The judge in the NY Trump trial donated money to Biden's campaign and to a group called "Stop Republicans". Are you kidding me? When you're treated this unjustly, how will you respond? Isaiah has some wisdom.
Good morning, welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. We just got off the phone with one of Donald Trump's lawyers, and this is about his hush money case in New York. It's a total scam, it's a total joke. But he made one point that the judge, the judge in this case, donated money to the Biden campaign to a political group called the Progressive Turnout Fund, I think it was called, and the Progressive Turnout Fund, and then another group called Stop Republicans. The judge of the Republican and his daughter is the president of an organization that raised 93 million dollars for Joe Biden and
other Democrats. Are you kidding me? Are you absolutely like how could that possibly be? How could the person who wrote the simulation of our life have thrown in this little Easter egg that the judge of the case is not only a liberal guy, a progressive guy, and a donor of Joe Biden and a group called Stop Republicans. Which specifically if you go to their website it specifically mentions Donald Trump. So any sick judge in the trial, it's unbelievable. Listen, when it hits the fan you're not going to get a fair trial. Not here on earth you won't. You won't. There's no... Don't count on it. Maybe you will. Maybe you will. Don't count on it. I found a couple
scriptures here that I think are related. I mean they're all related to each other. Psalm 22 7. David says, But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by mankind, despised by the people. All who see me mock me. They make mouths at me. They wag their heads. You will be mocked. And Christians, just in my lifetime, have gone through a period of mockery. And I know, because before I was a Christian, I did the mocking. I know what it's like. I did it. And it's all throughout the Bible. Judas mocked Jesus. The scribes and the chief priests scorned him. Herod despised him.
The soldiers jeered him and beat him. Pilate and the guards mocked him. King of the Jews! Then of course, while up on the cross, Isaiah 53 says, He was despised and rejected by men. So will you. Yesterday, I know we mentioned Philippians 1.29 For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ
not only to believe in Him, Amen, but also to suffer for His sake. Wait a second. I didn't sign up for that. I just signed up for the believing part and the benefits of that. I didn't sign up for the suffering. Oh yeah, you did. Now check this out. Isaiah 3.10.
This is unbelievable. to the righteous that's you that it shall be well with them I almost want to stop right there but let me go to a little more for they shall eat the fruit of their doings woe to the wicked that shall be ill with them for the reward of his hands shall be given him so God will both reward the righteous and the righteous and the wicked will both get what they deserve but I just want to focus on that line say to the righteous that it shall be well with them. I am telling you that it will be well with you. I can say that because that's what it says in the Bible.
Let me quote this from Charles Spurgeon. He said, from the beginning to the end of the year, from the first evening shadows until the day star shines, in all conditions under all circumstances, it will be well with the righteous. It will be so well with the righteous that we could not imagine it to be better because they are well fed feeding on the flesh and blood of Jesus. They are well clothed wearing the imputed righteousness of Christ. They're well housed, better than any nice clothes you could buy. They're well housed dwelling in God. They're well married, their souls knit in bond of marriage to Christ. They're well supplied for the Lord is their shepherd. They're
well endowed for heaven is their inheritance. It is well with the righteous." Even if you're not well fed on earth or clothed or housed or married or supplied, God, or you don't have an endowment coming when family members pass away, God has you in all the ways that really matter here and for all of eternity. It says here, tell the godly that all will be well for them. Gosh, if that doesn't bring peace, I can't believe I just came across the scripture, if that, I came across it last night, if that doesn't bring peace, that's the point of this podcast is to find peace in the midst of chaos. Even if you're mocked and ridiculed, even if you're attacked,
even if you're going through a justice system and it's unjust and it feels horrible, it says here in the Bible, tell the godly, the righteous, that all will be well for them. It doesn't say it will be well right now necessarily, but all will be well for you. So what do we injustice and mockery you can laugh you can it God promises you it's gonna be well for you can laugh when 10,000 devils declare all to be bad because it says right here all will be well the people of God you and me are truly blessed even in the face of earth maybe especially in the face of mockery and persecution because it's for his sake and remember Isaiah 310,
Tell the godly that all will be well for them. Mike Slater dot locals dot com Transcript and commercial free on the website Mike Slater dot locals dot com