have ended immediately if Hamas stopped hiding civilians behind civilians, released the hostages and put down its weapons.
So it's good, at least they gave a little nudge to, hey, Israel are the bad guys. But Israel is not Hamas. Israel is a democracy. Hamas is a terrorist organization. Democracy has placed the highest value on human life, every human life. As it's been said, whoever saves a life saves the entire world. That's our strength. It's what distinguishes us from terrorists like Hamas. If we lose that reverence for human life, we risk becoming indistinguishable from those we confront. So he's getting awfully close to saying that Israel's no better than Hamas. Joel Pollack on Breitbart.com made the point that Israel just wrapped up a two-week battle where they killed 200 Hamas terrorists that were hiding in a hospital with zero civilian
casualties. the dedication of preserving human life may have no precedent like the IDF so the war drags on because this administration chose to criticize Israel every step of the way
now compare that to Trump Trump on ABC News says this is the ABC News headline Trump says Israel has to get war in Gaza over with fast and warns it's losing the PR war. Get it over with and let's get back to peace and stop killing people. That's a very simple statement. They got to get it done. Get it over with.
Get it over with fast because you got to get back to normalcy and peace. I'm not sure I'm loving the way they're doing it because you got to have victory. You have to have victory and it's taking a long time. So you have the Biden administration who doesn't like the way that Israel is doing this because they're going too hard. And you have Trump who doesn't like the way Israel is doing it because you guys are too weak. It's taking too long.
Hurry up. You got the left in America, Joe Biden saying we need a ceasefire. And Trump is saying hurry up and win. The white Biden had a phone call with Bibi Netanyahu yesterday and the White House wrote up a little thing about the phone call and he said that Biden underscored that an immediate ceasefire, immediate, is essential to stabilize and improve the humanitarian condition and protect innocent civilians. The UN the other day passed a resolution and America did not veto this, that for the first
time called for a ceasefire in a way that was disconnected from the releasing of hostages. So our line the whole time has been release the hostages and there'll be a ceasefire. Which is still pretty bad because they'll, you know, have gotten away with it. But now it's, we call for a ceasefire even if you don't release the hostages. That's a big change. So that's our White House.
That's our White House right now. Amazing. So we talked to Emma Jo Morris, our friend at Breitbart.com about this at 8 o'clock. And I asked her, why? Why is this the case? Why are the Democrats acting this way? And she gave the initial analysis, which has been the analysis for a while.
And it's still true. And that is that Biden has to give some nods to Hamas and a little pushback on Israel to appease the Muslims in the White House and the State Department. I'm not, that's not an exaggeration. They've had listening sessions in the State Department to hear and make space for Muslims who are very concerned about what's happening in Gaza, Palestine, right? So okay, so the White House, they'll give a couple here and there to appease that and also to make sure we don't lose voters in Michigan.
Now I don't want to skip too fast over that because that's quite something right there. But yeah, we got to give a little bit of a credit to a little bit of a nod to Hamas because you know We got a lot of Hamas supporters here in America and a lot of Democrats vote a lot of a lot of people who like Hamas vote for Democrats. All right, like that's pretty wild and That's still all true but the deeper Thing I think this is true too. Is that many people on the left hate the values that Israel stands for.
They hate what we stand for and they hate our religion. And Israel represents those things that the left hates. And Emma Jo said the words life, success, and God. We talked about a letter, I don't know if we ever talked about it here, but it was a couple months ago, there was an IDF forces, Israeli military soldiers, shot at who they thought was Hamas terrorists, but it turned out to be Israeli hostages. They killed, so some Israeli soldiers killed Israeli hostages. Horrible.
The mother of one of those Israelis killed wrote a note and said, I am Yotam's mother. I wanted to tell you that I love you very much and I hug you here from afar. I know that everything that happened is absolutely not your fault and nobody's fault except that of Hamas. I want you to look after yourselves and to think all the time that you are doing the best thing in the world, the best thing that can happen, that can help us because of all the people of Israel and all of us need you healthy. And don't hesitate for a second if you see a terrorist.
Don't think that you killed a hostage deliberately. You have to look after yourselves, because only that way can you look after us. And then she went on and ended this letter saying that I look forward to breaking bread with you in the future. Unbelievable, it makes me tear up every time I think of that.
And that letter, that's a supernatural forgiveness and peace and love. There's no question. There's no other way you could come to that conclusion that this mother did. But this letter here shows in a truly concrete way the nation that we're allied with over there. This isn't your run of the mill ally.
This is more than just geopolitical benefit. Someone called in and quoted or spoke of Genesis 12 which says, I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse. It's God talking. Now does that mean that we have to support every policy that the modern nation state of Israel ever, no of course not. But it's a good place to start. I was reading and it's not only, it's not those who bless Israel, it's those who honor God. I was reading
2nd Kings 20 just this morning about Hezekiah, king of Judah, wicked ruler and Isaiah goes to him and says hey you're gonna die, God says you're gonna die and Hezekiah says no no please God I promise please give me more. And God says, okay, fine, 15 years. And then he went right back to being wicked. And that's a lot of us, right? We beg God, oh, I'll be different, I promise. And then we're not.
So Hezekiah, among other things, has all the power and the money and all that. And he gets blinded by it all. And it's a very interesting thing that the devil does, that he can cause us to sin by making us too comfortable, too prosperous, too successful, and we move away from God, because that's the ultimate goal. The Screwtape Letter speaks a lot about this, C.S. Lewis. That they don't have to make you, the devil doesn't have to make you wicked as much as they just have to make you numb.
That's the devil's goal, is to keep you away from God, to keep us away from relying on God. And you can do that many ways. We think of the devil coming to destroy and make our life harder, but the devil can also destroy your soul by making your life so good that you move away from God. So Hezekiah dies and then his son takes over. This is 2 Kings 21. He was 12 when he took over and he was worse than his dad. He raised up altars for Baal, made wooden images, worshipped all the hosts of heaven and served them, all the different made-up gods. How about this line? This is the line that struck me.
He made his son pass through the fire. Manasseh was his name. Sacrificed his own son to Molech, who was worshipped with the burning of children. It's the king of Judah. And it's easy to look at that and be like, oh man, wow, that guy, he was crazy. But you can't put all the blame on the king. Second Chronicles 33 10.
And the Lord spoke to Manasseh and his people, but they would not listen. God spoke to both the people and the leader. They both rejected him. This is us, I think, at least where we're going. I still believe we can turn it around. Also worth noting that there's a long way still to fall. We're not, I mean listen, a million people, a million babies are aborted every year, but we're not yet at the sacrificial altar burning of children.
When that happens, you know we've hit rock bottom. So pace yourself, we still have a long way to go. Ideally we get nowhere near it. But if we lead the way in living for God and trusting God and loving God, maybe we can also lead a nation to repentance as well. Mike Slater.Locals.com. Commercial free. And the transcripts on the website Mike Slater.Locals.com.